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Thread: DZNUTZ is no longer with us - Rest in Peace bro....

  1. #1
    Wasted Talent Casper's Avatar
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    Apr 2002

    Cry DZNUTZ is no longer with us - Rest in Peace bro....

    As much as I don't want to believe this, it's f'in true. I received the following in an email today and it's set me back so much right now, that I'm really really at a loss for words.

    I was wondering if you were a friend of David's from the Dirty Dozen X-Box Group? If so I wanted you to know that last night David passed away. This is one of his best friends, Billy. If you would like to talk about it please feel free to give me a call on my cell:
    408-***-****. Take care, Billy
    I had called this guy and left a voice mail, still thinking it was a mistake, but noticing that the 408 area code was the same as DZ's. Spartan called DZ's house for me (I couldn't bring myself to do it) and talked to DZ's cousin, who then said that DZ was partying last night at a friend's house and got into a fight, getting stabbed in the neck, stomach and back, and that he died last night.....

    My boy DZ is no longer with us, not just XBA, not just XBL or the DDC, but life, period. He always was one to stand up for himself, but it seems that there's always cowards out there that have to bring a weapon into things. I've been tight with him ever since I've been on XBA and the friendship just grew closer once XBL went live. I got to meet him at E3 and he was cool as hell, just like a true friend - but dam if he just wouldn't calm down to be able to enjoy life rather than thug it out. Fuk DZ man, why the hell did you have to go so fukin soon????

    I can't even post no more - I'm in freakin tears cuz I was as close to DZ as I was alot of my offline friends, but he was a true friend to me, and the rest of everyone that came into his life when it came to gaming......

    I haven't talked to him since last Monday - never got to say my goodbyes, but god speed man, I'll see you on the flip....

    edited to update story...
    Last edited by Casper-XBA; 05-24-2004 at 11:16 AM.

  2. #2


    I remember playing on scpt once or twice with him...even though our team never did very well, he was an absolute blast to play with, seemed like a great guy. A tear's comin to my eye b/c now i'll never be able to play with him again.

    RIP DZ

  3. #3
    ChickenSHHHH, Fosho & now Kortiz's Avatar
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    Fort Wayne, Indiana


    Rest in Peace bro. You will definitely be missed.

  4. #4


    Wow, this is tough. I don't really know what to say. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Today is a sad day amoung the xba staff and xba members of this site, plus the many friends David (DZ) has made with the ddclive xbox live clan... I'm pretty shocked right now and don't really know what to say because i never would have believed something like this to happen... My condolences go out to David's family and friends... Lifes to short to sit around and do nothing, this hits very close to home and it gives me a huge wake up call. I hope a lot of people really take this to heart...

    Rest in Peace... You were a friend to me and i was looking forward to hanging out again...

    RIP David (DZNUTZ) 5/23/04

  6. #6


    damnit, I always said if someone on this site or in real life dies it wouldn't be good at all but I would always be calm. I can deal with this **** alright but why the **** did it have to be like this. He was one of the best memers on here.
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    thanks to lax_defense for the sig

  7. #7


    I feel so horrible about this right now, its hard to tell what to say. When Casper first told me, I didnt believe it, didn't want to believe it. I thought, "Yeah this has to be a joke, DZ can't die, hes DZ" but then when Spartan called, I started choking up. DZ, you were a OG, I had some really fun times playing on Live with you man. I know you are hard core, and probably could have beat that dudes ass. I am at a loss for words on what to say right now. My thoughts go out to DZ's family and friends, Casper, Chaotic, Rude, Duke, Maximus, Kraft, Silver, Caesar, Skoal, JJaX, Nik2deep, and any other DDC that I may have forgotten. DZ man, I hope you enjoyed life, I sure as hell know you lived it to the fullest.

    Thoughts and prayers are with your family man, and with the entire DDC.

    This ones for you...

  8. #8
    Brick killed a guy. shrew king's Avatar
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    Jesus Christ. Bretman told me a few minutes ago, still sinking in.

    I hope nothing but the best for his family. He died far before his time.
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    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" - Nelson Mandela

  9. #9
    Alba go bragh sojourner's Avatar
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    I'll be praying for you, I'm so sorry to hear this, all my heart felt sorrow to his friends and family.
    "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

  10. #10
    peejay peejay's Avatar
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    DZ, I never knew you too well but I pray that you're in a better place. We'll miss you.

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    "Get what you can. Can what you get. And sit on your can."

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Rest in Peace man

  12. #12
    ChickenSHHHH, Fosho & now Kortiz's Avatar
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    Fort Wayne, Indiana


    I hate this ****. I'm still waiting to hear about Dz week...


  13. #13
    Penguin Posse AmpedRider's Avatar
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    Wow that was definately hard hitting. Yankeez just IM'd me and I kept thinking it was bull****. Rest in peace DZ you will be missed and always remembered. Not just here on the forums or XBL but everywhere man.
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    Owned And Operated by Yours Truely

    RIP David (DZNUTZ) 5/23/04

  14. #14
    Tattooed For Life Shoua's Avatar
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    When something like this happens it makes me think how vulnerable we all are. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those close to DZ. Rest In Peace

  15. #15
    Eleven Nine LiquidX's Avatar
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    I didn't know DZ that well but heard he was a good guy and a hell of an Xbox player. This makes me wonder about some of the other XBAers I havent seen in a whil like army of one... RIP DZ.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    I really don't know what to say.....

    RIP DZ, may your family find some comfort in this time of grief.

  17. #17


    I have made a simple sig in honor of DZ, those who would like to use it, feel free.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Schaumburg, IL


    Damn wtf.... This totally sucks... I still can't believe this happened...
    RIP David (DZNUTZ) 5/23/04

  19. #19
    beeswax not yours inc. silvertrace's Avatar
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    hard to put to words how i feel at the moment, mostly because i didnt know DZ like alot of the other ddc members...i never went to e3 and hung out with the rest of the guys, but that doesnt make this any easier...i put things into perspective when i thought back how long i'd been friends with DZ...i've known this guy over a year and a with that said i want to say "goodbye" to you Deez, and that i'll miss bull$hitting with you....

    prays to your family and will be missed

  20. #20


    I only wish I didn't end on a bad note with the guy.

    Jesus, I can't believe this happened.

    My thoughts go out to him and all of his friends and family. Rest in Peace, Dave.

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