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Thread: How do you rate Xbox so far?

  1. #1
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    Default How do you rate Xbox so far?

    I have been let down a few times so far, but that's not my Xbox's fault, that's the nimrod's who made the games fault. I am a tough person to please, but I really gotta give my Xbox a 10 out of 10. I really feel like I bought the true next generation system, and I see PS2 as a Dreamcast with DVD, and Gamecube as a good solid system, but definitely inferior to the Xbox.

    This system should last a very long time, and PS3 will probably be mainly for PS2 owners who are bummed Cube and Xbox especially are kicking their ass really bad by then. I don't think Xbox or Cube owners will need a PS3, only PS2 owners will because PS2 is just an inferior system to the others, and PS3 will be needed just to compete with todays best the Xbox.

  2. #2


    The Xbox itself I'll give 9/10. Just cause I don't like the controllers too well, the green color, and its froze up on me every so often.
    The games I'll give 5/10. They've really sucked but good ones are beginning to come out. Blood Omen 2, Rallisport Challenge, NBA2k2, and JSRF are some examples of some good ones. NFL Fever and Halo are probably he only old ones worth owning. The rest are mainly rentals.

  3. #3
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    Did ya bash PS2 enough there dave? ^_^
    Predict all ya want man that battle will last for some time

    now I want an x-box

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by Formula_91
    Did ya bash PS2 enough there dave? ^_^
    Predict all ya want man that battle will last for some time

    now I want an x-box
    come on mate you know it true what he's said I feel the XBOX and the Game Cube are really gonna strangle the PS2s hold on the market soon and only fanboy PS2 owners will by the PS3

  5. #5
    Registered User guitargod711's Avatar
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    I rate Xbox as being good ,but great in the future

  6. #6


    Good for now, hopefully great later. I bought a PS2 to fill the void

    I had in the games that are lacking for Xbox currently, by next

    year though, I think PS2 will have a hard time competing.

    The tides are slowly shifting in the console world.

  7. #7
    NuT jOb FuNkY mOnK's Avatar
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    On a scale from 1 to 10 xbox gets 11. i love my green power plant,
    it can do no wrong once its understood.

  8. #8
    Lost but not forgotten - RIP DZNUTZ DZNUTZ's Avatar
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    i guess the sky is the limit...but personally i couldn't be more content then i am with the XBOX...its is one bad ash machine ...and i really have no complaints.

  9. #9
    Your Ghost Host Master Gracey's Avatar
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    I'd give the Xbox itself a perfect 10 out of 10. I love the colour scheme, the big controller, the fact that I have over 200 songs stored inside and well over 75% of hard drive space left, and the killer DVD player features.

    What I can't stand are the games. I want something with originality... or at least good replay value. Something that I can play for weeks and not have the same thing happen over and over and over and over. I don't like sci-fi, I'm dead sick of racing games, I don't care much for sports games, and I'm even sick of hearing my OWN soundtrack in THPS2X. Don't even talk to me about THPS3... I enjoy the vert skating stuff, so the reliance on constant manuals bored me to tears.

    In a nutshell, the Box has power and potential... we just need some GAMES!!!!!! And we also need the developers to stop pushing the good stuff back.

  10. #10
    ChickenSHHHH, Fosho & now Kortiz's Avatar
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    play station will never go under. it has life long fans now.
    and there a plenty of people who will buy PS3 along with the next Xbox and the next GC......and so on and so on....the thing is, we need to get to the point where all 3 systems is liked....but that wont happen in the mixed economy that we have in the gaming business. if they all cost 10bucks, there would be no discussion on which one is best...we all would have one.....people are out to make money.....and all 3 consoles got some clout in some way shape or form. PS3 or GC or Xbox will all live til the end of consoles....

  11. #11
    No one will read this. Frink's Avatar
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    One word: 10. Well I guess that really isn't a word.

  12. #12
    I eat babies Plewis's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ChickenSHHHH
    play station will never go under. it has life long fans now.
    and there a plenty of people who will buy PS3 along with the next Xbox and the next GC......and so on and so on....the thing is, we need to get to the point where all 3 systems is liked....but that wont happen in the mixed economy that we have in the gaming business. if they all cost 10bucks, there would be no discussion on which one is best...we all would have one.....people are out to make money.....and all 3 consoles got some clout in some way shape or form. PS3 or GC or Xbox will all live til the end of consoles....
    You could have said the same thing about Sega couldn't you... I would give my green machine a 10. The console is the best ever in my opinion. I give myself a 5 because I bought crappy games like DOA3, and Bloodwake. If I would of waited for games like NBA 2K2, and JSRF I would be even more happy. But I will be able to get them soon. My xbox is great. I love everything about it except for maybe... the freezing problem It's only happened to my once, but I feel for the other people. I don't even know if it's that big, because you only hear a few people talkin about it

  13. #13
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    I give the xbox a 9/10. For a new system, you have to give them high marks for the games they have. It's the best group of games for a new system that I ever remember, hands down.

    However, having said that......the games for the most part SUCK! I keeps saying, and I also keep saying that this is not a xbox-only problem......90% of ALL games on ALL platforms SUCK, period.

    To make matters worse, these pinheads hype the **** out of these games knowing full well their games is going to SUCK. Even the games that re decent sink under the weight of all the pre-release hype that is thrown on them.

    Long ago, I reached the point where I realized reading the back of a game box or reading a "preview" article on a game is a complete total propaganda waste of time.

    PS2 brags about having 15 billion games....well, who cares, 14,999,999,986 of them SUCK.

    Face it, good games are rare.....great games almost non-existant.

  14. #14
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    btw, as far as who will survive...I already know.

    there is only room for 2 game consoles on the market and GC will be the one that goes the way of dreamcast.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by robnyack
    btw, as far as who will survive...I already know.

    there is only room for 2 game consoles on the market and GC will be the one that goes the way of dreamcast.
    Nar I don't think so mate as over here in the UK it's the cheapest console over here and I'm sure the people who are buying the Game Cube know that Nintendo do some great games and it a cheap present for some kids birthday.

    The XBOX will be the hardcore gamers and the PC owners next move as they feel they've has enough of upgrading there PC I should know as when I was collecting my XBOX at 12.00am I asked some of the people why did they buy the XBOX most of them had never bought a console as most of them where PC owners

    And with Sony I feel it will be the beggars choice as there are loads of ripped games for it and I'm sure you'll soon be able to go to Mac Donalds buy one Big Mac and get a PS2 free

  16. #16
    Craziest Mofo in the XBA Crazy Joe's Avatar
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    i gotta give a 10, because i bought it pretty much on impulse and wasn't hyping myself up for a year like alot of people were. not saying those people don't love it but i am much easier to impress i am sure. just a note, once i got it i found this site a couple of weeks later and never turned back....

    I am xBa 4 Life

  17. #17
    Registered User sinizuh's Avatar
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    at the moment, i give Xbox 3 out of 10... but that's only cause i have Genma Onimusha in it...

    but seriously, Xbox right now gets about 7.5 out of 10. It's good, but it can be soooo much better. once online play comes out, it will bump my score up 1-1.5 points.

  18. #18


    I will give it......8 out of 10. 2 points off for Need Improvement. Probably by the end of the year it will be a 10.

  19. #19
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    Smile How do you rate Xbox so far?

    Well I have had my xbox for a week now and think the graphics are amazing. I have got used to the big control pad, at first it made my thumb hurt. I have had a problem with my xbox, whilst playing Halo all of a sudden it says Controller 1 missing please reinsert and press start. I have checked all connections and they are fine. It has happened a few times now. I dont think it is anything too serious. As far as all this which console is better stuff, I own a PS2 aswell and the Xbox has the better graphics. If the PS3 came out with better graphics than Xbox I would get one. At the end of the day whatever console has the best graphics/games that is what I am going to get. At the moment Xbox is my choice. The games I think are good so far for Xbox. Halo RULES!.

    Will ;-)

  20. #20
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    9.9 out of 10 (only because nothing is perfect) But, it's d a m n close!! I love my's the best console to ever hit the console market, in my opinion. Personally, I have never had more fun with a console until the XBox.

    One of the things that really irritates me with some of the posts I see on this thread is that people are basing their votes on games that they probably own and ended up being disappointments. I mean, if my XBox library consisted of the greatness of Kabuki Warriors, the mind boggling 4x4 Evo, and the utter brilliancy of Fuzion Frenzy, I would have given it low scores, too!

    But, in any event, every system has bad games. It's just a part of life...and, some people might find the above games very enjoyable...and, I say good for them!!!

    As for me, I rate the games that I own a solid 9/10. Why? I'm picky on which games I buy based on the research I do before I lay down my hard earned $50. But, that's just me

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