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Thread: Angry!!!

  1. #1
    Registered User neutralfighter1's Avatar
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    Angry Angry!!!

    I am sorry if this has already been posted, ( I tried to search the forums but i got a bad url)
    but I am TOTALLY P***ED about all of those stupid posers out there who criticize the Xbox 360 on MINOR details! They complain on stupid little things like "Oh, no! My Xbox froze!" or "It scratched my disk!"
    Or the ever popular "It was a big letdown because it didn't meet my sky fu**in high expectations, so I'm going to place my trust in the PS3 even though when it releases it's pictures it cleans them up nice and good so it can look like something their really not, even though it already crashed BEFORE it was even released because they were so scared of the competition from the Xbox 360 that they tried so hard to outdo the Xbox graphics wize that it caught it's own fu**in self on fire!"
    The Xbox 360 is an amazing machine and it deserves to be in every house in the whole world because you can trust Microsoft and it's programmers over the those lying, cheating, backstabbing, jerk offs who work at Sony who call themselves programmers!
    And I don't think that many people know this but the pictures for Metal Gear for the PS3 have been cleaned up and spitshined so it would look better than the Xbox 360 to outdo it's sales. And in an interview with Sony they anounced that those pictures weren't "officially" released by them. And they said something else about their not promising that it will look like that. Hmmm.... I wonder what that means? **cough**lying**cough**fu--s**cough**.
    But anyways back on the subject of critics.
    While I was reading the newspaper (Yes, I'm 15 and I can read.) a consumer was interviewed who had recently purchased a Xbox 360 from BestBuy and said that it froze on him, saying quote "I used to be a big Microsoft fan, but now my trust in them has been lost because of this."
    Big whoop'dy fu**in doo! EVERY console has glitches when it is released! And if he doesn't want it then step aside and give it to someone else who wants and deserves it. Instead of wasting $300 to complain about a system who you camped outside in a sleeping bag in the middle of 45 degree weather with your next months rent in your hand for something your gonna bi**h about.
    And even if you get a faulty Xbox then use that little thing that's called a warranty that comes with every system including your beloved Sony gaming consoles.
    Come on guys! Be smart! And don't be a jack a** just because you couldn't get laid from your already ugly Sony loving girlfriend because you bought a Microsoft console!
    Thank you for hearing my plee for sanity in this fu**ed up world. Feel free to respond. I will be back with more evidence of this heracy. God save us all.
    Last edited by neutralfighter1; 12-22-2005 at 06:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Master of Pong
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    Hmmm. I was considering skipping the XBox2 and buying myself 5 PS3's. Just to help Sony's cause. But, having considered your fine arguments, I think I will reconsider and go buy myself an XBox2.

    Is that the effect you hoped to have? Because I fear you will do the opposite by publicly aligning your idiotic self with all things XBox.

  3. #3
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    Made a couple good points, but you made to many insults and language slanders for me to really take you seriously.

  4. #4
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by DD-KGann
    Made a couple good points, but you made to many insults and language slanders for me to really take you seriously.
    I think he works for Sony.

  5. #5
    ZOMG I was h4xx3d J3bus WTF's Avatar
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    I agree. I think people need to stop complaining about these glitches and random things that happen to a select few xbox 360's. Every console has its problems when it is first released. That kid saying he doesnt trust microsoft was funny, because I would trust them over the rootkit-producing Sony anyday.

  6. #6
    Registered User neutralfighter1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J3bus WTF
    I agree. I think people need to stop complaining about these glitches and random things that happen to a select few xbox 360's. Every console has its problems when it is first released. That kid saying he doesnt trust microsoft was funny, because I would trust them over the rootkit-producing Sony anyday.
    That's it join my caus!!! lol.
    But seriously I am totally angry with Sony, consumers, and people who think their gamers.

    P.S. I realize that I have used too much slander and I apologize for that. Normally I don't like swearing but in this case I am angry beyond words. I apologize again. This will probably be the only time that I swear except for on anything else on this subject.

    P.S.S. I don't work for Sony... that was quite insulting.

  7. #7
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by neutralfighter1
    But seriously I am totally angry with .... people who think their gamers.
    I don't get it. Are there people who think they play games, but in reality they really don't play games? What sort of psychological disorder would that be?

  8. #8
    The Heavenly Addict!!!
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    All the next-gen consoles have great games and will be great systems. A true gamer (not a fanboy) cares about quality games and not what system they are on.

  9. #9
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heavens Gate
    All the next-gen consoles have great games and will be great systems. A true gamer (not a fanboy) cares about quality games and not what system they are on.
    I love you.

  10. #10
    Registered User neutralfighter1's Avatar
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    Wink The difference is.... (drum roll)

    Ok a Gamer is a person who's life is almost completely dedicated to video games and know what their doing, on the other hand you have people who think their Gamers and think they know what their doing. And then you have the casual player who goes out, buys a system with the money he's had saved up for years now and buys a console and hardly ever plays it. Or you have your casual Game Player (Not gamer) who begs his parents for a system (Usually a sony product cuz all their friends have one.) and have them waste their money on a system he hardly ever plays.
    Also I don't know why the casual Game Player always get Sony products. It's always Gamers who get Microsoft produts, not normally the Game player type.

  11. #11
    Registered User neutralfighter1's Avatar
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    (Don't mean to double post)
    I used to be like that until Sony fanboys kept Fu**in with me and the products always seemed bland and boring. (not as lively as Xbox) So I became tired of Sony's backstabbing ways and their jerk off minions (PS2 fanboys, Programmers are the Generals.) and became a hardcore Xbox fan. And plus, my neighbor works for Microsoft free toys!!
    When and if I get a PS3 we'll see if it can make a big enough impact to turn me back to my neutral side. Don't get your hopes up though.

  12. #12
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by neutralfighter1
    Ok a Gamer is a person who's life is almost completely dedicated to video games and know what their doing, on the other hand you have people who think their Gamers and think they know what their doing. And then you have the casual player who goes out, buys a system with the money he's had saved up for years now and buys a console and hardly ever plays it. Or you have your casual Game Player (Not gamer) who begs his parents for a system (Usually a sony product cuz all their friends have one.) and have them waste their money on a system he hardly ever plays.
    Also I don't know why the casual Game Player always get Sony products. It's always Gamers who get Microsoft produts, not normally the Game player type.
    I'm sorry. Not a single bit of that made sense to me.

    So... you are saying that everyone who buys Sony products is not a gamer?

    Gamers are only XBox players?

    So Gamers have only existed for 4 years or so?

    If it wasn't for your lack of coherence, I would almost pity you and consider mailing you a PS2 and a few games for Christmas. You would be surprised, if you could get past your hatred and actually turn the system on, to find yourself actually playing some fun games. The Ratchet and Clank series, in particular, are worth the cost of the PS2. Not to mention God of War, Katamari, Onimusha 2, and numerous RPG's.

    Now, I have both versions of Burnout and both versions of Mercenaries and Madden, and the XBox versions are better in all three. But there are exclusives on both systems that make each a decent platform for your gaming pleasure.

    It is sad that you find being a "Gamer" such an important goal, and yet deny yourself 90% of the games out there. The PC, Gameboy, GameCube, PS2, and PSP have 100 times the number of quality games, put together, that the XBox and XBox2 have. And you think you can ignore all of those quality hours of good gaming and consider yourself a "Gamer". No offense kid, but since you were probably born long after coin arcades reached their zenith and declined, I really don't think you are going to ever have much cred as a real Gamer.

    Merry Christmas.

  13. #13
    Registered User neutralfighter1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swivel
    I'm sorry. Not a single bit of that made sense to me.

    So... you are saying that everyone who buys Sony products is not a gamer?

    Gamers are only XBox players?

    So Gamers have only existed for 4 years or so?

    If it wasn't for your lack of coherence, I would almost pity you and consider mailing you a PS2 and a few games for Christmas. You would be surprised, if you could get past your hatred and actually turn the system on, to find yourself actually playing some fun games. The Ratchet and Clank series, in particular, are worth the cost of the PS2. Not to mention God of War, Katamari, Onimusha 2, and numerous RPG's.

    Now, I have both versions of Burnout and both versions of Mercenaries and Madden, and the XBox versions are better in all three. But there are exclusives on both systems that make each a decent platform for your gaming pleasure.

    It is sad that you find being a "Gamer" such an important goal, and yet deny yourself 90% of the games out there. The PC, Gameboy, GameCube, PS2, and PSP have 100 times the number of quality games, put together, that the XBox and XBox2 have. And you think you can ignore all of those quality hours of good gaming and consider yourself a "Gamer". No offense kid, but since you were probably born long after coin arcades reached their zenith and declined, I really don't think you are going to ever have much cred as a real Gamer.

    Merry Christmas.
    No No No, What I am saying is whenever a Game Player buys a system it's normally a Sony product. I didn't say that only Gamers buy xbox's

    P.S. I own a PS2 thanks though. Oh and I have a warranty on it from BestBuy so that when PS3 comes out all I have to do is turn my PS2 in and I get a PS3 for pretty much free all I have to do is pay for the tax. So no, I am not just saying hateful things about Sony just because I'm an Xbox fanboy I've been to the PS2 side, I have seen the top of the mountain... and it is not good. Thanks anyways.
    Oh, I do have a PSP aswell... about the only good thing Sony has made. And I may not have been alive during arcade times, but my parents gave me their SNES, NES, Gameboy (not pocket, I mean Gameboy) and their Sega Genesis and bought me lots of classic games, Pacman was the first game I ever owned, Final Fantasy 3 was my second, Zelda was my Third. When I went on plane trips I played Dr. Mario on My GB. So I have grown up on those games. Time dosn't matter, the games do. So don't criticize me on what you think you know.

    P.S. F*** you. **smooch**

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by neutralfighter1
    P.S. I own a PS2 thanks though. Oh and I have a warranty on it from BestBuy so that when PS3 comes out all I have to do is turn my PS2 in and I get a PS3 for pretty much free all I have to do is pay for the tax.

    That's one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. And the fact that you even think the PS3 will be the same price that you paid for a new PS2? ...... Yea..
    Executive Editor

  15. #15
    The Heavenly Addict!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by swivel
    I'm sorry. Not a single bit of that made sense to me.

    So... you are saying that everyone who buys Sony products is not a gamer?

    Gamers are only XBox players?

    So Gamers have only existed for 4 years or so?

    If it wasn't for your lack of coherence, I would almost pity you and consider mailing you a PS2 and a few games for Christmas. You would be surprised, if you could get past your hatred and actually turn the system on, to find yourself actually playing some fun games. The Ratchet and Clank series, in particular, are worth the cost of the PS2. Not to mention God of War, Katamari, Onimusha 2, and numerous RPG's.

    Now, I have both versions of Burnout and both versions of Mercenaries and Madden, and the XBox versions are better in all three. But there are exclusives on both systems that make each a decent platform for your gaming pleasure.

    It is sad that you find being a "Gamer" such an important goal, and yet deny yourself 90% of the games out there. The PC, Gameboy, GameCube, PS2, and PSP have 100 times the number of quality games, put together, that the XBox and XBox2 have. And you think you can ignore all of those quality hours of good gaming and consider yourself a "Gamer". No offense kid, but since you were probably born long after coin arcades reached their zenith and declined, I really don't think you are going to ever have much cred as a real Gamer.

    Merry Christmas.
    I love you back!!! I couldn't have said it better myself. A TRUE gamer speaks and it's about time too!

  16. #16


    The problem here is that he's 15 and still needs to classify all types of people by category. You know, some poeple are "goths" others are "punks" and every group has it's "poseurs". So what he is essentially arguing is that to truly be consodered a "gamer" you must meet standard "x" which he has laid out but I can't be bothered to quote.

    In reality, these delineations of allegiance are paper thin and carry no true merit. In another 5-10 years he'll realize that people are individuals and make decisions based on what appeals to them rather than to satisy the standard of a particularly defined "clique".

    So he's not and idiot, he's a 15 year old and acting exactly as one ahould expect a 15 year old to act.

    That said, everyone who plays games has an opinion that speaks to their level of playing. For example, what would you call a Tetris master that hates FPS and thinks Halo CE sucks? What about someone who buys Nintendo products only because he has children and can share the majority of games with them? What about someone who absolutely loved his PS1 (and rightly so because it was a freaking great system) and has been loyal to Sony ever since? You can't say these people are not gamers. We're all gamers. As for people who bought the system and hardly play it, so what? They're consumers, and if they enjoy that minimal amount of gaming they do enough to justify spending $500 on a system then that's hardcore enough for me. Maybe I won't be using their Halo strategies, but I don't feel it's fair to discredit casual gamers because they don't fit your definiton.

  17. #17
    Gamerscore Whore
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    Perfect example of Fanboyism right here. Sheeesh.

    Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, I will have a PS3 most likely at some point in time as well as my 360 AND every other console I have bought in the past. If something appeals to me on a console, I will get it. if there is nothing appealling to me then I wont own it. But for you to think there will be nothing appealing to Xbox Gamers on the PS3 is insane. Are they going to turn their backs on the 360? Yeah right.

    Its guys like you that start these fanboy wars. Why not just be a gamer and enjoy everything that is out there no matter the brand.

  18. #18
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by FB-Gollum
    The problem here is that he's 15 and still needs to classify all types of people by category. You know, some poeple are "goths" others are "punks" and every group has it's "poseurs". So what he is essentially arguing is that to truly be consodered a "gamer" you must meet standard "x" which he has laid out but I can't be bothered to quote.

    In reality, these delineations of allegiance are paper thin and carry no true merit. In another 5-10 years he'll realize that people are individuals and make decisions based on what appeals to them rather than to satisy the standard of a particularly defined "clique".

    So he's not and idiot, he's a 15 year old and acting exactly as one ahould expect a 15 year old to act.

    That said, everyone who plays games has an opinion that speaks to their level of playing. For example, what would you call a Tetris master that hates FPS and thinks Halo CE sucks? What about someone who buys Nintendo products only because he has children and can share the majority of games with them? What about someone who absolutely loved his PS1 (and rightly so because it was a freaking great system) and has been loyal to Sony ever since? You can't say these people are not gamers. We're all gamers. As for people who bought the system and hardly play it, so what? They're consumers, and if they enjoy that minimal amount of gaming they do enough to justify spending $500 on a system then that's hardcore enough for me. Maybe I won't be using their Halo strategies, but I don't feel it's fair to discredit casual gamers because they don't fit your definiton.
    Gollum, I love you.... but....

    You just accused a guy of being prejudiced regarding people. Of casting individuals into groups in a lazy attempt to label and understand them. And then you said that he was 15 and acted like all 15 years olds act. I wonder if the irony here escapes you?

  19. #19
    The Soul of Wit. Brevity's Avatar
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    I think everyone who has a Xbox360 go out on them has a legitimate right to complain.
    I recall when the Xbox released and all the talk about this or that wrong with it then. But I tell you I see way more people having troubles now than before with other consoles. Maybe thats just because I troll forums more or that these people now how forums to voice these issues. But I am also thinking its because there are a lot of people having a wide range of issues.

    Why do people sit back and say well its new and we can expect "some" issues. Or some hardware failures. I seen that in a magazine article and it made me bitter and angry because thats stupid thinking that sets people up with the expectation that its "okay" for a company to manufacture faulty equipment.

    Give me a break how happy would you be if after buying the new 06 Dodge/Ford/Chevy it simply would not start. Or it had other troubles. Well you would take it back under the Lemon Policy right? What would you do if you took it back and they gave you another new 06 vehicle and it too didnt start once you got it home. Or had other issues. Well what if it was some other product. Any other product... a new jet that never takes off or a ship that sinks.

    The idea is maybe you forgive them the first time but if after two you still dont have a working car you would no doubt start to think about buying another brand from another maker.

    Also factor in that you were lucky enough to have several friends who also got vehicle or item X and they are also having issues. Now with any other product I would think this would warrant some serious attention and not some fogging over of the issues.

    I hate to see fanboys like you and others say its okay that you paid x amount of money for x product thats not working. Hell be mad as hell if you paid for some piece of junk thats not working by a company who sucks. Its no skin of my back. But only a fool would say there is something wrong with people being mad at people who feel taken advantage of for paying so much for a faulty product.
    Last edited by Brevity; 12-23-2005 at 10:18 AM.
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    Put your hand on a hot stove for a min. and it feels like an hour; play a cool game for an hour and it feels like a min. Brevity's def. of relativity.

  20. #20
    Registered User neutralfighter1's Avatar
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    Arrow Okay, I know this is hard, but try to pay attention...

    You guys aren't payin attention to what I'm saying though. What I was saying was that I used to be only an Xbox fan because I had never bought a PS2 and had only an xbox, so later I decided to see what all the fuss was about so I bought a Sony consal and Sony lost my trust. (as you can read about 7 posts up) And I also said that I'm giving Sony another chance with it's PS3 though I do not trust their company too much. But when I heard about them cleaning up their pictures and saying that they're not promising anything I got angry and posted here and I also decided to post about those idiots who had completely given up on Microsoft just because his Xbox 360 froze. I am not a total fanboy I have just lost my trust in a company that I used to enjoy.
    So swivel don't turn my words around and use them on me, like you have been doing to me and like three others through out this thread, only 2 year olds do that.

    Oh, and I don't love you.

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