NEWS - Friday, July 12, 2013

World of Tanks Beta rolls out massive fixes for the weekend
Click HERE to sign up for the World of Tank Xbox 360 Closed Beta!
Thank you for all your testing and reporting done so far! Were hard at work adding features and addressing fixes within the game. The latest update manages to cross a few off the list and plug in some improvements for the HUD.
Update Notes
New Features
- Top tier tanks are now eligible for elite status on the Tech Tree menu
- The HUD has been updated to include:
- Voice Feed - will now have indicators for who is speaking above the radar and messages involving the player are now colored gold
- Kill Feed - the tank indicator was reduced in size, a queue of three ordered from bottom to top has been added, and there is now an additional center justified kill notification
- Ammo Bar - Centered the display, added new rounded icons, added new active and passive outlines for ammo
- A few of the control parameters have been updated:
- SPG Aiming - the aiming should feel less sticky; the speed and curves were modified to make precision aiming smoother
- Rumble Feedback - now included for component damage and crew injuries
Fixed Issues
- M3 Lee can be purchased allowing progression through to the T1 Heavy
- Destroyed tanks appearing as being full health in the HUD (Heads Up Display)
- Battle Training (Tutorial) now displays and rewards XP or credits upon completion
- Sniper camera no longer shows the inside of the turret when using the several tanks
- Tanks no longer momentarily appear in a destroyed state when loaded in garage
- Opening the start menu on top of the Battle Training (Tutorial) menu no longer causes the game to get stuck
- Player is now informed of performance upon completion of Battle Training (Tutorial)
- The muzzle flash on the M2 Light Tank with the 2nd Upgrade Package has been reduced
- Players account name no longer displays “m_tfname” before tanks load in garage
- Post-mortem (destroyed) yellow player icon now fades from team composition bar
- Correct Ping now being displayed in match
Known Issues
- Muting another player results in a crash
- Leaving any tech tree while a Tank Info screen is active will cause loss of UI functionality in cursor movement
- Tanks appear to be unlocked early due to packages unlocking prerequisites
- Tank stats in the Garage and in the Tech Tree are different
- Rapidly switching tanks in the Garage can cause the framerate (FPS) to drop
- Underwater tank icon stays on screen during after being killed (postmortem camera)
- Accessing the Tech Tree causes a delay
- The gun reticle does not properly point at tanks that are very close
- The Overview map does not display your Field of Vision (FoV)/Turret direction
- The Players Online indicator is not displaying the number of online users
- Disconnecting during the game can result in the Garage resetting the player account and can only be fixed with a restart
- When a match ends in a draw, it shows a defeat for all players
- Battle Training (Tutorial) hangs at the end if waypoints are skipped
- Once your treads have been damaged once, the "Immobilized: the suspension is damaged" message will appear frequently
- Some valid research or purchase tasks in the Tech Tree results in a Not enough credits or Not enough XP error
- In options, changing the controller scheme is not functioning properly
- Selecting the Southpaw configuration switches to Control A, and selecting Control A switches to Southpaw
- Some tank names do not appear in the Combat Results Summary Screen
- In rare circumstances, the player is kicked from the battle queue into the garage with the tank showing “in use” with no player or progress data
- Callouts do not appear next to players nametag
- Player IDs disappear near the edge of screen
- Player IDs dont show when initially spotted in reticle
- In Battle Training (Tutorial), the Objective Arrow can be inaccurate
- Garage does not remember last tank used
- No indication which player you are following in post mortem (post death) mode
- Tank tier and type icons not displayed in the player list
- Battle Summary Screen is missing base capture points
- Access to player gamer cards when Gamertags are listed is not functioning
- Match section of the Game Summary shows a maximum of 28 players even if more than 28 players were in the game