NEWS - Sunday, December 9, 2018

Prey: Typhon Hunter to Arrive December 11 With Multiplayer Mode
For those of you diehards still playing Bethesdays Prey, we have some news for you.
Prey: Typhon Hunter, the final update for Prey: Digital Deluxe and Prey: Mooncrash,will release next week, bringing a tense new multiplayer mode. Typhon Hunter will release December 11 for a few platforms, including the Xbox One.
Prey: Typhon Hunter for Xbox One includes a new multiplayer mode for Prey called Typhon Hunter multiplayer
Said to be a heart-throbbing multiplayer version of hide-and-seek where one player, as Morgan Yu, is stalked by five opponents playing as Mimics. Players hide in plain sight as everyday objects before seizing upon their prey. Morgan must hunt down and destroy all five Mimics before time runs out. Typhon Hunter VR, which puts the Morgan player inside the virtual world, will release in early 2019.
Players who already purchased Prey: Digital Deluxe or upgraded their original version of Prey with Prey: Mooncrash, will receive both new game modes at no extra cost. New players can purchase Prey: Digital Deluxe for $39.99 to receive the original award-winning game as well as all of the following updates; existing Prey owners can upgrade their game to Prey: Mooncrash for $19.99.
Source: Press Release/YouTube