Wreckless: The Yakuza Mission (Original Xbox) by Activision

Wreckless: The Yakuza Mission (Xbox) by Activision Box Art

Japanese Name: Double-S.T.E.A.L.

North Amercian Release Date: February 5, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
7.47 / 10

 Wreckless is being compared to GTA3 everywhere, so let me start off by doing the same. GTA3 without the ability to roam around out side of your vehicle, and without weapons, and with some pretty odd missions = Wreckless. Does this make the game poor?"

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A high suspense, fast-paced, no-holds-barred driving game, WRECKLESS immerses players into the unpredictable underworld of Hong Kong. Gamers can choose from two distinct storylines -- to be part of an elite task force assigned to take down the Hong Kong mafia or to become a high-level government agent trying to uncover links between the mafia and the police. WRECKLESS lets players take full control of the action as they pursue thugs and gang members in 20 hair-raising missions. Gamers choose from 10 different vehicles as they race through an interactive city and maneuver real traffic patterns, tear through parks and drive on sidewalks to complete their mission. However, players have to be careful, as real-time damage modeling will hinder their vehicle’s performance.


Tuesday, December 18, 2001
Thursday, October 18, 2001
Wednesday, October 17, 2001

User Reviews

Score: 75
Overall User Average: 7.41 / 10 (74.7%)
Gameplay User Average: 7.14 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.19 / 10
Sound User Average: 6.86 / 10
Date reviewed: April 25, 2004.

Overall: Oh dear, oh dear... I picked this up cheap, and, having read some of the reviews hoped for at least some amusement driving chaotically around a city. I didn't expect too much of this title... but even my low expectations were too high... what a shambles... incredible graphics do not make an incredible game... uncontrollable, frustrating and a waste of time basically sum up my thoughts on this one.
Gameplay: Sluggish uncontrollable vehicles attempting to chase around and smash into Yakuza cars... I have no problem with the actual chase hq style of the game... but with such poor feeling of control it was unplayable. Do yourself a favour and stick to Midnight Club II or Midtown Madness 3 if you want some mindless crazy driving fun.
Graphics: Stunning graphics although occasionally a bit of blur and the framerate did suffer in places hence why it only gets 3.5 from me.
Sound: Usual car driving fare. Nothing spectacular but nothing too bad... I have to be honest and say I don't really notice sound unless it is stunning... for that reason, a distinctly average 2.5
Suggestions: Nice graphics guys, how about a game next time?

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: November 9, 2003.

Overall: Try to picture is, a work of art that is complete chaos, ok now think of the game Wreckless, well its the same thing... Wreckless the game looked jaw droppingly real, but it has the worst gameplay ever. Whats the story about...Pudding getting on a dress, ya thats rights pudding!!!? Thats just plain stupid, and the gameplay is just stupid too its always the same thing over and over.
I do not know why they made this a game..oh wait to get money they don't deserve . Trust me don't buy this. If you must play it just rent it...You have been Warned!
Gameplay: You think its cool at first but then it gets very boring and repetitive. There just isn't very much variety.
Graphics: This is the absolutely outstanding part about this game. They style the graphics are done in is amazing. If only the rest of the game had been this good.
Sound: I guess its not bad by any way, but it just didn't do it for me... There was just nthign that really made me say wow.
Suggestions: this game could have been awesome, just needs more variety and more levels.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

xbox genius
Date reviewed: November 8, 2003.

Overall: Fun... when you first beat it in 3 hours... yes this game is extremely short, but at least it was fun for all 3 hours. dont waste 50 bucks for this game like i did... its worth 15 bucks.
Gameplay: you have mission based goals to complete, missions are different and not the same, but once the car hits a wall, its not realistic, it justs stops and sometimes you get stuck
Graphics: I might be one of the few people who think this game graphics are really good. cars reflect, neon lights glow at night during one of the missions, but the people look FAKE. i dont think they have faces if you look closer
Sound: very bad in this department... car sounds fake. they all have the same car screeches, they all have no sound effects when it strikes a wall... i dont know what to say, but this part stinks. this includes the crappy songs they give you
Suggestions: TOO SHORT. add more levels, and multiplayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fix sounds, and seems like this game has been rushed. please take your time on your other games that you make.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: i hated this game. i dont know why people liked this game a whole bunch. the cars fricking disappear whn they are hit. i mean come on how gay is that.
Gameplay: the game play is great and all but i meen the car disappears!!the controls are cool and all and easy to use.
Graphics: the visual i dont like at all. the cars disappear and the graphics arent that good even after that.
Sound: the sound isnt all that great either. there isnt that great of music and the cars sound so bad to me at least.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: I was really excited about this game when it first came out. It sadly turned out to be one of the biggest game purchase disappointments ever!
Gameplay: To make this short, this game is bland. No options, no hidden secrets, no sidestories (NO STORY ACTUALLY), A waste of time. Over soon but not sweet.
Graphics: The graphics are stunning. Great use of the XBOX visual capabilities. Good job in this category guys.
Sound: The sound is pretty bad. You should be able to rip your own tunes. Why wasn't this an option? (I forget there is no options menu)
Suggestions: Don't focus just on graphics!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Wreckless feels like an out of control joyride through the streets of Hong Kong in a high performance rental car. You not only don't care about the damage you're dishing out, you're looking forward to the next big object you can take down just so you can see what it will look like. The outstanding graphics and lighting are the kind of features we've been waiting for on the Xbox. It looks like something fresh, something that could only be done on the most powerful machine around even though it follows the old school videogame formula of low brow fun and more low brow fun.
Even with its shortcomings, lack of features and depth, Wreckless is the first in a string of upcoming Xbox titles we're about to see that delivers well developed solid gameplay to go with those outstanding Microsoft powered graphics. Xbox owners have had to suffer through a lot of old PS2 remixes and ports up to this point, but Wreckless is one of those games that will make you glad you have the system.

Gameplay: You can smash a car can't you? Easy enough to play with closed eyes, but you'll miss the great visuals and you'll never complete the challenging missions.
Graphics: The lighting is simply excellent. And you haven't seen reflections like these in your car since it was new.
Sound: Nice voice samples and special effects. Music fits but it's cheesy nonetheless. Why can't we use our own soundtracks?

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: its a cool driving game where you smash into everything, i always wanted to play a game like this, even though it is short and there is no MP and there is no free roam mode
Gameplay: well you drive and smash up cars in missions, i think it is the most fun to get the tank and blow cars up with a single shot!
Graphics: ABSOLUTLY BEUTIFUL, oxm still claims it is the most technically advanced game, i compared this game to the ps2/gc version and it lots A LOT better, i got this way before these versions were out and knew they wouldnt look very good
Sound: kinda lame, but not bad, its kinda lame techno, but its not bad, the car sounds are not bad at all, just most of the cars sound the same...o well
Suggestions: MP

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 14, 2003.

Overall: This game is no fun! Excellent graphics I admit, but that doesn't make me have fun playing it. Sh!t! I've spent my money on this piece or cr@p..... -4pts.!!!
Gameplay: Boring, boring, and boring. The missions are totally pointless. Only 20 missions....What a shame. No replay value. Gets bored fast. Stupid in game characters. Small amounts of vehicle. Does not deserve to be an Xbox game. -4.5pts.!!!
Graphics: Excellent environment. Excellent physics. Excellent textures and bumps. Fast and furious on 30fps. You cannot get any more detail then that. The water looks LIVE like. and you can actually see the ppl driving inside every car. The city is HUGE. Every bits of detail in Hong Kong is appeared in the game. When you are on a mission, the city is still functioning...Cars moving, ppl running around like idiots, etc. Great!
Sound: Sound is always best on the Xbox. Wreckless uses this advantage to make gamers hear every bits of crashing, ppl screaming, car functioning sounds. Great!
Suggestions: 1) Make a Free Roam mode.
2) Multi-player + Online play.
3) More vehicles + Missions
4) More places...Hong Kong is getting really boring now. I've played Hong Kong in ShenmueII already! I want to play in an European city!
5) More replay camera...And don't make them a secret cuz I hate unlocking stuff.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2003.

Overall: WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions is an action-packed racing that is set in Hong Kong. You can chose between a scenario of the local Hong Kong police or of a government spy. Each scenario is packed with plenty of awesome cars and wild missions. The game itself doesn't have much, but the concept is new. One of my favorite parts of WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions, is that the entire city lives. There are great details from pedestrians to trashcans. The game sort of reminds me of Super Runabout for Dreamcast and PlayStation One. WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions isn't a game that I would buy, because after a while it will get boring and it isn't one of the better Xbox games. Both scenarios in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions do have an excellent story that does make the game somewhat interesting.
Gameplay: The objectives of the missions in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions are simple and easy to understand. Mission objectives are ones such as destroying cars or getting certain items within a time limit. The bonus missions are fun to play. As you beat missions, you unlock vehicles. There are different missions and different vehicles for each scenario. The controls were about the same as other racing games and so I had not trouble in controlling vehicles. Most the missions were easy, although some were a bit of a challenge. I did enjoy watching some of the cut scenes, which had action and some humor.
Graphics: The visuals and graphics aren't too impressive, especially the characters. The game does have important details throughout the city, but the Xbox's graphical capabilities have not been used enough in the game. The cars and vehicles do have an average visual standard, but it's nothing like the cars from Project Gotham Racing. I wouldn't say that the graphics are bad, however I would never put this game onto a list of the Xbox games with the better graphics. One of the good things about the visuals in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions is the special effects. I found it really cool when I crashed my vehicle into those Dim Sum stands in Hong Kong, because it gave out these explosions.
Sound: There is not much to say about the sound in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions. The sound effects were pretty cool when it came to city life and car crashing, however everything else wasn't really new. There was some good music in the game that was convenient when driving a vehicle. The game itself doesn't have any particularly good soundtrack.
Suggestions: Improvement in visuals and the missions is a major suggestion from me. The developer should have used the Xbox's graphical capabilities more. There could have been more missions, which could have been more exciting. I also would suggest a wider variety of vehicles, as well as a multiplayer mode. I do not suggest a sequel.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2002.

Overall: Overall the game appealed to me because of its graphics and fun gameplay. However, the concept of car chase became a little dull and I found myself bored with it after a while. If you enjoy that type of thing, then maybe it's for you.
Gameplay: Fun controls stand out immediatly. The game did not require the typical amount of concentration that other driving sims require.
Graphics: Cool graphics and textures, though I think the xbox is capable of much better. Still, the graphics are good enough
Sound: I didn't like the sound much, it got boring over time. I wish that it wounld enable you to import your own tracks.
Suggestions: Rethink the game concept and create more depth to the game. Fun initially, but it becomes boring.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 1, 2002.

Overall: this game suffers from providing an innovative game in a nice environment with entertaining gameplay ... the problem is simply that there's not enough of all that good stuff. you can get through the game in less than 10 hours and after that there's little replay value. but the fact that what the developers did, they did right deserves some credit.
Gameplay: it can be very addictive. racing around the city, crashing into vehicles, smashing though malls etc ... the controls are easy to get used to. the missions are easy to understand and accomplish (some will take a few attempts) you will need to use shortcuts as much as possible
Graphics: stunning for the time it was released. since then, there has been a few games to surpass this one, but it's still better than most. you can see damage effects on the cars, the building glass reflects amazing, everything was done great.
Sound: i really didn't like the audio. the crashes were done pretty well, but the music wasn't what i wanted to hear.
Suggestions: allow us to roam the city, GTA style, without the time limit. multiplayer and co-op modes. more cities. allow the music to be changed in the cars via the radio or let us play our own music.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: November 12, 2002.

Overall: Fooling around was first fun but got really stupid. This game let most gamers down so don't even dare to buy this game.
Gameplay: The first few missions are fun and easy. But after the missions are life hard and stupid.
Graphics: Okay have to admit the graphics are awsome some of the best on xbox.
Sound: The motor sounds like someone puking out cabbage rolls and the music is awful.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: November 1, 2002.

Overall: a very fun game with amazing graphics but too short, the same mistake like crazy taxi but is perfect to waste time having fun
Gameplay: very good, it plays xcelent with the new controller and responses fine, like the crazy taxi series from sega.
Graphics: awesome graphics, most likely "never seen before", i hope future looks like this one, really great, cool.
Sound: too japenese, ¿is this japenese? but i really like it, its not like Project Gotham but it sounds fine

Suggestions: a Multiplayer option, it will be great on the sequel and more missions... a lot

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 27, 2002.

Overall: Awesome graphics, use of Xbox special effects, quirky design & smashing the heck out of everything in your path are the pros. Cons: not enough levels, time limits suck, not enough smashing things up, some levels are very frustrating. A lot to like, but not a finished product.
Gameplay: Smashing things up and showcasing the power of the Xbox are what this game is about. Unfortunately several levels play like a sadistic platformer requiring precision jumping, traversing narrow paths and complete knowledge of the level. You'll go from having a blast to throwing the controller across the room.
Graphics: Amazing detail and use of Xbox effects. Replays in some filters are practically photorealistic.
Sound: Some very funky dialog and voice-acting here, but sound effects are very good.
Suggestions: More smashing missions. Actually I would make that the focus of the sequel. More lenient time limits. Two-player mode.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 6, 2002.

Overall: I have enjoyed Wreckless quite a bit compared to what some people may say. Its a really good game that takes advantage of the Xbox's hardware. Although their is a definite need for some added features in this game, its still worthy for a place in your Xbox library! If your looking for a game to show off to your friends, this is it!
Gameplay: The gameplay is very solid, but it could use something else. Several options could be a Free Roam mode so you can go around at your own will and see the entire city, and a batch of multi-player games such as tag, a race, demolition mode, you name it! It just needs something extra! The missions are very compelling and provide a very good challenge. The controls are also very good, except for a couple of the fast cars, which are very hard to control at high speeds!
Graphics: The graphics are AMAZING! These are possibly the best graphics and effects that I've ever seen in a video game! They are just a blast to be able to show your friends what the Xbox is capable of!
Sound: Nothing much to say here. The music in this game is pretty weird as it seems to consist of a mix of Japanese style beats. The sound effects during the game are pretty cool though. It would of better a lot better if you were able to use your own music though!
Suggestions: Please consider a sequel, it was great for a first try. If you do, consider adding a wider variety of gameplay options like a free roam mode, some multi-player modes (with possible system-link and/or xbox live support), and maybe a longer single-player mission mode. Also consider adding user soundtrack support!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 6, 2002.

Overall: This game is alright. it gets way to repetitive. Its usally the same thing for every mission. Crash in to other stuff and damage it and you win the game. Its kind of lame if you ask me. This game was fun at the beggining. It was a lot of fun crashing into stuff.
Gameplay: The controls were tight and easy. They were fit pertfect for this game and i enjoyed them a lot. To make it short, easy controls.
Graphics: THESE GRAPHICS ARE GREAT!!! One of the best I seen on xbox yet. They fit great for the game and made me fell like I was there.
Sound: The sound is good. Not great. If to many things is happening at once they sound will slow down and will be a little choppy. Overall it is good.
Suggestions: Should of made the game with a lot more missions and different things to do. I expected more from this game.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 26, 2002.

Overall: This game is asthetically pleasing to say the least. The gameplay is a bit of an annoyance for me personally. I don't care much for playing a mission, and doing one little thing wrong and lose it all... The game is picky some times.
Gameplay: The gameplay is of an interesting nature... It's creative in the thought that I haven't played anything like it before, but unfortunatlly it's not my type of racing game. Bashing cars till they die, then get to a location as fast as possible, is fun for a while. (Averag)
Graphics: If you have ever seen this game, then you KNOW what the XBox is capable of, nothing less then totally insane GFX! There is NOT a better looking XBox game out to date. And if you think there is then you're a *&#@ idiot! And people who don't give this game a 5.0 is a &*@# idiot also, and needs to be kicked out of this fourm!
Sound: The voice acting was really lame, i don't know why Activision had to make the game so corny. I mean serriouslly what's the deal? They could have had the most serrious game ever made, it could have topped GTA3, but they wanted to make a joke out of the game, by adding childish humor... A major dissapointment.
Suggestions: I'm glad you are PORTING this game to the GayStation 2, so when they get it, and see just how bad it sucks, they will buy the XBox.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: August 26, 2002.

Overall: Man this game kidna sucks, I thought it was gonna be like gta's but boy was I wrong. The graphics are good but it is kinda a kiddy game like not serious they make humar into it which isnt good and just dumb.
Gameplay: Its easy to control the cars and junk and thew cointrols are setup alright just its a pretty bad game which gtes boring and stuff. Also there really is only 2 modes which get very very boring.
Graphics: These visuals are well done, the cars are good but can look childish with the good cops. The streets and other cars are great so yeah these are nice graphics.
Sound: Engines pumping little voice guy telling you stuff its all pretty good. Thery made good sound for the game which makes it get a 4.5
Suggestions: please dont make a second

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 16, 2002.

Overall: Well I'm going to be really brief.
I LOVE this game. Depends what you like but if you like fast and furious destruction, this game is it.
Gameplay: Brilliant. What can I say. I hired this and now I own it and I love playing it. It is challenging sometimes and fun most of the time. A4 was a bitch but rewarding when done. Otherwise great for a laugh and it really is FAST.
Graphics: Brilliant. Don't know why it is so brown and dusky all the time but then haven't been to Hong Kong myself so maybe it's like that. A bit more colour would be nice. Totally one to showcase the Xbox.
Sound: Well I know a lot of people whinge about it but I like it. Then I am a mad BT fan. Turn up the music, turn down the sound effect. Works best for me. The speed of the music suits the frantic pace of the game.
Suggestions: Well nothing that hasn't been said. More of a sensible difficulty curve. MORE LEVELS!! You're a porn company? Naked Drivers! Kidding...
How about making the Monster trucks actually able to drive over cars and not shovel them? More cities? More colour.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

The Source
Date reviewed: July 24, 2002.

Overall: There are two sets of missions: Missions A-#, and Missions B-#, with a few bonus missions among them. In Missions A, you play as two female police officers out to find the ''Yakuzas,'' who've hijacked an armored van.
Missions B, you play as two spies for the government, who happen to be undercover, spying on the Yakuza.
Now, each mission has objectives (obviously). They very from ridiculously friggin difficult to being able to do them with your eyes closed. Mission A-1 is fairly simple: Destroy the three jet black Yakuza cars by running into them.

Gameplay: The missions are crazy fun. The game has two settings: Easy or hard. Even some of the missions on Easy make you want to heave your X-Box at some poor by-stander...
But the REAL fun comes in this: The Replay. The game's replay alone makes this such an awesome game. You use the sticks to change camera angles, and up to change the camera type (Night vision, black and white, grainy, etc), not to mention that you can unlock other camera types as you progress in the game.
The controls? Eh, they're decent. I had a gripe with Halo's controls, but it's fairly simple.
Oh, one important reminder: The game doesn't have Auto-Save. Remember to save on your own.

Graphics: This game rocks. The gleam of the cars as the sunlight bounces off of it, the license plates hanging from a screw after you run in to enough things, the trunk popping open upon enough ramming, it's just enough to make you jump up and hug this game til it breaks. My personal favorite thing is the civilians on the sidewalk. They run like hell, or back up against walls to avoid your speeding car of death and destruction. If you really want fun in this game, set the traffic on ''Heavy,'' ohhhh, yeeeeaaahhhh!
Only thing that keeps this from being a ten? Traffic disappears upon taking too much damage. They flicker twice, then POOF! Gone. Which is nice if you get stuck behind them, but otherwise...

Sound: The sound of the crashing bumpers, the screaming of bystanders, the noise of guard rails flipping into oncoming traffic... ahhhh. I could do without the officer in the car going ''Yeah!'' after completing some objectives though. It tones down the rest of the hectic noise, and is LOUD... like ''Little children on a sugar rush screaming in your ear'' loud. Well, maybe not QUITE that loud. But you got the general idea, right?

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: July 23, 2002.

Overall: I'm going to try and make this review short and sweet and to the point. Wreckless is a good game. Bottom line is it's a good game that is simply too short. Don't get me wrong, unless you're a freak, you will not be able to beat this game the first time you sit down with it. But 3rd or 4th time around you'll be done with all the missions. Some missions are a sheet joke, while others can be challenging. The game's contains everything to be a classic, except longevity and challenge. I really hope they come out with Wreckless 2 and adress this issue.
Gameplay: Game play is very nice. From the moment you start you are impressed by the game. It's addictive and the reward of getting new vehicles is nice. There are a few bugs in the game and some things that I didn't like such as vehicles dissaperence once you hit them. If you're trying to make a realistic game, this is a big no no. They should have made it like GTA 3 where the vehicle stands there for a minute or two at least. The bottom line and I suppose it is a cliche by now is this game is an ideal rental. A buy for $50 I don't think so.
Graphics: Very very impressive. I have not seen a game like this yet. Anyone that compares this to GTA 3 should get their head examined. Put GTA 3 against this and you will want to puke. I'm not talking about the gameplay, i'm only talking about Graphics. Lighting effects are amazing at times and overall the visuals are just stunning. It would be nice if you could run over people though.
Sound: Sound is very crappy. The voices are dispicable, there is some sort of techno during races. I guess mediocre is the best way to sum this up.
Suggestions: Where do I start. The developers have a gem on their hands and they don't even know it. This game has the potential to be fantastic. Here's just a few suggestions. If any developer from this game wants more from an avg gamer please email me.
1. Ability to run over people
2. Vehicles do not dissapear once hit.
3. More thoughtful physics
4. Have missions where some vehicles are better than others (more of this)

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Megaherz *RAGE*
Date reviewed: July 6, 2002.

Overall: We are going to enter the cliff of desolation. What the hell i am talking about, we will talk about Wreckless: The Yakuza Mission not about a cliff, i am insane possibly. We all talking about the graphic hardware, the sound, the gameplay but who's care about the lenght of the game. Yes it's a was definetly too short for a great game like that but its also because there no multiplayer, it's ruins the game. A sequel, that all we want because you are doing great work. Some mission look like the same but in fact it's different to me not like Hunter The Reckoning where you always find a key to finish the levels.
Gameplay: You are driving a car in the old school so it's make the game a little bit late in the driving technology. Nothing really different from other old school driving system but i am totally satisfied. We got ten misison for the police girls and ten for the secret agent for a total of 20 mission, they are short but you got car to unlock. In conclusion, gameplay is perfect but the mission could be a bit longer with mulitplayer of course.
Graphics: Wreckless has some of the most outstanding lighting and reflections you'll ever see in a videogame. Sunlight and streetlights all reflect off of the car surfaces even after those surfaces become mangled and bent in every direction. The reflections just become smaller and more detailed. The missions happen at different times of day so you may have the bright afternoon sun overhead, the intense orange glow cutting between the buildings at dusk or the neon highlights of Hong Kong after dark all around you or reflecting off of your vehicle.

Sound: The sound in Wreckless is nothing more or less than effective. It's ok but we don't expecting more for this type of game. Voices are great for the type of character but music seems to be boring after 3 hours in a row. That all i have to say about Wreckless but don't forget the sound change nothing to a game it's just a add that give a bonus for the game so don't buy a game because it's got a amazing sound, you will lose too many dollar.
Suggestions: Multiplayer and of course make more missions or longer ones .

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: July 4, 2002.

Overall: A good solid game, with great graphics, great sound, that will just make you love it. I am supried I am the only person who likes this game. Though it did need multiplayer!
Gameplay: Great gameplay, but sometimes the levels have the same exact ring to it but there is only two of these levels!! Some levels have multiple objectives that seem impossible to beat!!
Graphics: ummm!!! Just look at the !&%$@#* screens!
Sound: Have had no problems with it!! Its all good, but I never noticed any music!! Hmmm....
Suggestions: Just one thing..... MULTIPLAYER!!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 4, 2002.

Overall: I am the type of gamer who likes a game that you can just pop in and play. And this is exactly what wreckless is all about. This game runs very smooth. The one thing that Bunkasha should have added in this game was a multiplayer mode. Would have actually been fun trying to chase down your friend. In the end, Wreckless is a good must-buy game.

Gameplay: The main options on the menu are Mission mode, Replay mode, and a nice Stat mode. The first two speak for themselves, but the Stat mode is all the stats of the game on your Xbox. It tells you how long you played the game for, how many objects and vehicles destroyed, total distance traveled, and max speed.

There are 2 scenario's to select in the mission mode. Scenario A is "Hong Kong Police and Inspector", and Scenario B is "New Spies Ho and Chang". Each has 10 missions. This game is all about completing missions. One of the first ones is great because it reminds me of Chase HQ. You have to literally chase down other cars and smash them till they are destroyed. But all of the missions are not like that, each have their own unique little story that you must complete. You have to recover counterfeit plates in one of these missions; similar to wrecking the enemies car except they can hit you and can get back what you took from them. After you beat the first few levels, you get to spy on someone and take pictures of him. In order to do that you must drive very carefully because you are driving on a narrow dock. Some of the missions do get frustrating due to the fact that this is not an "easy" game. Before each mission you can choose either normal or hard. Also on that same screen you can choose heavy or light traffic. As you are driving the controls will vary depending on which car you pick. There are small cars, sports cars, buggy-type cars, and many more. Now the controls in this game are a bit loose. Sometimes if you hit a little bump at high speeds your whole car will flip over and you will lose control. This is not a good thing since the missions are timed and you need to get to where you have to go. The right analog pad serves as a "look around" camera at any time in the game. You can change the view of your car, if you can't stand the one that's behind the car, to one that's on the ground. I can't even begin to tell you how many different cars you will come across on the roads. Trust me, there's lots, including buses, cop cars, trucks, and ambulance's. You will see broken windshield's, as well as damage to other vehicles. One thing I didn't like was how they disappear after you hit them hard enough. If, at any time, you flip over, your car magically appears without a scratch.

Pretty much everything in the game can be hit and destroyed. However, there are some parts where you think you can fly threw and be safe, but you end up smashing into a solid wall. Now when I first saw people in the street I tried to run them over, but it just didn't happen. This game is not like GTA3, which mean you cannot kill pedestrians. Darn! No blood anywhere.

Graphics: The graphics in Wreckless our astounding. The reflections and the effects are the best that I have ever seen in any videogame that I have ever played. One of the greatest effects in this game is the heat effects. When you are out on the road in the real world have your ever noticed when something gets hot you can see a haze from the heat? Well in Wreckless that actually happens, which was surprising to me. This causes a minor distortion to your vision that happens every once in awhile. It just shows where videogames are going today. Another effect is the lighting effects from the sun on the water; they make it look picture perfect. Your going to love the eye candy in this one, not just because of the neat effects, but also because of the car damage. Every time you crash into anything, something happens to your car. You can lose the hood, a door, the engine cover, and many other things such as a bumper. Just looking at the neon signs in the big cities will let you know that the Xbox is capable of processing amazing graphics. Some of the textures that are in a far distance appear blurry sometimes. But if you look at the buildings close by you can see the great detail. After you play a mission, beat it or just run out of time, you can view the replay. It's not just a replay. It's a more of an enhanced replay. When you view a replay it's pure craziness. The first thing you see is something different, they made the replays sometimes look like old times, with lines in the film, or you will see something that looks like a black and white sketch, it's really hard to explain. Once you see it, you will understand just how sweet the replays are. Sometimes you'll see something that looks like a security camera in the replay as well. The fact that you can save your replays on the Xbox hard drive is a plus. There is just some awesome crashes that your going to have to save.

Sound: The audio in the game is comprised mostly of pumping techno beats that fit the game well. There is no support to use custom music tracks. In the pedestrian background, you can hear people yelling once in awhile. There is a voice that sounds like he's talking through a radio to you. He tells you what to do at the beginning of each mission. Wreckless has awesome engine and tire screeching effects. These effects never sound the same because you are always going over different terrain, like stairs, fences, etc.

Suggestions: MULTIPLAYER!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: June 18, 2002.

Overall: Not to shabby the graphics look great and the sound is good. Only bad part is no free roam and the missions are all similar.
Gameplay: Some of the missions you will have to try a couple times to beat them. One bad thing is alot of the missions are to similar so it may get old fast.
Graphics: Great looking graphics some of the best I have seen so far on any game I have tried. Gets a little hard to see some objects though in a fast car.
Sound: The sound effects in this game are great. You have the engine noises and different sounds when you hit things.
Suggestions: Need to create a free driving mode.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: June 15, 2002.

Overall: This game is fun but then it just gets old and boring. The missions are quite repetitive. It's not really my type of game but it's ok I guess.
Gameplay: The controls are pretty easy for the game which makes it easy to play, however when you first start playing you basically have no idea what is going on. The gameplay is decent, your able to run into signs and knock over things on the footpath. What they should've had is more extensive gameplay ability to drive into shopping malls, and drive into car parks of buildings. If they ever make a sequel to this they should have a person to get out of the car and search for some 'badies'.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good in this game, it doesn't show off X-Box's best capabilities but it doesn't make a disgrace to the x-box. There are some nice looking backgrounds and nice looking grounds and roads, and the Wreckless car is pretty well done but nothing to amazing. A nice feature I like is parts of vehicles flying off when they're hit.
Sound: The sound is probably one of the best things in this game. The sound of smashing your car into other cars, and the sound of smashing your car into a wall sounds really good and realistic. So I would say this is the best part of the game.
Suggestions: Make the missions longer, and have a more extensive gameplay so that you can go into shopping malls or into car parks etc...

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: June 15, 2002.

Overall: This game way is too linear. The first 5 minutes of it is pretty cool, but after that, all the missions seem pointless and boring. In addition to that, they get annoying as well (especially the timer). The only thing that got me to buy this game are the visuals, which are incredible.
Gameplay: Gameplay isn't too bad, but its very limited. All you can do is drive a car around smashing into stuff.
Graphics: Incredible. The reflections are crazy (especially at night)!!! Some of the greatest visuals I've ever seen on the Xbox. This was the only reason that lured me into buying this game.
Sound: The music ok, as well as the sound effects. But there really isn't any variety here. They should have utilized the Xbox's ability to record your own sound track.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: June 15, 2002.

Overall: i felt it was a waste of money. the only thing good about it was the visuals. also, some of the in-game crashes and damage was nicely done. the single player mode is annoying and sometimes difficult. there is no multiplayer so you run out of things to do. i wished they wouldve given you more freedom like gta3. time limit really limited you in what you could do.
Gameplay: the cars are easy enough to drive. but the missions are annoying. messing up just a little bit costs you a lot.
Graphics: the best looking game i've ever seen. on par with rallisport challenge, and i think the lighting is even better. too bad graphics is all it has going for it.
Sound: sound effects are good. music is minimal and not really noticed. should have let you create your own soundtrack.
Suggestions: if you were to make a sequel to wreckless, please include a multiplayer mode. single player missions get old really fast. also, it would be good to have more freedom. time limits restrict what you can do in the game. gta3 is an excellent example of freedom. the visuals are great, keep it up.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: June 11, 2002.

Overall: Great car game that doesn't require much more than for you to smash stuff up. The pace is very quick and the controls couldn't be easier to master.
Gameplay: I was going headstrong in to this game at the beginning and then the game started to get "stupid" hard. Smashing stands, crashing a dump truck, ane etc.
Graphics: The graphics are great on this game (as with most of the other X Box games!!!). With doors falling off cars, and hoods flying in the air - it is great. Every now and then my car gets stuck and ends up half way through a wall or something...but the game usually figures it out and pulls me back out and sticks me back in to the game.
Sound: Not much sound appeal other than the roaring engines, crashing sheet metal, and a little background music thrown in. Hold on. What more could you want!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: May 27, 2002.

Overall: WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions is an action-packed racing that is set in Hong Kong. You can chose between a scenario of the local Hong Kong police or of a government spy. Each scenario is packed with plenty of awesome cars and wild missions. The game itself doesn?t have much, but the concept is new. One of my favorite parts of WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions, is that the entire city lives. There are great details from pedestrians to trashcans. The game sort of reminds me of Super Runabout for Dreamcast and PlayStation One. WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions isn?t a game that I would buy, because after a while it will get boring and it isn?t one of the better Xbox games. Both scenarios in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions do have an excellent story that does make the game somewhat interesting.
Gameplay: The objectives of the missions in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions are simple and easy to understand. Mission objectives are ones such as destroying cars or getting certain items within a time limit. The bonus missions are fun to play. As you beat missions, you unlock vehicles. There are different missions and different vehicles for each scenario. The controls were about the same as other racing games and so I had not trouble in controlling vehicles. Most the missions were easy, although some were a bit of a challenge. I did enjoy watching some of the cut scenes, which had action and some humor.
Graphics: The visuals and graphics aren?t too impressive, especially the characters. The game does have important details throughout the city, but the Xbox?s graphical capabilities have not been used enough in the game. The cars and vehicles do have an average visual standard, but it?s nothing like the cars from Project Gotham Racing. I wouldn?t say that the graphics are bad, however I would never put this game onto a list of the Xbox games with the better graphics. One of the good things about the visuals in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions is the special effects. I found it really cool when I crashed my vehicle into those Dim Sum stands in Hong Kong, because it gave out these explosions.
Sound: There is not much to say about the sound in WRECKLESS: The Yakuza Missions. The sound effects were pretty cool when it came to city life and car crashing, however everything else wasn?t really new. There was some good music in the game that was convenient when driving a vehicle. The game itself doesn?t have any particularly good soundtrack.
Suggestions: Improvement in visuals and the missions is a major suggestion from me. The developer should have used the Xbox?s graphical capabilities more. There could have been more missions, which could have been more exciting. I also would suggest a wider variety of vehicles, as well as a multiplayer mode. I do not suggest a sequel, however I am aware that the game will be eventually available for PlayStation 2.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

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