Street Hoops (Original Xbox) by Activision

Street Hoops (Xbox) by Activision Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: August 15, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p, 720p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.19 / 10


Throw down your best moves as you fight for bragging rights in an all-out, street level, blacktop blitz. Street Hoops is the real deal...the most authentic and realistic street basketball game available. Choose your team and then rock 10 of the most notorious street courts in America with the speed, energy and attitude of serious urban ball. Create your own custom baller, bet with virtual cash and then gear up to get down with your winnings. The game starts and ends in the streets.


Tuesday, May 7, 2002

Cheat Codes

      Get Brick City Clothes:
At the cheats screen Press Right trigger, Black, Right trigger, Left trigger, Y, X, Right trigger, Left trigger
      Unlock Santa:
At the cheats screen Press Black, White, Black
      Unlock Easy Blocks:
At the cheats screen Press Right trigger, Y, Black, White
      How to unlock Easy Steals:
At the cheats screen Press Right trigger, X(x3), Right trigger, Black, Y, White
      Unlock Elvis Outfits:
At the Cheats screen Press Y, Black, White, Black(x2), White, Left trigger, Black

User Reviews

Score: 82
Overall User Average: 8.19 / 10 (81.9%)
Gameplay User Average: 7.95 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.71 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.71 / 10
Xbox Masta 4
Date reviewed: August 28, 2005.

Overall: The game has it's ups and downs. If you like a game where you can throw down lots of tricks than this is your game. It does a great job of making the game fun. I just think if all the tricks in this game were made differently it would be better, since only a few buttons really do the random tricks for you.
Gameplay: If you like to fake out your opponet in a more creative way, then you'll love this game. It's not anything like the NBA it has it's own style.
Graphics: Not the most graphic game in the world but it's not bad. Surrounding area looks as graphic as the people on the court.
Sound: Hearing people clap everytime you make a basket, or the announcer (if you can call it that) says a few things after you make something I can see could be annoying to some. It does a good job however.
Suggestions: When creating ballers, have them have specialized trick moves or something. All tricks are differnt button combos would be better too. Also tighten up the graphics and have it appliable for fights in the game (never seen that yet), and you got yourself a great b-ball game.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: I don't really like basketball but this is a great game, tons to do and some awesome moves. The passing is a bit dodgy at times but it's not a major problem. Most people will like this game even people like me who don't like basketball. Anyone who likes basketball will love this game.
Gameplay: Tons to do, great career mode that will kee you going for ages. Tons of great costumes to get as well. Lots of teams to play with.
Graphics: Doesn't look all that good but it does the job, but this is XBox- it should look awesome.
Sound: Great songs oncluding DMX, which makes me give the sound a 5 out of 5.
Suggestions: nup-

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 22, 2003.

Overall: Its a fun game. Most games are underrated. If its fun whats the problem? Good game modes create a baller (uses virtual cash) bet and buy etc. Buying and bettings always fun. you can buy tattoos, jewelry, new hair-does, and even clothes.
Gameplay: Fun game modes World Tournament and Lord of the Court can keep you busy. Just for jammin thres half court or full court 1 on 1 to 5 on 5 inclusive. Dunkings fun. Good passes alley-oops etc. Easy controls. This is a fun game.
Graphics: Could be better they look a tincy bit animated. But for the most part its ok. Good dunks and such. The graphics are liveable.
Sound: Great you can listen to your downloaded music while playing and they have their own (rap). The sound is good trash talkin , rim rattlin, music.
Suggestions: Maybe make it a little less animated. Make it more interesting then run down court, dunk, run down court, dunk.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

LoKi InSaNe
Date reviewed: January 3, 2003.

Overall: One awsome game, Game play and extras are great, everything from gameplay to extras are great, i mean what other basketball games can you bet on your team. get there hair done, buy gear, and even go to a pawn shop to buy or sell, one of my top five games for the x box yet
Gameplay: Gameplay is great, movement is great, the moves are awsome and the extras i believe is what gives the game that little extra.
Graphics: Visuals are great, not the best i've seen for the x box but as good as you can get for a game like this,
Sound: Sound is great,,,,everything from the trash talk to the music....and if the soundtrack isnt enough already for you, the custom is a really good feature
Suggestions: The only thing is you could go a lil more in depth with creating your own team and such, it would be nice to create your own team and name but i know how hard and probabaly nearly impossible that would be....and maybe a lil better carrier more and more in depth with it....other then that a !&%$@#* good game

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 4, 2002.

Overall: To be honest I'm not into sports games, except maybe soccer. So it's hard to give a fair score here.
Gameplay: Well, you can pass and shoot and dunk.
Graphics: I didn't really see anyhting breathtaking. The character animations seemed quite fluid.
Sound: Nice sound, but in basketball, it will not make or break a game.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 18, 2002.

Overall: This was an entertaining basketball game, but wasn't that amazing. There a limited game modes and its very hard to play when you try to still the ball. Its hard to steal a ball, your only real chance is if a player misses a shot. Other then those problems the game is surprisingly very fun and the slam dunks are immpresive. Don't think about adding this game collection unless you want a diffrent type of basketball game than the professtionals.
Gameplay: For an arcade style basketball game its O.K. controls, takes a bit of time to get used to, the controls are limited to the things that you can do. Once you reconize the controls you will have a great game of b-ball.
Graphics: Horrible character anitmations, good close up but in gameplay the players out on the court are disturbing. The courts and areas you play in are also nothing to get excited about.
Sound: The music in this game is just right for it. Gets you in the mood for a great game of b-ball. The sounds out on the court are enjoyable and clear. Strongest point in this game, hands down.
Suggestions: Make more game modes, teams, and extras in the upcoming hoops game!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: September 8, 2002.

Overall: It's a really really fun game to play, it has great dunks, graphics, modes, controls and ok replay value...Overall its awsome!!
Gameplay: Its ok, Has really good controls which are easy to learn but the reply value can lack a bit. Oh well its still really awsome and it has many modes and teams to choose form wether your playing a tournament or quick match.
Graphics: Nice visuals.......guys (or girls hehe) doing dunks looks real cool. All the courts and streets are great and the players all look cool.
Sound: Its got ok music then its got the sound of balls bouncing and the players saying stuff ( i think)....Its pretty good though and stuff just kinda lacks in some parts that i cant describe.
Suggestions: make better stuff or sumtin i dunno....I never know what to say haha

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 2, 2002.

Overall: This game is really great it has great graphics and is really fun to play i never played a game where u can bet on how u play.
Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is awesome it is very fun to play this is one of the best basketball games out to dat/
Graphics: The graphics are just stunning its amazing u cna see each detail on the player or the ball or the court.
Sound: THE SOUNDTRACK ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that all i cansay its awesome this game has the best sounds for any sprts game PERIOD!.
Suggestions: No you guys did a great job!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: September 2, 2002.

Overall: First of all, this game is a dream come true for me. Almost every day thats nice outside, ill be at found at the bball court for atleast 20-30 minutes. Also, i love the AND 1 mixtapes and can perform a good sum of the moves. I have been waiting for a game like this for a while, and it was worth the wait. This game is amazing, especially the soundtrack and the motion capture on the handles (dribbling skills). The soundtrack is by far the best soundtrack i have ever heard for a game with tracks from ludacris to master p to dmx. This game is very good which is why i give it a 5.0 overall score.
Gameplay: Gameplay, is about 99% flawless. Everything about it is perfect except one thing. Sometimes when u go for the outlet pass, he will pass it to far for the other player and it will go out of bounds, but that only happens at max a few times a game, so u just have to play a little conservative. The button set up flows perfectly with the game, such as the crazy crossovers and the crowd breaking dunks. Another thing is the alley-oop set up, it only works sometimes,and other times the ball just gets thrown up, and very rarely it takes a bad bounce and goes into the net which is very realistic. The gameplay is for hardcore street ballas and it is done to perfection.
Graphics: The graphics are not halo quality but they are far better than some other sites reviewed them to be as, *cough* ign *cough*, but they are still quite good. Rite from the start the game looks very good because of the nice intro which introduces the and1 ballers and shows them doing some of there signature moves. Next is the menus, which are also set up nicely, then the team select, then controller select, which are both very simplistic and easy to use. Now comes the 'street' as i like to call it, it is where u can go to the different shops to buy or bet on different stuff, it has the barber shop, pawn shop, cash bookie and an atheletes world for some sick gear. The gear and jewelery are very well done especially with all the different makes of clothing, i think there are 16 different clothing wears, which is very cool. Visually the game is a 4.5 just because its on xbox and can do much better.
Sound: The sound is probably one of the best things about this game. If there is one thing in this game that is 100% perfect, it is the sound. From the intro to the menus to the actual gameplay, everything is solid. The squeaking of the shoes to the different sounds of the chain mesh or the material mesh to the people yelling "westside!" and "brick city!", the sound is perfect. Next its the soundtrack to the game, DDDDDEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!, this is probably the best soundtrack that i have ever heard on a game before. It has Ludacris - roll out, Master P - make em say ugh and dmx - who we be as well as a number of more tracks that will make u enjoy the game even more that ull forget you're even playing the game, you'll think ur just jamming to a sick cd u just made with all the best hip hop/rap tracks that fit perfectly with the street ball atmosphere. The crew who worked on this game definately receivs kudos for the work they did on the sound for this game, which is why i give it a perfect 5.0.
Suggestions: You could maybe make a sequel with some new characters, more modes, more ice and haircuts, and being able to bet more on a game, and 1 last thing, ONLINE PLAY WOULD BE SAFE!!!!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 22, 2002.

Overall: This game is really fun! The controls take some (okay, alot) getting used to. It is a fun game tho, with great overall appeal.
Gameplay: The controls are kinda wacky at first, but once used to them, they hit the spot, nice job, but could have been better...
Graphics: The graphics are OK, but i really love the different clothing lines and shoes and stuff, the models look great, but some better texturing might have been in order
Sound: The sound is great! There are repetitive songs, but just use the soundtrack that you make, and ull be gangsta ballin in no time!!
Suggestions: Fix textures, and some control issues, and ill be buying Street Hoopz 2!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 20, 2002.

Overall: Buy This game!!!!! This is all a streetballa should want. Ankle braken moves and great dunks.All i say is 2 buy this GAME!!!!!!!!!!!
Gameplay: This game runs as smoothly as possibly. Ther is No little spots 4 improvement.I like 2 cross the mess out of the defender and make them look like a fool.
Graphics: Great Graphics*!!!!!!!!How the ball moves u and down the court with fast gameplay. Its really good.!
Sound: There is only 3 songs and it gets annoying after a while but its only the game that counts.i think it has great music.
Suggestions: Add Skip 2 my Lou!!!!! and make another Game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 17, 2002.

Overall: this game is awesome! It is better then NBA street. I thought it would be hard to beat out NBA street but it sure did. I love how u can go and buy new clothes with awesome clothing lines like sean john. then u can go get tatoos, and tight !&%$@#* jewelry(which i havent got yet bcuz it costs so much money) But i cant wait untill i can. Then u new hairstyles. Its tight bettin money on ur team, but it sucks bad when u loose. It really sucks sometimes bcuz u will be doing good and all of a sudden u throw the ball away about 4 times in a row and then they come back, the stupidass computer does it so they can win, it pisses me off so much. But then i just have to play some of the courts again and bet a lot of money.
Gameplay: The gameplay is great. There are way more moves that u can pull on this then on NBA street. I dont know yet if u can control what kind of dunks u do by pressing certain buttons when ur going up for a dunk. If u know then tell me on AOL, my s/n is MySkillzShakeU23. I love how u can brake the defenders ankles, then u can blow right past em and dunk. I know that u can do other dunks i havent done yet, bcuz the computer does some, like throwing it off the backboard to urself then dunkin it. So ill have to figure it out. THIS GAMEPLAY RULES!
Graphics: The graphics r really good. the players look good, and the courts r kick ass. The clothes u get look tight on ur playaz. The instant replays look good too.
Sound: the sound is good. The comentary is aight, it doesnt get annoying, and there is some pretty cool music. There are only like 3 songs though and they do get kind of annoying after awhile, but who cares u play the game not to listen to music but to ball up playaz.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

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