Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (Original Xbox) by LucasArts

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (Xbox) by LucasArts Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible Xbox One backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: February 18, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.75 / 10

?We meet again Doctor Jones!?"

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Join daring archeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones as he travels to 1935 China to prevent a powerful artifact from falling into evil hands. Indy's latest globe-spanning adventure takes you from the jungles of Ceylon and underwater palaces in Istanbul, to the deadly streets of Hong Kong and beyond. Racing against evil Nazis and the Asian underworld with mysterious, alluring partner Mei Ying, you'll leap, swim, climb and punch your way through exotic locales, fighting hand-to- hand combat from street brawls to martial arts battles. It will take more than just your trusty whip and pistol to avoid deadly traps and navigate through all the dangerous environments. Do you have what it takes to possess the mysterious "Heart of the Dragon?"

Cheat Codes

      Invincibility/Unlimited Ammo
Hold Left and Right Triggers while pressing: Up, Up, Down, Up, A, X, A, B, Up, Down, Y, Start.

User Reviews

Score: 88
Overall User Average: 8.77 / 10 (87.5%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.41 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.59 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.50 / 10
Date reviewed: September 19, 2004.

Overall: Very good game. There are alot of levels that will keep you busy for quite a while. The levels have some variety that helps with replay value.
Gameplay: The best aspect of this game. I love the variety in the levels. The usual Indy pizzaz. This will be an especially great title for indy fans.
Graphics: Good. They wont shock you or have you drooling on your controller but they are good enough to not take away from your experience.
Sound: It has indy music, which really helps put you into the indy mood and kind of immerses you. Voiceovers are pretty good, occasionally repetitive however.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work. Look off of other titles and kind of combine whats good with them to make your next title a 5.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: Overall this game is excellent. The graphics are great and the overall realism is right on. It is a must for any fan of Tomb Raider or any other adventure series, especially fans of Indy.
Gameplay: The gameplay is great. The fighting sequences are very fun. Indy really kicks butt and its pretty easy to get him to do different fighting combos. Shooting the different weapons is slightly more tricky. When you go to first person view you get the view that Indy is actually facing, not necessarily the one the camera is facing. Takes some practice, but is defintely manageable. The puzzles are not that hard, but that also makes it fun, you can get right to the action instead of spending an hour trying to figure out what stupid block to push then dying when you fall off. I mean, did civilizations spend their whole time coming up with different block pushing gadgets, I highly doubt it. Also the game is very generous when Indy makes jumps and leaves a little room for error so that you don't have to land in one exact spot or die. Makes for a much more enjoyable game.
Graphics: Great graphics. The maps are great and very realistic. Great work. Indy looks like Indy from the movies. The scenery is great and very well done.
Sound: Has all the classic Indiana Jones themes. Good background noises that correlate with the different environments. Well done.
Suggestions: Make more Indiana Jones titles!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 30, 2003.

Overall: Great game, love the hat feature. I have stopped in middle of a boss fight to pick up that hat. I'm proud to wear it.
Gameplay: Highly addicting gameplay. I would find myself beating people up instead of shooting them because it was so fun. One fellow shot me in the back, So I beat the crap outta him, took his pistol, whipped him with it, and then shot him with it. Don't mess with Dr. Jones.
Graphics: Visually, not as good as say splinter cell, but the landscapes are awesome. Levels are well designed and require your attention.
The Character himself is the best I've seen yet. Occasionally I had to stop and just look at the guy. His weapons on his back even stacked on each other. His coat moves, when he fights, it doesn't look fake. And the Nazi uniform, pretty creepy, never ran around in that before.
Sound: Can you say anything BAD about having a John Williams soundtrack?
No way. But I wish the guns were a little louder at times.
Suggestions: Beta test a little longer. Weapons change is slow. Buttons could've been easier to customize. Send me a copy of KOTOR, so i can tell u the bugs.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 10, 2003.

Overall: Oh boy. What can I say? This is a great game. The gameplay is awesome, so are the graphics and music. If you've rented it, buy it. If you've never played it, rent it. Second best Indy game ever, second only to Fate of Atlantis. YOU GUYS, PUT SOME REVIEWS ON THIS GAME SO WE CAN PUT IT ON THE CHARTS!
Gameplay: The controls are perfect. Also, theres some much stuff available to do. You've got your basic weapons: whip, fists, revolver, machine gun, and a lot more. Then there are improvised weapons: liquor bottles, chairs, metal poles, table legs, and my personal favorite, the shovel. There are a lot of combos, so you don't use the same old moves all the time. Also, you can restore your health at any time by drinking out of your canteen. Nothing more a person could ask for
Graphics: Awesome. Lucasarts has stepped along way since Obi-Wan. Realistic elements are perfect.
Sound: Classic Indiana Jones music. What more could you ask for? Also other sound effects are great. Enimies don't always say the same thing. And I will never grow tired of the crack of the whip.
Suggestions: Great job. Keep 'em coming.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 10, 2003.

Overall: Absolutely awesome! This game flat out rocks.
Is the game that everyone who likes indiana jones adventures has to play, it has terrific graphics, great sound and the best of all is how Indy can fight (like to types of game in one: adventure and fight), he uses every item vs the oponents, its so cool!!! this is a tittle that you must have in your Xbox collection games.
Gameplay: The best of this game is te mix of 3rd & 1st person an how Indy fights, is so realistic, very cool detail!!
This game rocks!!!
Graphics: I think the graphics are fantastic.
One of the best looking games I have seen. The lighting is fantastic, everything is detailed and reflects light differently.
Great player models, lighting, atmospher, textures, design. The acuatic scenes are great!!!

Sound: Great soundeffects and moody music. The sound is better than in the most games but it could have been done even better
Suggestions: I would like to have the ability to save more often than at the end of the level, put less fountains cause its so easy to have good health.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This newest Indiana game focuses on combat more than its predecessors, which emphasized puzzles. The combat allows for hand to hand, and it works out well. There is plenty of enemies to take out, and you can use guns, fists, your whip, or anything in the enviroment you can get your hands on. As the game progresses you will get new enemies to face, new items to use, and a ramp up in the difficulty that plays out nicely. The game as a whole is not overly difficult and a little bit short(probably 10-15 hours first time through). The game has a technical issue with the sound that caused my xbox to stutter and the frame rate to drop considerably when the stuttering occurred. Although it didnt happen enough to ruin the game experience, it did affect the game when it did happen. The addition of hand to hand combat was a great idea. I like tomb raider kind of games, and this one had the best combat of any of them. I wish the puzzles were a bit more difficult, but if you like this genre then you will like this game.
Gameplay: The hand to hand combat allows for combinations, plus indy can jump, swim, roll, climb, swing and fight with his whip, defend and use items in his enviroment. The left thumbstick used to move and aim in First person mode is to sensitive(especially in first person mode). Sometimes the camera will focus on you when your fighting so you have to move it manually to see your enemies. This can be frustrating as you cant see what there up to. The levels got harder and better as the game progressed, with lots of jumping and platforming elements thrown in. The enemies changed up as the game progressed, I liked the ghosts in the latter stages of the game. I also liked the sequence of running from the german in the digging/tank vehicle. The game has 30 artifacts to find throughtout its levels to add some replayability.
Graphics: The game uses the buffy engine, and looks just like it. Good graphics, but not halo quality.
Sound: There is a bug in the sound. Sometimes when the music kicks the whole game stutters, the xbox is sounding like its working overtime while the framerate plummets. This makes me think the game was rushed.
Suggestions: I would have liked a bit more puzzles, and more difficult puzzles. It seems that more characters could be incorporated into the gameplay and story. That sound bug was bad.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: If you love the old style Indiana Jones movies, then you will love this game.

It blends everything you saw in Raiders and The Last Crusdade into a fun and well played game.
Gameplay: The fighting style is basic. Pucnhes and kicks. Everything you saw in the movies. Furthermore, enhancing your arsenal is the whip. You can use this to collar your oponent and draw him to you. Then beat him with your fists.
Graphics: Visually the game suffers a little. Slow to load sometimes and the background can be rough. However, the settings are exoctic and fun to explore.
Sound: Voice acting is average. Soind is above average with music changing like you would expect in a movie.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This is a sweet game. I really didn't know what to expect because I haven't liked Lucas games in the past but this one is definatly worth your money.
Gameplay: The gameplay isn't bad. It is probably the worst thing about this game. Everything was great except that I sometimes would visually lose the person I was fighting and would have to press the left trigger to find him again. It is just an annoyance that I could do without.
Graphics: I thought they were great. Everyting looked lifelike and I had no problem distiguishing between anything.
Sound: I really didn't notice. Who really gives a crap about the sound anyway. Just give a good action game and I couldn't care less about the sound.
Suggestions: Good job.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: The game is a must have, your always doing something...killing nazis to killing deamons, solving puzzles, swinging on your rope. If you don't have this game I suggest you get it, you could play it 50 times and still love it.
Gameplay: The gameplay is awsome, the only problem was I did lose myself a couple times, but it still rules, that was the only bad thing about it.
Graphics: Great graphics, the shadows, the water, the way he hits with his fists, whip, or the way he shoots his gun. It is almost perfect.
Sound: Great sound, when you have thing falling from under you feet and you can almost feel the vibration from the sound(not the controller), that is good sound.
Suggestions: nope almost perfect game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: A multi-platformer... what more can I say. I have never seen of a Multi platformer that could be good.
Gameplay: Repetitive. Good variety of weapons though. Dr Jones is still one of the coolest dudes ever. How could they have messed him up with such a not so good game.
Graphics: Decent. Nothing out of the ordinary though. They should have added more special effect and explosions.
Sound: Obnoxious sums up just about all the sounds in this game. The guards are annoying. Even Jones's voice got annoying.
Suggestions: Do better next time.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: This game did an awful job of using the almighty xbox's power. I was expecting a good game. I didn't get it though.
Gameplay: Had a lot of potential. A clunky set of sontrols blew it though.It had too many litle bugs that added up throughout the game.
Graphics: Ok, come on. You are on the xbox how can ya mess up here on the xbox? Grainy looking people and enemies. A good enviroment design saved this from a 1.
Sound: Needed a variety of sounds. The peoples sayings are way too repetitive.Needs harrison ford for the voice acting so it actually sounds like indy.
Suggestions: Make it more Indy like.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 30 %

Vorpal Foetus
Date reviewed: November 2, 2003.

Overall: I traded Apex for this one, based on the reviews I read here. Bad Mistake. Bad, nasty mistake. While punching and shooting Nazis has a certain appeal, the game moves into silly & stupid realms in a repetitive nightmare of mediocrity.
Gameplay: Oh, I suppose it starts off well enough, but after 12 scenarios of the same stuff, retarded "puzzles" and the transport of Indy to a magical realm of moving platforms to jump & swing to was too much for me. Level design flawed - more like "Mario Brothers" than "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (oh look, another chain in the middle of nowhere to swing on!) bleah. Got stuck behind a 1-foot barrier that I couldn't jump over - ended up dying because of it. Full of hate. Good part? Well, the hand-to-hand combat is pretty fun.
Graphics: Not the worst part. Looks like a port sometimes, but overall, the visuals are passable. I would've liked rendered cut scenes rather than the blocky in-game engine.
Sound: Repetitive dialogue, but the sound effects and traditional Indiana Jones music are nice.
Suggestions: Could I have my APEX back?

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: October 27, 2003.

Overall: Dr. Henry Jones, need I say more, ok Indiana Jones. If you love Indy your gonna love this game, if your not a fan you might think this is a half way decent action/adventure game.
Gameplay: Revolver, check, Bullwhip, check, Fedora, check, badass in a leather jacket, check. You get to be Indy that should be enough you whiners. You even get a visit from an old friend of Indy's towards the end of the game. The fighting is really fun, kinda feels like its for a fighting game. Various puzzles are all through out the game which most are simple but some may bake your noddle. A little cool feature I liked was you could pick up chairs and table legs and lay some good ole American smack down.
Graphics: This is where you may have issues, playing it makes me feel like i'm back in my ps2 days, but I love Indy too much to be that anal about graphics, but incase you are there are parts where you will be upset by how bad it can look, but other wise the characters look good and the environments look good enough.
Sound: Sound is wonderful, Indy theme song is a favorite of everyone I'm sure. The voice acting is good, it almost tricks you into thinking the voice is really Harrison Ford, but no its an imposter. Nothing better to hear the sounds of fists pummeling a nazi's head, sorry Adolf.
Suggestions: Come on give us one more decent Indy game to keep us happy until Indy 4 is released.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2003.

Overall: Indy's back! The world's most famous daredevil archeologist, Indiana Jones, makes his debut on Xbox. This is truly a stunning game and LucasArts has really been sincere with Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. The game is set in 1935, right before the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Indiana Jones races around the world in search of the Heart of the Dragon, a powerful artifact that can give ultimate powers to the one who possess it. Indy not only solves complicated puzzles and survives treacherous traps, but also fights his way through Nazis and Asian triads, as well as mutated living dead-zombie-demons. The game is very similar to many of the movies and many settings in Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb are almost identical to the movies. For example, Ceylon (like South America in Raiders of the Lost Ark), Prague (like the Nazi castle in the Last Crusade), Istanbul (like Egypt in Raiders of the Lost Ark) and many more. The game has fantastic gameplay, amazing visuals, and one hell of an Indy soundtrack that you will never forget. If you're an Indy fan then this game is a MUST! But I strongly recommend it to anyone else. The game manual looks great too, just like a real Indy diary! The main menu of the game is fabulous too, because its very interactive and creative, unlike in many other games. A good thing about this game is that, even though its a multi-platform game, it has been released for Xbox first!
Gameplay: Gameplay is magnificent. There is a mixture of everything that makes a great Indy game. There are treacherous traps and puzzles, which are not too complicated and just require some common sense. However, a main aspect of Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb is the action. Through the levels Indy fights against Nazis (Nazis...I hate these guys!), Asian triads and gangsters, and finally zombies and other mystical enemies. Not only do you get a whole load of weapons (from revolvers to shotguns to sub-machine guns to turret guns to grenades to spearguns to infinity), but you also get your trusty whip, which looks great. But most of all, you get to punch the living daylights out of your enemies. The game is divided into ten chapters, which then divide into various sections, but overall level layout is great and non-repetitive. Each chapter has three artifacts (30 artifacts for the whole game), so if you get all of them, an art gallery will open up. There aren't any slowdowns or freezes in the game, but once or twice I experienced in the last few levels. The game is fairly easy to beat (on normal that is), especially since you have a canteen to refill your health. Then to refill your canteen, there are special fountains throughout each level. There are even some special medkits found sometimes. Overall, the game has uncomplicated and great gameplay and is enjoyable for anybody.
Graphics: The visuals, huh? Well, lets put it this way...they're great, great, and great! Both in game and in the cinematics, the graphics are amazing. Maybe their not as good as some other games (hrmm...Halo...Splinter Cell), but this is a whole other genre and their definitely good enough for Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. The characters and environments are both done beautifully. Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb is a major improvement from the Infernal Machine, especially in the field of visuals.
Sound: The sound, in every aspect, is excellent! It's completely excellent! Sound effects are done greatly from guns firing to punches to footsteps and so on. Voices are also magnificent. Unlike in the previous Indy games (and other LucasArts games) the voices of the characters are similar to the voices of the characters in the movie. In this case, Indiana Jones sounds a lot like Harrison Ford, even though it isn't Harrison Ford. The music is outstanding, amazing, stunning...I'm running out of words to describe it! It's just like in the movies and it fits in perfectly with gameplay.
Suggestions: There are no suggestions to this game, because I am fully satisfied with it. LucasArts and The Collective have done a magnificent job. However, if LucasArts does make another Indy game in the future (probably based on the Indy 4 movie), then I suggest improving gameplay and other aspects, so that it will be EVEN better than Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. It would also be real fun to see an Indy multiplayer mode, where Indy (with a whip) goes against his dad (with an umbrella) in deathmatch. In general, all I can say about this game is "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory."

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: May 9, 2003.

Overall: Man this game is sweet. You are Indiana Jones, a really cool adventure guy with a whip and everything! Well anyways. You are an archioligists who must stop evil poacher guys plans of gettin these artificacts. The game is really really good. The graphics are great! The battle engine is similar to Buffies and is easy to pick up and learn. Indys voice sounds great and the game is full of suprises and action packed fun. I strongly recomend this game to those 3rd person adventure game lovers.
Gameplay: Your fists belive it or not not run out of ammo! Well obviously but you also have a weapon that can dispose of foes quite nicely. I like the battle engine. Left hand punch is the blue X button. Right hand punch is the green A button. You press them in combos to perform devstation combos. This was great! Of coarse you have your trusty whip used to unarm enemies or even more importantly grapple onto unusual objects to swing on them. There is big guns, small guns and machettes. Niiiice. Single player mode is gerat and it has replay value of looking for other artifacts. The gameplay here really shines and truly was a well done job.
Graphics: Visuals are great! Not perfect but still really good. One thing that was cool was when indy jumped in water he would take off his hat, and gettin out of the water he would put it back on. Although when it comes off it mysteriously disappears. Anyways Indy still looks great with the facial expressions and weapons. The enemies and environment look great too. Good job here but work on that hat gig =)
Sound: Indiana Jones really really sounds like the real, Indiana Jones. This was cool. The enemy voices are pretty well done with their accents, and the sounds of guns popping and the whipping cracking is also pretty good. Well done!
Suggestions: I dont know, make a sequel and just build on it.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: April 5, 2003.

Overall: Indy?s back! The world?s most famous daredevil archeologist, Indiana Jones, makes his debut on Xbox. This is truly a stunning game and LucasArts has really been sincere with Indiana Jones and the Emperor?s Tomb. The game is set in 1935, right before the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Indiana Jones races around the world in search of the Heart of the Dragon, a powerful artifact that can give ultimate powers to the one who possess it. Indy not only solves complicated puzzles and survives treacherous traps, but also fights his way through Nazis and Asian triads, as well as mutated living dead-zombie-demons. The game is very similar to many of the movies and many settings in Indiana Jones and the Emperor?s Tomb are almost identical to the movies. For example, Ceylon (like South America in Raiders of the Lost Ark), Prague (like the Nazi castle in the Last Crusade), Istanbul (like Egypt in Raiders of the Lost Ark) and many more. The game has fantastic gameplay, amazing visuals, and one hell of an Indy soundtrack that you will never forget. If you?re an Indy fan then this game is a MUST! But I strongly recommend it to anyone else. The game manual looks great too, just like a real Indy diary! The main menu of the game is fabulous too, because its very interactive and creative, unlike in many other games. A good thing about this game is that, even though its a multi-platform game, it has been released for Xbox first!
Gameplay: Gameplay is magnificent. There is a mixture of everything that makes a great Indy game. There are treacherous traps and puzzles, which are not too complicated and just require some common sense. However, a main aspect of Indiana Jones and the Emperor?s Tomb is the action. Through the levels Indy fights against Nazis (?Nazis...I hate these guys!?), Asian triads and gangsters, and finally zombies and other mystical enemies. Not only do you get a whole load of weapons (from revolvers to shotguns to sub-machine guns to turret guns to grenades to spearguns to infinity), but you also get your trusty whip, which looks great. But most of all, you get to punch the living daylights out of your enemies. The game is divided into ten chapters, which then divide into various sections, but overall level layout is great and non-repetitive. Each chapter has three artifacts (30 artifacts for the whole game), so if you get all of them, an art gallery will open up. There aren?t any slowdowns or freezes in the game, but once or twice I experienced in the last few levels. The game is fairly easy to beat (on normal that is), especially since you have a canteen to refill your health. Then to refill your canteen, there are special fountains throughout each level. There are even some special medkits found sometimes. Overall, the game has uncomplicated and great gameplay and is enjoyable for anybody.
Graphics: The visuals, huh? Well, lets put it this way...they?re great, great, and great! Both in game and in the cinematics, the graphics are amazing. Maybe their not as good as some other games (hrmm...Halo...Splinter Cell), but this is a whole other genre and their definitely good enough for Indiana Jones and the Emperor?s Tomb. The characters and environments are both done beautifully. Indiana Jones and the Emperor?s Tomb is a major improvement from the Infernal Machine, especially in the field of visuals.
Sound: The sound, in every aspect, is excellent! It?s completely excellent! Sound effects are done greatly from guns firing to punches to footsteps and so on. Voices are also magnificent. Unlike in the previous Indy games (and other LucasArts games) the voices of the characters are similar to the voices of the characters in the movie. In this case, Indiana Jones sounds a lot like Harrison Ford, even though it isn?t Harrison Ford. The music is outstanding, amazing, stunning...I?m running out of words to describe it! It?s just like in the movies and it fits in perfectly with gameplay.
Suggestions: There are no suggestions to this game, because I am fully satisfied with it. LucasArts and The Collective have done a magnificent job. However, if LucasArts does make another Indy game in the future (probably based on the Indy 4 movie), then I suggest improving gameplay and other aspects, so that it will be EVEN better than Indiana Jones and the Emperor?s Tomb. It would also be real fun to see an Indy multiplayer mode, where Indy (with a whip) goes against his dad (with an umbrella) in deathmatch. In general, all I can say about this game is ?Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.?

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 22, 2003.

Overall: Overall, this game is great! A classic to be sure. However, I would recommend rental vs purchase unless you are a die hard fan of Indy and must own a complete francise merchandise. This game can be beaten with as little as two rentals and there is no replay value per say. The reason for my 4 rating is because of some major flaws in the game which I will discuss below. If they could have not rushed production and fixed these glaring flaws, the game would have been a perfect 5. Sorry guys.
However, I will say this. I loved how they integrated this game into the movie line at the end of the game. Very nice touch :)
Gameplay: Gameplay was outstanding. I loved the ability to play as Indiana Jones and have played all of the PC versions up to this one as well. This is indeed, the best one of the series. Controlling the characters is as easy as 1,2,3 and learning the actions even easier. It would have been better to be able to switch between weapons faster, but that is not a big deal.
My problem with the game is the physics engine. There was many times in the game that an enemy could shoot me through a pillar or wall, but I could not shoot him back. One time in the game, I tossed a nazi off of a balcony, only to get down there and find him stuck halfway through the floor. His head and torso were gone, with his legs sticking straight up in the air from the floor.
Another problem that really got me was there was places where Indy could easily grab onto a ledge or roof, but yet the game would not allow you. But then when your fighting in one of the final areas and these stone statues come to life, if you are not careful as you are hitting them, Indy will follow them over the edge. DOH! I mean, come on. This is Indiana Jones we are talking about, not some stupid dunder head. But alas, sometimes the moves that he makes (sometimes on his own it seems) make you wonder if you are controlling Indiana Jones or Mr. Magoo.
However, that being said. It was still an awesome game and very fun to play as well as watch.
Graphics: Graphics are great! Attention to detail was very well done. However, the camera angle was something that time and again really ticked me off. You are jumping from one platform to another, you set your camera so that you can see where your feet are. Then you move and DOH!, the camera jumps back to behind the back, center view. Several times (like the tank chase) the camera angle changes so that you can't even see where Indy is, let alone where he is running. Extremely frustrating! This was one of the biggest flaws of the game. Too bad that LucasArts did not take enough time to properly debug the camera and physics collision engines :/
Sound: Sound was great! True John Williams through and through. True Indiana Jones through and through. Gives the game a great feel and sets the pace as well as the surroundings of the game.
Suggestions: I was a little disappointed in the artifact feature. You collect all the artifacts and all you get is an art gallery? I was hoping for an exclusive trailer of the new movie or something :)
Also, work on that collision engine as well as camera angles. That REALLY hurt the game.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 17, 2003.

Overall: Try and imagine, a game where you
explore lush environments have to face
dangerous enemies solve ancient
riddles and have strong gameplay to
boot? Well look no further, sorry Eidos
but even with this games technical
issues I'm afraid the Tomb Raiding
second rater miss Croft falls short of the
original adventurer......Indiana Jones
Gameplay: There are alot of nifty ideas here alot of
them work and although they might suffer
a bit from some technical issues they're
still somewhat inventive and lots of fun.
Graphics: The game is gorgeous, You're actually
controlling Harrison Ford in all of his bad
guy knocking greatness! The
environments look beautiful, the actual
visual style of the game emulates the set
design, location and overall
cinematogrophy for the most part, that
Mr. Spielberg had used for the actual
Sound: The sound effects are strong but what
makes this an experience is the original
score, even John Williams would
approve of this games score, the
composer uses Williams's themes for
Indy and integrates all of his other
themes into the situations, action and
transitions very well. Epic and a half!
Suggestions: Next time Guys try to pay a little more
attention to some of these technical
issues, a little more attention to the
collision control and such, oh and one
more thing, next time try and give your
release dates a bit more seperation with
the release of a Zelda game, the only
reason i rushed through this game
instead of taking time and enjoying it is
because I wanted nothing to deter me
from my Zelda!!!!!!Sorry but as far as
games go everything takes a back seat
to Link and his Hyrulian adventures......
even X-Box

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 13, 2003.

Overall: This is an awesome game. If you liked the tomb raider series for the PS you'll love this. The graphics are mint and the fighting scenes are brilliant. The game follows along nicely with the indiana jones dialogue, he travels to ancient ruins, has run ins with nazi's and kicks alot of ass. definatley worth the rental if not purchase. I am only on the fifth level and am very impressed, you won't be disapointed
Gameplay: like any game it will take u a few minutes to work out the controller settings, they arent bad and you'll soon master them. hanging weapons is kind of a PITA but a flaw that can be overlooked, so far the puzzles have been way to easy and i do hope they get more challenging, the fighting scenarios are well down, u can throw guys of buildings smoke them in the face with bottles etc. the first person shooting mode if kind of a drag cause its slow and clumsy so i rarely use it.
Graphics: beautiful, the scenary was really well done. when you are standing on a castle in prague you will know what i mean. Indy sometimes has the habit of walking like he has a pickle up his anus, but you'll laugh and then forget about it until someone else mentions it.
Sound: my sound system isnt good by any standards but i found the sound good, i agree that the guns could make more noise but i will survive. other than that they are really tight.
Suggestions: hmmmmmm make the puzzles harder, gear it towards us older players as well. make first person mode faster and smoother and fix the inverted aim problem. let us change weapon faster. and quickly equip the last weapon we had. other than that awesome game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 28, 2003.

Overall: this is one of the smoothest, realistic adventure games on the face of the earth, you actually feel like you are Indy, saving the world. At first i was a bit sceptic about bring back the whole ancient Indiana Jones storyline, but now I know why they did it, they did it because they came up with brilliant ideas to incorporate into a 3rd person adventure game and needed the perfect character and storyline, which is then when they decided to go with the well know Indiana Jones character.
Gameplay: this is one of the best put together set of character movements I have ever expereinced, I cannot even scratch the surface when thinking about the extreme in-depth gameplay and enviroments.
Graphics: The graphics knocked my boots clean off. It was amazing how they broke through the rust of this ancient character and brought him back to life as if he were the most popular hero to this day.
Sound: You know what, I don't really beleive something as small as sound can make such a big impact on nearly any game in existence because it should be just a small task to any game developer with a $300 keyboard/synthesiser, but in any case I have heard bad sound, and I have heard great sound, and this game tickles my fancy.
Suggestions: don't get me wrong, adventure games are great, but to me there is nothing worse than falling in love with a game only to see it end at the last level. In this case My ratings should only be considered as far as the game goes untill it has been beaten, after that those 5's I gave, go right out the door. Great game and this isnt a shot at this title itself, but a shot at all adventure games out there that die when beaten. Keep up the great work.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

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