NBA Inside Drive 2003 (Original Xbox) by Microsoft

NBA Inside Drive 2003 (Xbox) by Microsoft Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: October 15, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.13 / 10

This basketball game is up there with NBA 2K3. No I'm serious. 2K3 is the shizzell my nizzell."

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Challenging you to step onto the hardwood and take it to the rack, NBA Inside Drive 2003 dares each player to go up strong or don't go up at all. With thumpin' hip-hop beats, fluid gameplay, innovative commentary and incredibly realistic player models of all the NBA franchises, NBA Inside Drive 2003 delivers the ultimate NBA console experience.


Monday, April 22, 2002

Cheat Codes

      Hidden Players CAN be Activated:
Go to the codes menu and put in PEEKABOO
      Get Your Trades Always Accepted:
Go to the codes menu and put in DOIT
      Get Eight Ball:
Go to the codes menu and put in CORNERPOCKET
      Get Soccer Ball:
Go to the codes menu and put in KICKME
      Get Beach ball:
Go to the codes menu and put in BEACHBUMS
      Get More Alley Oops:
Go to the codes menu and put in DUNKONYOU
      Get Unlimited Turbo:
Go to the codes menu and put in SPEEDY
      Get Skyline Court:
Go to the codes menu and put in CITYHOOPS
      Get Xball: Go to the codes menu and put in XBALL
      Get WNBA Ball:
at the codes menu enter WEGOTGAME
      Unlimited Creation Points:
enter at the code menu MOMONEY
      Easy Three Pointers:
Go to the codes menu and put in THREE4All
enter the code SPIKEIT(all capitals). the ball will now be a volleyball

User Reviews

Score: 81
Overall User Average: 8.00 / 10 (81.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.15 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.31 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.23 / 10
Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: not bad after all,perhaps this is best
basketball game for xbox, the graphics
are the only problem,the players are not
bad,but the crowd looks terrible.
Gameplay: game play is cool,very fun to play with a
friend or great to play online,i love the
camera angles that you can select on the s,it,s amazing,i love
this game and i get to play with my
favorite team,oh yea the L.A LAKERS
Graphics: graphics are the weak point of the
game,it needs help ,specially the crowd
and some of the players don,t look alike.
Sound: sound is fine to me,not the bestof
course,but the creators of this game
didn,t add where the people always call
defense,after all this game is good.
Suggestions: just work on the graphics and i
guaranteed this game will succed in the
future,most people have a xbox ,because
of the graphics.if you don,t know how to
make a game look good,i would suggest
don,t make one.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 18, 2003.

Overall: I like this game. It is another good multiplayer to add. I can not compare it to another b-ball game be cause it is my first. I see no reason to buy another. I am the same with NHL 2003.
Gameplay: Easy to pick up. The fact that my knowledge of basketball lets me whoop my nephews !&%$@#* at this game tells me there is some realism in its play.
Graphics: Limited to just the players. Being from BC I like to play little stevie nash, with that long and flowing hair. Its not that detailed but on a level with EA's NHL 2003. Crowd was a little disappointing.
Sound: At least the colour coverage is not annoying. Everything seems to sound realistic. Hey its a basketball game.
Suggestions: Keep on building your franchise, just don't expect me to buy new versions.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This is my favorite sports game on xbox. I have been hooked to this game for quite a while and have played over 30 games of it.
Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good. There are multiple modes of play such as exhibition, practice, playoffs, and franchise. The thing that I like the most that they added from last year is the create a player. What I like about the create a player is that you have to earn points to make your player better. So depending on how well your create a player does in a game determines how many points you get to use to increase their attributes. The only complaint I have is that the game is too easy on the lower settings and sometimes fouls seem to happen too often. However, you can fine tune the difficulty with the A.I. sliders.
Graphics: The graphics are nice but they arent perfect. The players look pretty good and the stadiums look nice too. The only real complaint I have is that the game starts to slow down when the ball rims out of the hoop.
Sound: The sound is ok but the commentors get a little annoying after a while. Even after playing so many games I sometimes hear new things but they do say some of the same things a lot of times. The crowd noise is pretty good though.
Suggestions: I would like to see them fix the slowdown when the ball rims out. Also add some more commentary. I would also like to be able to have more options on what my create a player looks like.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Why can't Microsoft just settle for the fact they can't make a good sports game. They do great on a few games but blow it on this.
Gameplay: Why can't you change the friggin button functions? The modes are way too shallow also. They might have something with Franchise mode though.
Graphics: Good for a sport's game, but they hardly changed anything from last year's game. Next time they should try something origional.
Sound: Annoying announcers is all I can say, but they are saved from getting the 1.0 because of one real cool announcer. Forgot his name but he is cool.
Suggestions: Better.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: very fun if u want a fun easy game with awesome graphics get this it's hot and the commentary is excellent best nba game for the box so far
Gameplay: hnmmm fun and easy not easy like live where it turns into a dunkfest bu it's easy and fun and more realistic u actually do regular dunks like they do on ppl not crossover dunk
Graphics: hmmmmm polished booty ful not better than 2k3 but good better than live but someplayers don't looke like em but some look awesome but u won't be dissapointeed
Sound: ahhhhhhhh masta P won't dissapoint ya but if it does sorry but excellent commentary best commentarry for a ball game very good
Suggestions: street better crosses but good job microsoft is awesome

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 22, 2003.

Overall: Good title for a collection. 25 season dynasty. Create a player. Edit quarter length. Mess w/ rosters. Those are some cool things.
Gameplay: Pretty good. Easy mode is easy. Hard mode is hard. Hmmmmmmmmm... and uhhh.... its pretty fun to play.
Graphics: Good graphics. Proportioned players. Realistic dunks. Fluid movements etc. This is a good game. 1234
Sound: Good. Basic music while not playing is rap. While playing the announcers are ok. And........ I dunno.
Suggestions: Send out roster update disks cheap.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 20, 2003.

Overall: I like it, I really do. I eventually bought NBA 2k3 which I like a little better, but overall, this is a strong title, and now that it has come down in price in most stores, is definately worth looking into for some hoops action.
Gameplay: Maybe I'm just not the smartest person out there, but it doesnt seem possible to map different functions to different buttons. That kinda sucks...overall though the gameplay is smooth and fluid.
Graphics: Looks real good. Although it looks a lot like last years game...that kinda bothers me. No implementation of progressive scan, which kinda bothers those of us with HDTV's.
Sound: God I hate those announcers. Sounds like the same guys from last years game, and from microsofts football game. The basketball sounds are pretty realistic, but the announcers say the same 3 things over and over again..
Suggestions: Yes, a few. New features, HDTV support, XBOX LIVE for god's sake...both of the games competing with Inside Drive

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: March 31, 2003.

Overall: Overall, this game is great! I own the 2002 version and after renting this one, I am considering the purchase of it and the sale of 2002. A fun game to play and, imo, one of the best b-ball games that I have ever played on both X-Box and PC. If you are a fan of the game, then at least give it a rental. You won't be disappointed.
Gameplay: Gameplay is great. They really expanded the dunks in this version and it helps give a better "sense" of the dunk. They go down hard and come on top, even harder. The ability to create your own player and upgrade their "abilities" in career mode is great! I love to see myself in the game, playin' 'side some of the greats. Also, the ability to not only beef up the AI from rookie to veteran to all star, but to be able to increase/decrease the range of the computer and human AI in key areas is a def plus. Getting too many 3 pointers off and want a little harder competition? No prob, just increase the slider on the computer AI up a bit and BANG! you got it a little harder. Want the compute to block you a bit more? Bump up the defense a bit and you got it. Great addition to a great game. I got friends that want to buy the X-Box just for this game alone (and Splinter Cell of course..hehe)
Graphics: Nice job here guys. My only disappointment was you took away the sweet intro scenes from the 2002 version. Instead, it's computer demos and stuff. Also, I was hoping for a halftime show, but nada :( However, they have increased the detail on both the stadium/crowd as well as the characters. All in all, slight improvements made for a slightly better visual appeal over 2002.
Sound: This is one of the things that makes this game shine. The commentary sometimes is enough to make me ROFL off of my couch. Then hearing my guys diss the other team or human player, to hear my buddy say "Eh...shaaaduuup" to 'em makes me grin :> Keep up the good work in this area.
Suggestions: Halftime show. Plain and simple. Also, take that junk off of the front intro and put back some Vince Carter/Shaq slammin' it down hardcore like. Features like hidden video clips of past All Star games or highlights would also be a plus.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 15, 2002.

Overall: It is a good game better then last years game. But why? This game is only on xbox and it is not the best basketball game compared to Live and 2K3.
Gameplay: The franchise and season mode is fun. Two players is great.
Graphics: The graphics are quite done. Most of the stuff is real and that is good.
Sound: The announcers are quite done nicely and they almost sound real. Bigger improvement the NBA Inside Drive 2002.
Suggestions: Could make it better.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 11, 2002.

Overall: Sega 2k's games are always my number one pick for 3 consecutive years, until I've played MSID3 which exhibits superb graphics and fluid player movements. Although, 2k3 has a lot more features, I personally find the gameplay of ID3 more fun to play especially with its franchise mode.
Gameplay: The gameplay is so realistic and exciting. But, what I really like about this game is that you are placed in the driver's seat, giving you full control of the kind of gameplay you like or whatever may soothe you. You can set up the tendecies of the user and/or cpu players; like for example you can setup the cpu players and give them the tendency to dunk the ball like a wild animal or they could torture you by sinking some 3-point shots. When ever you feel the game becomes easier for you, you can always adjust the AI to play smarter agaisnt you. In other words, there are a lot of possibilities to make the game play more challenging and exciting in a very progressive way.

Graphics: Players look like their human counter part and the movements of the players are so fluid, unlike in 2k's basketball games, the motion of the players is kind of awkward, like robots. The movements of players in MSID3, very realistic, except for one thing-The big players (7-footer) should never shoot the ball like a jump shot when they are like 2-3 feet away from the basket even if they're in front of a guarding player;they should always have the ability to dunk the ball or execute a finger roll, not only when they cut loose.
Sound: The commentary is excellent; funny, got sense of humor, and insulting at times, which atleast gives you a down to earth real life experience.
Suggestions: Generally, I like every feature of MSID3, except for the Create-Player-Mode. (I like Sega 2k- create player better). Please use John Doe models with more distinctive eye shapes, like round, fierceful, droop, slit, angelic, etc. and introduce the use of slider to modify size of vital parts, like the nose, chin, head, ears, neck, chest, waist, biceps, arm, forearm, thigh, etc. Make it possible for gamers to create a thin, fat flabby, or muscular player. Add more hair styles, like the 70's long shaggy hair or with maybe with a pig tail.

In this manner, it will give the gamers more power and freedom to create the persons/players as close as possible to their own looks. Thank you..

PS. How about seeing the CLASSIC PLAYERS and CREATE-A-TEAM (w/uniforms) MODE for MS Inside Drive 2004?!?!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 31, 2002.

Overall: The game just flat out does almost everything right.I had to take it back twice and I don't regret it at all.
Gameplay: This game is so close to the real thing that it makes me not want to watch basketball any more just play this game.People go on hot and cold streaks so that it make every game special.Plus the players do what they would in real life.Iverson drives and shoots way too much,and Vince Carter attacks the hole like a madman.I do have one gripe,you still can't get to the line enough.But doesn't take away from the fun factor.Pus this game has the best Create a Player I've seen in any game.
Graphics: The crowd can finally see the action no more darkness.They must have finally read the Bible let there be light.They improved just about everyone's face making them look picture.Plus they have what 2K3 has players have different hairstyles some games and sometimes the have head bands and some times they don't.
Sound: What can I say any game with Kenny Smith as Co-Commentator has got to have good commentating and just like last year the commentary is funny and good all at the same time.
Suggestions: More fouls,dive for loose balls and put Mike Bibby on the cover.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 23, 2002.

Overall: I thought Live was the best basketball game of the year until i played Inside Drive 03.This game has everything that last year's version didnt.Last year's game was great all it needed was a couple small things but microsoft out did there selfs this time.
Gameplay: The Gameplay is all on the money and in place.This game has tons of new dunks and passes and also a franchise mode.This game makes sure u keep ur created player realistic by only leting him get up to a 82 overall.And If somone ever says that I dont know what im talking about Inside Drive is the (70th) game to my xbox collection.
Graphics: The players look just like themselves.The Graphics are very good on this game.Especialy when ur picking the team they have the players there.
Sound: This was one of my biggest worrys of last years game.The rim sounds are extrodenaire now.And all the player chatter and the fact that u can create ur player aas a trash talker or a quiet player.And Kenny Smith fits in great to the already great broadcaster.
Suggestions: I have no complaints perfect game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

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