The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Original Xbox) by Electronic Arts

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Xbox) by Electronic Arts Box Art


Xbox 360 backwards Compatible


North Amercian Release Date: November 5, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.21 / 10


Based on New Line Cinema’s film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic fantasy novel, The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King video game lets players journey through multiple gameplay paths, taking control of the motion picture trilogy’s heroes including Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sam, and Frodo. Set in all of the breathtaking locations from the movie, The Return of the King’s third person gameplay will include immersive action and epic adventure elements based in rich, interactive levels. An all-new multiplayer co-op mode will let players form their own Fellowship before embarking on their journey through Middle-earth.


Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Cheat Codes

      Sam Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: UpB, B, Y, Y.
      Sam Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Down, Up, Up.
      Sam Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Up, Down, X, A.
      Sam Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, A, B, Y.
      Pippin Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, Up, Up, B.
      Pippin Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Y, B, Y.
      Pippin Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, Down, Down, Down.
      Pippin Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, A, Down, Up.
      Merry Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Y, A, X.
      Merry Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Down, X, Y.
      Merry Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, A, B, Down.
      Merry Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Down, X, X.
      Legolas Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, Up, Up, Down.
      Legolas Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, B, Up, Down.
      Legolas Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Down, A, A.
      Legolas Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, X, B, X.
      Gimili Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, B, Down, X.
      Gimli Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Y, Down, X.
      Gimli Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, X, Down, Up.
      Gimli Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Up, B, X, X.
      Gandalf Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, X, Down, Down.
      Gandalf Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Y, A, Up.
      Gandalf Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up, X, A.
      Gandalf Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Y, A, Y.
      Frodo Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, B, Down, Down.
      Frodo Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Down, A, Y.
      Frodo Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up, B, Down.
      Frodo Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up, Down, B.
      Faramir Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Down, Down, Down.
      Faramir Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, A, Down, B.
      Faramir Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, A, X, X.
      Faramir Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, X, A, Down.
      Aragorn Level 8
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Up, X, Y, Up.
      Aragorn Level 6
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Y, X, X.
      Aragorn Level 4
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, X, B, X.
      Aragorn Level 2
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Y, A, Y.
      Play as Pippin
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, B , X, Down.
      Play as Merry
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, Down, Down, A.
      Play as Faramir
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, A, Y, Y.
      Play as Frodo
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, X, X, A.
      Targeting Indicator Mode
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, B, Up, X.
      Restore Health
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, X, B, B.
      Perfect Mode
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Down, Y, A.
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, B, X Up.
      Infinite Missiles
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, X, Down, B.
      Always Devastating
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up, Y, Down.
      All Upgrades
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Up, Down, Y , X.
      Unlock All Actor Interviews
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, X, A, Up.
      Restores Faramir's Ammunition
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up, A, A.
      Share Health
(Co-Op Cheat Only)Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up, X, X.
      Infinite Respawns in Co-op.
(Co-Op Cheat only)Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, X, Up, B.
      Restores Pippins Missiles
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Up, B, B, X.
      Restores Merrys Missiles
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, B, B, Y.
      Restores Faramirs Missiles
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up, A, A.
      Pippin 1000 XP
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, A, X, A.
      Perfect Mode
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Down, Y, A.
      Merry 1000 XP
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, B, X, A.
      Faramir 1000 XP
You must beat the game before you can use this code! Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, Y, Up, X.
      Sam 1000 XP
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, A, Down, A.
      Legolas 1000 XP
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, Y, Up, A.
      Gimli 1000 XP
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, B, Y, A.
      Gandalf 1000 XP
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Y, Up, Down.
      Frodo 1000 XP
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Down, Y, Up, Down
      Aragorn 1000 XP
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Up, X, Y, A.

User Reviews

Score: 82
Overall User Average: 8.21 / 10 (82.1%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.16 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.68 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.05 / 10
Liquid Gears
Date reviewed: September 30, 2005.

Overall: I think this was a good game to play if you really liked the movie but I don't think it was that great to a gamer. It was fun because you killed non stop and got to be the characters from the movie but there isn't much else that is unique about it.
Gameplay: It was really simple to play and was a fun game. But there just wasn't anything more to it I don't think.
Graphics: The game really did look great I think. It resembled the movie very well was pretty smooth on the Xbox. The environments were nice and dark but the characters moved like they were walking on air at times.
Sound: It sounded identical to the movie did which was nice to see. The characters voices could not have been done any better than they were. The chaos and fighting is represented very well in this game and has the same feeling the movie portrayed.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 22, 2005.

Overall: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is based on the brilliant Academy Award-winning motion picture. Although the game is not as amazing as the film, it manages to deliver hours of stunning gameplay. Most importantly, it effectively recreates the drama and feeling of the film. The game follows the storyline of the Peter Jackson?s film (and J.R.R Tolkien?s epic) closely. You are able to play as Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Sam, and a few other characters across over a dozen levels. In terms of experiencing Middle Earth through a ?battle? point-of-view, this game succeeds greatly.
Gameplay: The style of gameplay is similar - nearly identical - to the previous game: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. This game builds upon interactivity and brings much more life into the game. As mentioned, there is a handful of playable characters and a wide range of enemies. You have weapons, skills, and everything else to help you through your battles. The multiplayer component is also a useful addition to the game. Although the game is action-based, it would have been good to see more gameplay that revolved less around combat. Moreover, such combat also tempted to get confusing at times. Nevertheless, cameras and controls work well to deliver entertaining gameplay.
Graphics: The visuals in the game are done very well. The characters, enemies, environments, and ?magic? are all well designed. The game could have employed more of the ?visual greatness? of the film. Nonetheless, the graphical element of The Return of the King is far above average.
Sound: The sound aspect of the game is particularly amazing. A player of the game is treated with the stunning music and sound effects of the film, together with the voices of many of the actors (definitely the major ones). This beautifully crafted audio, powered with Dolby Digital and THX-Certified sound, is virtually perfect.
Suggestions: No major suggestions. A larger variety of gameplay modes would have been nice, but are not necessary, since The Return of the King has already succeeded as a gripping movie-to-game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: September 19, 2004.

Overall: This follows the movie of LOTR The Roturn of the King. Overall this is a good game while it lasts. Very short. I could propably beat this in one day. Has a great co-op.
Gameplay: Good. The fighting is pretty basic hack and slash material. Has pretty much everything form the movie. So if your a die hard LOTR fan you should like this.
Graphics: Good. I wasn't ever really thinking about the graphics as i played. So theyre up to par with xbox standards. But they wont amaze you.
Sound: They have the music from the movies. So if you cant get enough of that stuff then you'll enjoy it. If you'll get tired of it... then i dunno. Occasional voiceovers are usually pretty good.
Suggestions: Make the game much longer in terms of gameplay hours. The co-op mode was good. Make a lotr rpg- that ive heard a rumor about. Put in a cool feature that i cant think of at the moment.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 5, 2004.

Overall: I think I'm getting too old for these type of games. Just a bunch of button mashing madness. You get surrounded and just keep pushing the buttons and hope you hit something. Too bad you can't hit and block at the same time. This is the most frustrating game I have ever played.
Gameplay: Push your buttons on your controller as fast as you can. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING game. Very hard even on easy setting. You almost make it to the end of the level, then you die, guess what? You gotta repeat all that crap again that you just got through. Do you think I really wanna do that? Is that your idea of fun? I thought a 'game' was spose to be fun?
Graphics: Graphics are some of the best I've seen. I really likes the graphics and animation a lot. Too bad you can't base a game on that though.
Sound: Sound is perfect. Some of the music is taken right from the movie. I recognize some of the voices as the same as the movie.
Suggestions: Get rid of the checkpoint bullcrap. Allow the user to save anywhere, anytime.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 22, 2004.

Overall: This is a great licensed game that has to be the best hack and slash game I've played to date. It's much better than the Two Towers with improved gameplay, graphics, and longevity thanks to the addition of a
co-op multiplayer mode.
Gameplay: Simply put you hack your way through various enemies in 15 different levels. The levels are well designed except the second one for Aragorn which is a little on the cheap side. It starts off with a good boss battle against the King of the Dead but then puts you into a timed escape run with falling rocks and debris making it hard to see in some parts and it feels cheap. Otherwise the levels are well planned and have some great moments that made me feel like I was in the movies. The selection of characters is better this time with Gandalf which is the most powerful character in the game and the Hobbits Sam and Frodo as well as three unlockable characters.
The controls have a great layout and are easy to master in a short period of time. The Co-op mode is great fun and will keep this game alive in my collection for a long time, it's a competition to see who can slay more orcs and get a better rating like Gimli and Legolas in the movies. Great game, hack and slash doesn't get any better than this.
Graphics: The visuals are much better than the Two Towers, but still have a PS2 look especially in the textures, some are great and some well blah best describes them. The characters looks good, especially the faces which you hardly see close up. The framerate takes some dives especially in coop mode but it never lasts long or affects gameplay. The animation is top notch and looks like it came straight from the movies. The amount of action going in the screen at one time is simply incredible.
Sound: Awesome! Great music, voice acting from the movies actors and great clang effects of the weapons. The Surround is used well with clanging weapons coming out of the all the speakers.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 12, 2004.

Overall: I you have played the Two Towers, it is pretty much the same thing with some major improvements, such as co-op and more characters.
Gameplay: A major improvement was co-op. It made the game much mor eentertaining. The group upgrades were nice also. The only problem is that is is still short.
Graphics: Visuals are nothing spectacular. What can you exspect froma multiplatform game?
Sound: Sound is good. All the voices are from the original actors and the swords and stuff sound fine.
Suggestions: There is no real way to make it longer. Co-op was the best thing that you ever did. Why does anyone bother with the hobbits?

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 31, 2004.

Overall: Return of the King would be the one that is way better than the others!!! Fighting is fun and you get to be Hobbits this time in it (Locked charecters)
Gameplay: Some fight moves are pretty sweet and kills enemies in one hit. They still have the Fair, Good, Excellent, Perfect bar to get money to buy attacks or defenses or group attacks!
Graphics: Graphics are really good, like when u press Y on people that have no shields the blood comes all the way from there chest to their head so its pretty cool. the spears that u can pick up and throw them are sweet. like when u fight enemies with health bar above just through a spear or fire spear at him and it just stay stuck in his stomach or head
Sound: swords sound cool when u defend and attack, the ghosts sound like the movie and the voice acting is good
Suggestions: Make a online game from the series Lord of the Rings

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 2, 2004.

Overall: Very good 3rd person "shooter". Can become very addicting. The best thing about it is the new co-op option. My friend and I used to play for 1 hour every day after school.
Gameplay: The levels in this game are so fuc*in sweet! It also has some sweet unlockable levels and special moves + feautures.
Graphics: This game has awesome graphics. The levels are very good designs and same with the characters. It also features clips of the movie in it.
Sound: The sound is pretty sweet in it. Such as when the dam cracks. Also the voices of the characters in this game are the same people who played them in the movie.(not some fake)

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

The Jackal
Date reviewed: January 5, 2004.

Overall: Overall i wasnt happy with this game at all. It looked like a playstation game and the difficulty levels didnt seem to match the difficulty of the game. No improvements over the other LOTR games.
Gameplay: Gameplay was good. Lots of action and the controls were simple. Didnt like the fight against Golum. It was nothing like his character in the movie could do.
Graphics: Visually ok i guess. The faces were pretty similar but the graphics didnt seem very smooth to me at all.
Sound: Not bad sound. Had everything i expected the game to have and it added to the chaos in battle fairly well.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 5, 2004.

Overall: Great Graphics, Sounds effects are good and Loads of fun both single player and co-operatively. MUST BUY especially if you are a LOTR's fan and I am!
Gameplay: Controls are quick and responsive. Great feedback on controller. Button confiquration is excelent and easy to play with.
Graphics: Stunning Graphics, refreshes fast. Great use of shadowing and lighting. I personally like the clips from the movie.
Sound: Sound effects are great and real cool too. I love the sound of my sword peircing an Orc! Not bad at all!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 3, 2004.

Overall: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is a GREAT, fun game that adds multiplayer to the already great gameplay. Whether you want to play with a friend or go alone the levels are fun, but sometimes long. maybe too long because of the length you wont find much replayability in each level. but you also cant find yourself putting the controller down before you beat the level. theres bonus intervies, art gallerys etc every time you beat a level. including an already funny unlocked movie Hobbits on Gaming. you can play as multiple people including Aaragon, Legalos, that Dwarf dude, Sam, Frodo & Gandalf. while it becomes pretty hard through some of the later levels its a good challenge that a lot of people should take. LOTR: ROTK is a great buy & whether your a casual or hardcore LOTR fan, or even like hacks & slash games this is the game for you.
Gameplay: the controld are good, with you using your right analog stick, but ou can also use x, y & B for moves with your sword/axe. you can use arrows by holing down L then pressing A. you press Black when something glows like catapults, spears etc.
Graphics: the graphics are good but have that PS2 look. ive seen better hack & Slash on XB but still the graphics are good. i also really like how they go from footage from the movie to the actual game.
Sound: the voice overs are actors from the movies, although most of the cut scences are footage from the movies.
Suggestions: a little easier later on, & maybe even deathmatch for multiplayer.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: When a game is being sold at some outlets for $110, the counsel of wisdom would be to rent it first and see whether it is worth what amounts to almost a day's income in this country. I'm glad I did exactly that, because I would be feeling pretty ripped off if I had just bought the thing sight-unseen. This is a perfect example of how to take a brilliant license and screw it up so badly that it defies comprehension.
Gameplay: The choice of three linear paths would have been nice if the other two options included more than three or four levels. It would have also been nice to have a co-operative mode that included more than just the one path. The problem is that the Hobbit's path in particular is annoying beyond all comprehension. It is literally impossible to kill the boss at the end of the Osgilliath level, so one has to run past him and hope that they can open the gate before he kills you. Which would be all well and good if the stealth ability lasted longer than half a second. Then there's the mission to protect Merry and ?owyn. Nice idea, but it is let down by the fact that it is fundamentally impossible without a lot of cheating. You're fighting Easterlings, Orcs, and trying to down Mumakil, yet you somehow have to find time to beat off the Ringwraith on his Fell Beast? The words "I don't think so" come to mind. The fact that the combat is too fast for the player to make real decisions and think about their consequences also strikes pretty hard against the gameplay. The Lord Of The Rings deserves better than what turns into a stock-standard button-masher in a big hurry.
Graphics: Visually speaking, the game is gorgeous. It's pretty hard to screw up anything relating to The Lord Of The Rings in this area, especially when you've got one of the most expensive films in history to draw from. The essential problem here is that the game moves too fast and chaotically for the player to appreciate this. Interrupting the combat with video sequences detailed to highlight some kind of objective does not help, either. Nor does the unhelpful camera angle - we need to be able to see what is on the road ahead, not be distracted by the back of the character we're playing. Find an angle that works for the level, and stick to it, guys.
Sound: There are some aspects where drawing from a film is not such a good idea. ROTK as a film has some of the most wretched dialogue that writers could ever hope to supplant their source material with. It would have been a far better, and more courageous, idea to have the actors voicing lines that are actually in the novel. The Gimli and Legolas double comedic act got tiring last year. Now, it is just annoying beyond belief. The absence of the ability to have a custom soundtrack only makes issues worse.
Suggestions: One, don't expect a big license to carry you. Two, playtest the game with individuals who know something about photography - that camera makes the game annoying beyond comprehension. Three, if you can't lengthen the game without making it too difficult to enjoy, don't even think about lengthening it. Four, the audio capabilities of the X-Box deserve better exploitation than this.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: This is the last installment of the LOTR game ( I think since its the last movie) This follows very closely to two towers gameplay and deserves a chance.
Gameplay: The gameplay is finely tuned and tweaked compared to last years two towers game. You now have recorded experience and you can buy new moves via dungeons and dragons style. The only problem is this game is very short on the two player side but has replay value since there are character unlockables etc..
Graphics: Its an EA game so dont expect anything over the top. Yes it looks like a ps2 port and yes they coulda used a lot more of the xbox capability but its decent.
Sound: If you have surround sound then this game really plays up to par with it. The in game cinmeas sound great and the action is never off.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 4, 2003.

Overall: Ok everyone is wondering is this game worth it and well i say yes cause of the awesome gameplay and decent camera angles. i would have gave it a 5.0 but considering that the camera angle's freak out at times. I suggest rent it once but theres lots of gamplay considering that you want to get all of the characters to there highest level and beat each level with a sweet rank.and theres co-op mode which is pretty sweet i wish you could play like with four people that would be total kick a$$ but on the other hand good gamplay good sound good graphics and good gamplay its a must buy if not rent like 8 i give like 2 thumbs up so go buy it.
Gameplay: your one of the like i think seven characters and you simply fight you way though all the levels. the game is a breeze but it can get hard at times, the fighting systems works pretty sweet smooth animations and cool fight skills.Even if you hate the movies to hell its still awesome you dont need to no the whole story or play the other ones to no theres a battle and you have to kill everything.and theres three paths you cant take as a wizard like gandolf or the path of a hobbit or a fight which is legolas,Strider and gimmely,then the hobbits are sam and frodo.
Graphics: like i said in gamplay and overall descriptions that the the visual are beautifull and rugged at times like rugged i mean in a good way rocky, moutains and just scary places boo didnt work o well. and beatifull at time with great pixel shadded bumpmapping hahha anyways graphics whys this game meets stantards of most games out. just watch out for camera angles some times.
Sound: the sound is just as good as the movie you got the 5.1 surround sound with big booms and crashes and screaming all you have too do is crank up the sound and you'll be in a gamer heaven blast it and i might give the sound score a 6.0 out of 5.0 but sound good.
Suggestions: well to the developers i love it i think EA knows whats up with the gaming community i sallute you. Just a couple things i would like would be little better cameras and maybe possible 4 player action and i would have to say being able to jump why i dont know its just fun.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 30, 2003.

Overall: This is the best Lord of the Rings game you will find. It has great graphics, characters, scenes from the movies, actors voices from the movie, interviews from movie, etc. Everything in this game is great! If you are looking for an awesome action game than this is one.
Gameplay: You can choose to take the Path of the King (Aragon, Gimli, and legolas), the Path of the Wizard(Gandalf), or the Path of the Hobbits(Sam and Frodo). All the characters have special combos and unique abilities. There are different missions for each path, but once you have beat all Paths you can use any charcter on whatever mission or path. Its a hack and slash game with awesome graphics. There are some intense boss fights. Most of the levels are medium difficulty. They might take 2 or more times to beat. The levels are fun and well designed. After each completed level you can upgrade your character or the whol fellowship with the points you got in the last level. There is 2 player co-op. All of the scenes from the movies are seamlessly integrated into the gamesplay.
Graphics: Top notch graphics! The charcter models look fantastic. They look just like their real life counterparts. The graphics rule.
Sound: What can you expect? The great music from the movies is also incorporated into the game just like the real actors voices.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 9, 2003.

Overall: The Return of the King is a very good game. The graphics are amazing, the controls are solid, and the music is straight from the movie soundtrack. The adventure is quite long, but that?s mainly because it takes multiple times to beat some levels. The cool levels are full of interactivity, like being able to pick up spears and throw them, or knocking over a lamp and watching its contents set baddies on fire. However, like most games, RotK has its flaws. First, it?s very difficult. No matter what group you?re playing as (Either the fellowship episodes with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas, the hobbit episodes with Sam and Frodo, or the wizard episodes with Gandalf), it will take numerous times to beat each level even on easy difficulty. Second, you have to rely on the same moves (strong attack, weak attack, or long distance attack) throughout the game no matter which group your playing as. Finally, even though RotK is a very worthwhile adventure, there is no online play (only PS2 has 2-player co-op).

Gameplay: The Return of the King is a hack and slash game at heart, but there are some elements that make it different from other slasher games. Your characters can buy upgrades (like improved attacks or new moves) not only for himself, but for the entire group. Another improvement over the Two Towers is the co-op mode. I have yet to try it out, but I?ve read that its really good and a reason to buy this game. However, during gameplay, RotK is nothing more that pressing A (weak attack), X (block), or Y (strong attack).

Graphics: Geez, does this game have some killer graphics. All the characters in the game (from the main ones to even the supporting ones) look almost exactly like they do in the movies. I like the improvements made in the baddie-slashing department. In the last game, there was no ?residue? left when an orc was slashed (ya know, blood and gore). Even though there isn?t really blood in this game, there is some black liquid looking stuff that follows your sword after you slice a bad guy, and that?s really neat. The backrounds look very cool as well, and you can tell a lot of hard work went into them.
Sound: I really appreciate all the effort that went into RotK?s sound. Most voices are from the actors that played them (sadly, Aragorn and Legolas?s real life counterparts didn?t participate), like Elijah Wood as Frodo, Ian McKellan as Gandalf, Sean Astin as Sam and so on. The music, which rocks, is directly from the movie soundtrack, so that is also cool. The grunts, weapons, and the arrows all sound very realistic. Most noticeably, when you kill a troll by throwing a spear into it, the wheeze it makes when its dieing sounds very cool. In the end, this game really soars in the sound division.
Suggestions: If there is another EA made LotR game (since Return of the King is the last movie in the LotR triology), there should definitely be an online mode for Xbox and something else to do other than hacking and slashing (*cough* minigames *cough*). An ideal minigame would be first person arrow firing, riding a horse or animal into battle, or even something oddball like hammering a sword.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King News

EA Confirms Some Third Age Characters
EA has revealed four of the six playable characters for The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age.

VU Nabs Tolkien Music Director
Vivendi Universal Games (VU Games) today announced that it has hired Chance Thomas as the Tolkien Music Director in charge of the creation and production of the musical themes for all of its video games based on The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

LOTR: The Return of the King Ships
Electronic Arts has begun shipping The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King to retailers around the country for the Xbox.

LOTR: The Return of the King goes GOLD!
EA announces that The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King has gone gold and will arrive in North American stores early next month.

New Lord of the Rings:ROTK Movie
Electronic Arts has released a new movie for Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.

EA Announces LOTR: The Return of the King
Electronic Arts officially announced today the development of The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King scheduled to be released worldwide in fall 2003.

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