Today, July 15th, 2004, is a day that will live in infamy. My xbox, the bear, has died on this sad day. At approximately 1:35 PM est time, while playing my season of ESPN Baseball 2k4, my screen froze with Johnny Damon on first base after a single to lead off the inning. I turned off my xbox, turned it back on, and got the dreaded "Your xbox requires service. Please call xbox customer support" screen that I get alot, figuring it was just the same it always is. I turned it off again, and then turned it on again, only to go through the same thing. At this point, worry struck my mind, and I began to revive it.

Nothing I can do will bring it back at this point, and I am deeply saddened to have to say goodbye. Thank you for the hundreds upon hundreds of hours of joy you brought me, The Bear, you were like a son to me. I will miss the loud hum you made, the white mark on your head after I dropped my tiger woods bobblehead on you, and the joy of all the DDE's you gave me. I will miss you forever, and hopefully in another life, we can be together again. Goodbye xbox

The Bear, July 27th, 2002--July 15th 2004