I cannot say I am bummed about buying Xbox, but Microsoft lied through their teeth about the system, and I am not very happy about it myself.

I bought it #1 for RAW that had a ton of features that never happened, so I was like okay that was lie #1. The game speaks for itself, I don't need to say anymore.

Then another lie I fell for was we will expect the power to be used, and for ports to use Xbox's superior power. That was bull, most are the same or barely better for Xbox, and Microsoft never made any company do jack to use the extra power.

Another thing that made me want Xbox bad was the CD burning feature. The feature I spent more time ripping CD's into than actually using it. They might as well have left it out as far as I am concerned, and it was something I looked forward too when bought the lie.

Then we have the last lie. Xbox is built to be a system of the future. It might be 10 years until we learn to use the technology in Xbox, so it has a very long life span bs they told everyone. Well the future got really short, because I read Xbox 2 is going to arrive in possibly 2005.

All this bullcrap has made me not want to invest 1 more red cent in my Xbox. Why in the hell did I buy it in the first place? AWSOME WRESTLING GAME!!!!! Never happened. EXTRA POWER!!!!!! Never used. CD RIPPING!!!!!! Rarely used, and in games I hate. SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE!!!!!! Allready in works to be replaced.

You cant expect to compete with a company like Sony on lies, and it's odvious Microsoft was bullied in the video game industry by Sony. The companies were more afraid of ****ing off Sony than pleasing Microsoft.

So all you Xbox fans, don't expect what you originally bought until PS3 comes out. When Sony puts out their new system and demands companies use the hardrive, cd ripper and all that junk, they will. Thats the company they listen too, because that's the company that makes them money.

I lived and learned myself. No way in hell would I buy an Xbox2. As soon as Sony puts out PS3, and starts calling the shots again, what will be the point of an Xbox system with equal power system wise, but no balls marketing wise? Good news is for Xbox fans is they got a deep wallet, and they will need it. PS3 is gonna be everything Xbox was supposed to be, because Sony will force companies to make it just that.