With our "rough diamond" (v3.0 of XboxAddict.com)....Our main goal was to make this the smoothest transition possible, without loosing anything. The reviews, news, excitement comments and forums, we didn't want to loose a single ounce of it.

We are still debugging various parts of the site, but as far I as know most MAJOR bugs are gone. You'll also notice that for next few weeks, you might get tiny temporary errors on the screen. Just ignore them.

This time I really busted my a$$ to bring you (the dedicated Addicts/members ans new folks) the best darn giveaway among all other xbox fan sites out on the internet, to really introduce the new and improved site with a huge BANG! (I think we suceeded)

Remember folks, the is our biggest giveaway yet...we are giving away over $3,500 USD (that's like $1,000,000 canadian!) worth of hardware and software. Over 70+ prizes! For one month alone! The giveaway schdule is not hard to remember, when the give aways are EVERY NIGHT @ 9pm Eastern until May 10th, 2003. And Josh is da man! REMEMBER....One prize per person per contest!

Also, Josh will be checking if you've done ENOUGH participation on the site (depending on the way he feels), so that WILL increase you chances on winning. He'll have a small utility that will check your stats on the site. So, if you DON'T post news comments, reviews, excitement comments, and more....you won't win and we'll give your prize to someone else (you don't want that)....BUT, if you've participated...we'll take care of you.

I gotta run....But, now that my hair has just about all fallen out with the launch of this new site, I promisse you all that we are just gonna keep improving it.