Source IGN
June 10, 2003 - Akella's upcoming role-playing title Pirates of the Caribbean may be based on the upcoming Disney film, but it sure has the gritty pirate details and deep RPG elements one might've expected from say a Sea Dogs II. Not that any of us were there to confirm but the days of pirates and life on the high seas were full of adventure and make the perfect setting for any videogame. Akella is attempting to bring as many elements of the romanticized version of pirate life to Pirates of the Caribbean as possible and even though we've only scratched the surface, it certainly feels like we're well on the way to some serious swashbuckling in this game. Controlling a character in a living world with all kinds of items, combat and relationships to acquire and maintain is good, but doing that and controlling your own heavily armed sailing vessel is better. These are the two major elements of the game and we've got a few details on each.
Read the rest by clicking the link. I was not thinking to hard about getting this game. but now I am going to atleast rent it.