For the most part I read gaming magazines for information, not opinions. One of my biggest annoyances has always been the, what I consider obviouse, favoratism twords our little Black and "Blue" buddy...the PS2, in Game Informer.

Well, with that being said, I was looking over all the E3 info and at the end they had their Top Ten of E3 & the systems that would be delivering the fun.

Needless to say I was shocked..............

  • 10-Mario Kart: Double Dash (GC)
  • 9- SSX 3 (Xbox,PS2,GC)
  • 8- The Sims 2 (PC)
  • 7- Metal Gear Solid:Snake Eater (PS2)
  • 6- Tony Hawk Underground (Xbox,PS2,GC)
  • 5- Fable (Xbox)
  • 4- Gran Tourismo 4 (PS2)
  • 3- Doom 3 (Xbox, PC)
  • 2- Halo 2 (Xbox, PC)
  • 1- Half Life 2 (Xbox, PC)

Gee, what system do "I" want............