Morrowind has taken a delay again.


The development team for Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind have announed another delay for their popular RPG. When asked to comment on the reason of their delay, the responded, " We have been trying to make this the greatest RPG ever. We have also experinced some slowdowns while working on the game." When asked if Morrowind will be ready by E3, they responded," We are unsure of right now. We have alot of work to go to show it off at E3." When asked about a new release date, the team responded," We are so far away from finished with this game it would be hard to speculate the release date. If we had to say, it would probably be in late 2003." -BBC news

Man, how long will we have to wait!!!!

PS: April FOOLS!!!!! C'mon now, who did I get!!!