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Thread: A New GirL G@meR

  1. #21


    If you browse the forums with the Fratellis blasting from your speakers, it really makes things seem sane around here.

    Good luck, maybe you can even out all the testosterone around here.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Conchord View Post
    If you browse the forums with the Fratellis blasting from your speakers, it really makes things seem sane around here.

    Good luck, maybe you can even out all the testosterone around here.
    Why don't you just ask her for her number already.....

  3. #23
    Neighborhood Wood Elf Fargoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowride View Post
    Why don't you just ask her for her number already.....
    if he did in public laughs would murder him

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Slowride View Post
    Why don't you just ask her for her number already.....
    I believe I have been one of the only ones not to be drooling over the fact that the word "panties" has entered our forums... so, GFYS.

  5. #25
    Neighborhood Wood Elf Fargoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conchord View Post
    I believe I have been one of the only ones not to be drooling over the fact that the word "panties" has entered our forums... so, GFYS.
    Hey now why would i be thinking that i'm too young

  6. #26
    [ Xbox Live ® ] ChroniC<420's Avatar
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    Welcome at xba girl


  7. #27
    Add for customs The Jackal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FromHell440 View Post
    Some advice: If you don't want others to focus on your gender -- and just see you as another gamer -- it might be good for you not to focus on it(i.e. Your gender) so much. Had the posters -- on these boards -- actually insulted you for being female then you would have a point. However noone did..

    Notice how noone else put gender at the top of their priority list when joining? I don't know what gender most of the posters are here mainly because they don't focus on it the way you have above. I'm black but I never said "Black Gamer. Don't get mad if you get beat by a black gamer. Black gamers rule!" Then -- in the same breath -- turned around and said don't focus on my being black when that is all I have done myself. That would be hypocritical.

    Anyway, enjoy your stay and try just being a "gamer" rather than a "girl gamer" or "boy gamer" or "black game" or any of that other nonsense. Believe me it works...

    I completely agree with you. Saying not to pay attention to something is basically a way in which to guarantee that it is noticed and commented on. Furthermore, the little quote at the end of the post is just the icing on the cake in proving that there is a feeling evoked as if: you are either insecure about being in a male dominated hobby and need to "prove" yourself; or you truly do love the attention of being the deviant in respects to the statistical rarity of female gamers. Either way I feel as though this display and many others like it in society completely contradicts all the gains made over the years made for females in their quest for "equality".

  8. #28
    Senior Moderator Ainokeatoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Jackal View Post
    Either way I feel as though this display and many others like it in society completely contradicts all the gains made over the years made for females in their quest for "equality".
    Their view on equality is a contradiction in it's self if you ask me, women want to be treated equally to men but at the same time they don't want to be. What they want contradicts it's self, well, by itself.

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  9. #29
    Neighborhood Wood Elf Fargoth's Avatar
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    good job you got the people to argue on your 1st thread thats a sign

  10. #30
    Son of a Biscuit!!! LINKINPARK8591's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pink Panties009 View Post
    Just Dropping by to say Hello, Awesome site and I LOVE MY 360.
    Please not hate for me being a Girl, if your up for Trash Talking then Challenge me to a game and take it out there. However Consider this your WARNING! lol

    "I traumatize everyone with whom I play,
    Because they mistake who I portray,
    Their mouths drop widely, being stunned with awe, They can’t understand I break the unwritten law.
    That this gamers a girl"
    First of all Welcome enjoy the stay, hope ya stick around. Second i have no problems with female gamers. I actually think it's tight when a chick wants to go up against me in a game. No i'm not a sore loser either, if i'm beat at my game against a chick, kudos man just mean i have to bring it up another notch next time.
    Any way hope you enjoy, hope to see you on the forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-XBA View Post
    Pink panties is it? I'm afraid we may require proof!
    LOL Yes would have to agree here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ekztazy View Post
    Hi, I am the most hated person around here, nice to meet you
    That's not true i'm kool with Ekztazy he's currently our most graphically active member. Have i ever straight out said i didn't like you ekz?

    Oh P.s. Fargoth is only sixxxx years old. he still thinks that chicks have cooties.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ainokeatoo View Post
    Their view on equality is a contradiction in it's self if you ask me, women want to be treated equally to men but at the same time they don't want to be. What they want contradicts it's self, well, by itself.
    Quoted for Truth.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Jackal View Post
    I completely agree with you. Saying not to pay attention to something is basically a way in which to guarantee that it is noticed and commented on. Furthermore, the little quote at the end of the post is just the icing on the cake in proving that there is a feeling evoked as if: you are either insecure about being in a male dominated hobby and need to "prove" yourself; or you truly do love the attention of being the deviant in respects to the statistical rarity of female gamers. Either way I feel as though this display and many others like it in society completely contradicts all the gains made over the years made for females in their quest for "equality".
    Glad you liked what I had to say.

    Man look I'll game with anyone as long as they know what they are doing. I never could understand why some women go around genderizing everything rather than just getting along. I can't see you online anyway, so who cares?

    You want to play? Hit me up online and we can team-up for some games.

    BUT I do not, I mean I DO NOT want to get with someone that doesn't know how to drive a warthog in Halo 3!!!!
    Last edited by FromHell440; 02-06-2008 at 11:39 AM.

  13. #33
    Son of a Biscuit!!! LINKINPARK8591's Avatar
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    I agree that they contradict themselves a got amount of the time. but come on the only reason this becoming debated is cuz she right of the bat mentioned it. obviously she mentioned it because guys normally make a big deal about it to begin with. So she just decided to put it out there and get that done with. Don't jump on her case for it. The way her post came along was more than likely due to previous reactions she got.
    Last edited by LINKINPARK8591; 02-06-2008 at 01:17 PM. Reason: Monkey Spunk

  14. #34
    Senior Moderator Ainokeatoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LINKINPARK8591 View Post
    I agree that they contradict themselves a got amount of the time. but come on the only reason this becoming debated is cuz she right of the bat mentioned it. obviously she mentioned it because guys normally make a big deal about it to begin with. So she just decided to put it out there and get that done with. Don't jump on her case for it. The way her post came along was more than likely due to previous reactions she got.
    Hmm? I was just commenting on what Jackal said, lmao I didn't mean it to be a debate... But in any case I hope she stays, rhiannon is making herself scarce now.

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  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by LINKINPARK8591 View Post
    I agree that they contradict themselves a got amount of the time. but come on the only reason this becoming debated is cuz she right of the bat mentioned it. obviously she mentioned it because guys normally make a big deal about it to begin with. So she just decided to put it out there and get that done with. Don't jump on her case for it. The way her post came along was more than likely due to previous reactions she got.
    False. It's usually women that play the "gender card" day in and day out. Most men could care less what gender you are. I never hear a "gender check" in the Call of Duty 4 lobby. Men just want to game for the most part and so do most smart women. It's the immature women that always make it woman vs. man for the most part, not men.

    Moreover, the fact that she does not know anyone here -- thus cannot factually reach such a conclusion -- and noone here even once brought up gender as an issue shows who is hung up on gender and whom is not.

    Your argument is a logical fallacy since noone here other than the poster in question brought up gender. Moreover, your claim that "others have done it to her before" cannot be verified in the least(It's simply a claim made by either you or her which cannot be verified.) What "can" be verified is that she brought it to the level of gender vs. gender before anyone else here even had a chance to speak.

    Fact: Noone brought gender into this but the poster in question. Thus anything that results of her "playing the gender card' would be just deserts.

    Ideology based on feminist nonsense: Men are always abusing and insulting women due to their gender.

    If you don't want your gender to be an issue stop making it one.

    Also, I notice how you quickly dismiss the excellent point Aino made by saying "yeah, they contradict themselves a good amount of the time" then moving on with a "but." No it is this contradiction in supposed goals that reveal the actual source of the problem.

    She claims she doesn't want to be seen as a "girl gamer" but just a gamer. Then the first thing she says is "girl this, girl that." If you want to fit in, fit in...don't claim you want to fit in but you're really looking for preferential treatment or to be seen as better than someone else.

    If you don't want gender to be an issue don't make it one. Noone online cares what gender you are.

    Here's an article where a woman -- who finally realized what playing the "gender card" does -- reveals how contradictory some women are and how they basically make things bad for themselves:
    Last edited by FromHell440; 02-06-2008 at 03:35 PM.

  16. #36
    Son of a Biscuit!!! LINKINPARK8591's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ainokeatoo View Post
    Hmm? I was just commenting on what Jackal said, lmao I didn't mean it to be a debate... But in any case I hope she stays, rhiannon is making herself scarce now.
    no problem, i wansn't targeting anyone either just wanted to comment. any how yeah i know rhiannon is pretty scarce now. yeah i hope she stays too.

  17. #37
    Neighborhood Wood Elf Fargoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LINKINPARK8591 View Post
    Oh P.s. Fargoth is only sixxxx years old. he still thinks that chicks have cooties.

    am not! Im 15

  18. #38
    Registered User Lady Venom NF's Avatar
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    Thumbs up :)

    Whats up Guys/Girls?

    I just joined...I'm 27, single and from Newfoundland...I've been on live for a little over 3 years now.

  19. #39
    Senior Moderator Ainokeatoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Venom NF View Post
    Whats up Guys/Girls?

    I just joined...I'm 27, single and from Newfoundland...I've been on live for a little over 3 years now.
    Newfoundland?... I hope you're not laughs, and if you're not, you should meet laughs... He needs a friend who lives close to him, most of the people here live in canada or the U.S.... Or well, bermuda. Anywhat, welcome to XBA, enjoy your stay, and feel free to ask fargoth where he lives.

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  20. #40
    Son of a Biscuit!!! LINKINPARK8591's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FromHell440 View Post
    False. It's usually women that play the "gender card" day in and day out. Most men could care less what gender you are. I never hear a "gender check" in the Call of Duty 4 lobby. Men just want to game for the most part and so do most smart women. It's the immature women that always make it woman vs. man for the most part, not men.

    Moreover, the fact that she does not know anyone here -- thus cannot factually reach such a conclusion -- and noone here even once brought up gender as an issue shows who is hung up on gender and whom is not.

    Your argument is a logical fallacy since noone here other than the poster in question brought up gender. Moreover, your claim that "others have done it to her before" cannot be verified in the least(It's simply a claim made by either you or her which cannot be verified.) What "can" be verified is that she brought it to the level of gender vs. gender before anyone else here even had a chance to speak.

    Fact: Noone brought gender into this but the poster in question. Thus anything that results of her "playing the gender card' would be just deserts.

    Ideology based on feminist nonsense: Men are always abusing and insulting women due to their gender.

    If you don't want your gender to be an issue stop making it one.

    Also, I notice how you quickly dismiss the excellent point Aino made by saying "yeah, they contradict themselves a good amount of the time" then moving on with a "but." No it is this contradiction in supposed goals that reveal the actual source of the problem.

    She claims she doesn't want to be seen as a "girl gamer" but just a gamer. Then the first thing she says is "girl this, girl that." If you want to fit in, fit in...don't claim you want to fit in but you're really looking for preferential treatment or to be seen as better than someone else.

    If you don't want gender to be an issue don't make it one. Noone online cares what gender you are.

    Here's an article where a woman -- who finally realized what playing the "gender card" does -- reveals how contradictory some women are and how they basically make things bad for themselves:
    again was just commenting, not trying to DEBATE.

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