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Thread: Colletors, Customizers, and the Originality of a Faceplate.

  1. #1
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    Default Colletors, Customizers, and the Originality of a Faceplate.

    I've recently run into a problem. As I was looking through the faceplate database last night, I saw that there is a near identical faceplate to my blue bubbles one. Now, I asked Spaceghost 2 years ago to make me this plate under the assumption that it was one of a kind and never to be duplicated. I see now that it is and I have a problem with that. I love my faceplate very much and it has never left my 360 other than when I sent it in to MS repair and when I took the pic for the database for Space. I wasn't even given a heads up that someone requested this or that he intended to sell it and I feel cheated in this situation.
    Does he have a right to now make near identical copies of what I feel is my faceplate? Do I have a right to request he doesn't? Does anyone have any rights at all in a situation like this or is it all based on what the customizer wants to do? I'm sure I don't have any legal rights, but does the customizer at least have a moral obligation to not copy the plate without making more changes or running it by the original buyer? I probably sound like the bad guy in a situation like this, but I honestly feel cheated and a bit betrayed. I wouldn't be making a thread about it if I didn't. I also think it brings up an interesting topic.
    I know these are tough times for all, but I feel like this is wrong. I'm unemployed at the moment and have been for awhile. I have been offered as much as $300 for my plate, but I refuse to sell it because I love it and Space's work so much. If I did have a job right now, I would offer whoever bought the duplicate double what they paid, but that's just not possible at the moment. Now it is no longer one of a kind and I feel like my original bubbles idea has been taken from me. I wouldn't have had any problems with a different color and layout of the bubbles like Space's mom did on her blingy variations, but this looks like an attempt to make it as close to mine as possible while still reasoning that it's 'not exactly the same'. It's hand drawn so of course it's not exactly the same, but it's close enough to look like a near exact copy. Should a buyer/ collector have the customizer put in writing that the plate is one of a kind and will never be duplicated? Does a customer have any say in the situation or is it all left to the creator? Seeing as the faceplate customization and collector community is such a small group and reputation seems to hold a lot of importance, would a situation like this ruin a creator or at least tarnish their image? I'm now being told that I did not pay enough for the exclusivity of the design. I never knew that was a problem when he suggested and I agreed upon a price. Is this fair or does it seem like manipulation? Creativity aside, I feel like reputation is a large part of this group and something like this is not good for the buyers or the creators.

    I'd like to hear you guys' thoughts on the issue. Has anyone else experienced this before? What do you think is fair or unfair in such a situation?

  2. #2


    Part of me wants to chime in with a 3,000 word post, and the other part wants to sit back and read the feedback from the community first.

    I'm going to force myself to give it a day and see what people say.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  3. #3
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGhost2K-XBA View Post
    Part of me wants to chime in with a 3,000 word post, and the other part wants to sit back and read the feedback from the community first.

    I'm going to force myself to give it a day and see what people say.
    I would really like to hear your 3,000 word post.

  4. #4
    Gamer Blamer Ohsay's Avatar
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    I to would like to see spacey's book-like reply to that,

    But the way i see it, if i asked space to me a one off and he did, and someone seen it and thought "wow, that's way cool and i want one!" and asked space to do one for said person, I don't see any moral obligation for space to say no, that was a one off, I'm not going to another one for you, as he is technically a business. I wouldn't expect to go to a pc shop and say "Hey i want a pc built like this in this colour with these parts", and expect them to say no to another customer that wants the same one as me just because it was my idea,

    The only way i think your problem would or could have been resolved is if you copyrighted your image which is a bit extreme, or if you had done it yourself.

    If i made a one-off faceplate and someone copied it, hey it would make me feel good knowing that i've designed something thats cool enough for someone else to pay for to get for themselves.

    Sorry but i think i'd be on spacey's side in this lawsuit.

    OhsayOne's Xbox - Jul 9 2009

    When someone makes a mistake there is typically some kind of gift involved... Maybe I can get a new faceplate out of the missed day of gaming yesterday... It is totally like OhsayOne to do something like that.
    Aww my Xbox knows me so well.

    7 out of 39,809. mmm.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I asked Spaceghost 2 years ago to make me this plate under the assumption that it was one of a kind and never to be duplicated.
    So when you asked him to make a plate did you ask for him to never make another like it ever? No, probably not.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I see now that it is and I have a problem with that.
    Having a problem with something Spacey did with his own time? I see.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I wasn't even given a heads up that someone requested this or that he intended to sell it and I feel cheated in this situation.
    So he is supposed to answer to you about every plate that may even resemble yours? Maybe add you to a mailing list with update? You serious?

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Does he have a right to now make near identical copies of what I feel is my faceplate?
    Who made it? yes, he can make whatever plate he wants. It's not a copyrighted image or your property so why should he have to pass it by you when he's the one that did the work?

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Do I have a right to request he doesn't?
    No, simple as that, unless the image was your property.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I'm sure I don't have any legal rights, but does the customizer at least have a moral obligation to not copy the plate without making more changes or running it by the original buyer?
    Here's a situation for you. What if I wanted a plate like yours and he DID try to contact you and never heard back, is he then never ever allowed to ever make a plate like that again? No.

    I would offer whoever bought the duplicate double what they paid[/quote]

    Then save up and hope Spacey doesn't keep making them for you to buy out

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Should a buyer/ collector have the customizer put in writing that the plate is one of a kind and will never be duplicated?
    If it's hand drawn, then it is a one of a kind, with small variations if he does other versions of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Does a customer have any say in the situation or is it all left to the creator?
    Who did the work on the plate? Spacey.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    would a situation like this ruin a creator or at least tarnish their image?
    No, and this is Spacey, not some no name plate maker.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Creativity aside, I feel like reputation is a large part of this group and something like this is not good for the buyers or the creators.
    How is it not good for buyers? Someone else that wants a plate like yours can get one. How is it not good for creators? They get more income from their hard work and time put into it.

    Spacey used his time and effort to make the plate and he wasn't using a copyrighted image or someone elses property, so I don't see how he is at fault.
    Executive Editor

  6. #6
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Well I have been the first one to own quite a few of Spacey's custom plates. Do I feel wronged that he then duplicated them and made them for others? Absolutely not. Heck I have even given him numerous ideas and suggestions that he turned into actual faceplates. Did I ever expect to be the only one to own one of those and for him to never make another on for anybody else ever again? Absolutely not. He is trying run a custom faceplate making business so of course if somebody sees a plate he previously made and wants one of their own he is gonna make it. Thats money in the bank baby! The only way I would be upset is if I specifically said make this for me and only me and then it was remade for somebody else without at least consulting with me first. If you had a set in stone agreement that your custom faceplate would never be made again then you have every right to be mad as all heck. However if that wasn't the case you should have realized by now that Spacey remakes plates all the time. Look at how many Halo 3 customs the man did around the time the game came out. They were a hot commodity back then. I think maybe you need to take a deep breath, step back, and realize this was not in any way an attack against you.

  7. #7
    Half-Cylon gameking28's Avatar
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    Wow, I'm glad I waited before posting my reply because it would've just reiterated a lot of what has been said by others during the time it took to write mine.

    I understand why you feel betrayed and angry - I had a similar experience (with Spacey no less)!

    A while back Spacey made a really awesome Halo 3 faceplate that was unlike anything he had done previously. I wanted it bad and luckily was the one that got it. Recently I saw that he had made another one for a forum member here.
    Was I upset about it? A little to be honest. I had the same feeling you're having about it - that it kind of ruins the originality and 1-of-a-kind nature of it. I thought about sending him a message and asking him why he didn't ask me if he could make one for someone else.

    Then I thought about it some more and realized two things:
    1. The duplicate, while looking almost exactly the same as my faceplate, is not my faceplate and never will be. It just looks like it (something you already realize since you mentioned it).
    2. I didn't ask him to never make another one, nor did I have the right to in my situation - it was 100% his creation from concept to end result.

    Look at it this way, there's only 1 original Mona Lisa. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of copies of it out there that are so close the average person couldn't tell the difference by the naked eye.

    But there's still only 1 original.

    That thought really brought some clarity to the situation for me.

    Now I understand our situations differ on the fact that the faceplate was based on your idea and made for you from that idea. I took a look through the faceplate db - your bubble design isn't all that different from the Microsoft one, the bubbles just aren't pink or lopsided. I would sympathize with you a lot more if the design were less simple and not a pretty close copy of arguably one of the most widely available faceplate out there. That being said, I do think he should have done the courtesy of letting you know he was making another. It would have been the polite thing to do. But that's about the only thing I think Spacey screwed up on in this situation. To make an entire thread that on one hand bashes the hell out of Spacey and his reputation and on the other asks for others opinions isn't really warranted.

    Anyway, that's my take on the situation.
    Last edited by gameking28; 05-16-2009 at 10:37 PM.
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    Hidden Content Originally Posted by Conchord Hidden Content
    And by "big" I mean purple, and by "gun" I mean vibrator.
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    cars are stupid and i hate them.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Variation-XBA View Post
    So when you asked him to make a plate did you ask for him to never make another like it ever? No, probably not.
    No, but it was my idea and I went to him because I really liked his work. I guess I just figured he was an honest person who wouldn't manipulate the situation later on to turn a buck. Shame on me for being too trustful and shame on him for being misleading I guess.

    Having a problem with something Spacey did with his own time? I see.
    What does doing it with his own time have anything to do with what I'm saying? He copied a faceplate that was supposed to be for me and me alone so he could make a profit. I bought it thinking that by using my own idea, it was mine and no duplicates would be made.

    So he is supposed to answer to you about every plate that may even resemble yours? Maybe add you to a mailing list with update? You serious?

    Who made it? yes, he can make whatever plate he wants. It's not a copyrighted image or your property so why should he have to pass it by you when he's the one that did the work?
    Like I said, it was my idea so yes, he should at least give me a heads up if he planned to profit by copying what I feel belongs partially to me.

    Here's a situation for you. What if I wanted a plate like yours and he DID try to contact you and never heard back, is he then never ever allowed to ever make a plate like that again? No.
    I would have responded back to him if he had actually contacted me. He had 3 ways to contact me: here, email, or on Xbox Live and didn't even attempt to.

    Then save up and hope Spacey doesn't keep making them for you to buy out
    I honestly don't find this one bit funny. I already explained that I'm unemployed and I have next to nothing right now so buying a plate is out of the question. Poking fun at the situation is very mean and petty. We can't all run around and buy everything we see.

    Who did the work on the plate? Spacey.
    Yes, but the idea for the plate was from me, not him. Making a plate and then seeing if people want to buy it is one thing, but when someone contacts you with an idea for a custom made one specifically for them, that's another.

    No, and this is Spacey, not some no name plate maker.
    Exactly why I see he exploited the situation. His argument was that anyone could go out and buy the stencil for it, but we all know the reason this plate is of interest is because he made it. He exploited that fact for his own benefit.

    How is it not good for buyers? Someone else that wants a plate like yours can get one. How is it not good for creators? They get more income from their hard work and time put into it.
    Let me clarify. It's not good for buyers who want a one of a kind, never to be duplicated plate like I did. I plan to never buy another plate again from anyone now and I feel some others may feel the same way if they were in a similar situation and felt like they were cheated out of their original plate. Adding that I didn't pay him enough for the sole use of the design adds insult to injury and it does tarnish his reputation.

    Spacey used his time and effort to make the plate and he wasn't using a copyrighted image or someone elses property, so I don't see how he is at fault.
    Actually, he was using my idea for the bubbles in the first place. No, it's not an original idea, but it was still mine for what it was being used for. Like I said above, I contacted him about making it for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by moltenluv View Post
    Well I have been the first one to own quite a few of Spacey's custom plates. Do I feel wronged that he then duplicated them and made them for others? Absolutely not. Heck I have even given him numerous ideas and suggestions that he turned into actual faceplates. Did I ever expect to be the only one to own one of those and for him to never make another on for anybody else ever again? Absolutely not. He is trying run a custom faceplate making business so of course if somebody sees a plate he previously made and wants one of their own he is gonna make it. Thats money in the bank baby! The only way I would be upset is if I specifically said make this for me and only me and then it was remade for somebody else without at least consulting with me first. If you had a set in stone agreement that your custom faceplate would never be made again then you have every right to be mad as all heck. However if that wasn't the case you should have realized by now that Spacey remakes plates all the time. Look at how many Halo 3 customs the man did around the time the game came out. They were a hot commodity back then. I think maybe you need to take a deep breath, step back, and realize this was not in any way an attack against you.
    I do agree with you on some points. I now realize I was too trusting with the situation, but I really didn't feel back then that I would need an agreement in writing saying he wouldn't use my idea and make copies of the faceplate he made for me. I assumed it would be for mine and only mine and since one had never been made before now, I just stuck with that belief. I think the point you're overlooking is the he is trying to run a CUSTOM faceplate business like you said. Custom, at least to me, doesn't mean duplicates. Custom means one of a kind, never to be seen again and made to the customers specifications. Like I said, I would have been perfectly fine with another color or slightly different layout of the plate, but you can see that it was a blatant attempt to copy it as closely as possible.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I guess I just figured he was an honest person who wouldn't manipulate the situation later on to turn a buck. Shame on me for being too trustful and shame on him for being misleading I guess.
    Well where's the FACT that he isn't honest? Did you have an agreement on paper or even in saying? I'm guessing no. How did he mislead you? Did he say that he'll never do another plate like yours, I'm also guessing no.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    He copied a faceplate that was supposed to be for me and me alone so he could make a profit. I bought it thinking that by using my own idea, it was mine and no duplicates would be made.
    Well, like it was said before, your bubbles plate looks basically like the official Microsoft one so.... Again, unless something was said about no dupes being made, then I don't see Spacey at fault in the slightest.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Like I said, it was my idea so yes, he should at least give me a heads up if he planned to profit by copying what I feel belongs partially to me.
    So if I got him to make me a Halo plate (before he did them for Halo 3 etc), should I have been asked for permission for any Halo plate there after since it was "my idea"? I hope you see how absurd that is. I'm assuming you'll throw back the copyright issue back about Halo, so for another example, what if I wanted say....a spatula or something odd on the plate. From there on do I own the 'right' to any plate that deals with a spatula? Exactly.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I would have responded back to him if he had actually contacted me. He had 3 ways to contact me: here, email, or on Xbox Live and didn't even attempt to.
    It was a theoretical question. Again, he wasn't obligated to so why should he? Bubbles aren't your property.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I already explained that I'm unemployed and I have next to nothing right now so buying a plate is out of the question. Poking fun at the situation is very mean and petty. We can't all run around and buy everything we see.
    Wasn't poking fun at the unemployed situation, it was the fact that you said you would have bought the other plate to keep them "yours" in essence.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Yes, but the idea for the plate was from me, not him.
    Point being? Why would I make a random bubble plate if I was a faceplate maker if it wasn't for myself? So that maybe one day someone will want one? I better make that Spatula plate just in case one day then.....

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Exactly why I see he exploited the situation. His argument was that anyone could go out and buy the stencil for it, but we all know the reason this plate is of interest is because he made it. He exploited that fact for his own benefit.
    I think you are using 'exploited' way too loosely here. The way you make it sound is like he makes these plates, then just uses those 'stensils' to turn a massive profit on his own end. I think you got this completely wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Let me clarify. It's not good for buyers who want a one of a kind, never to be duplicated plate like I did.
    Again, I'm going to assume this wasn't part of the agreement, but he should have magically known to never make a bubble-like plate again?

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I plan to never buy another plate again from anyone now and I feel some others may feel the same way if they were in a similar situation and felt like they were cheated out of their original plate. Adding that I didn't pay him enough for the sole use of the design adds insult to injury and it does tarnish his reputation.
    I've not bought a plate from Spacey, but I would probably guess that he wouldn't say "pay me more to make it a one-time-make'. But hey, tell me otherwise then in writing.

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    Actually, he was using my idea for the bubbles in the first place. No, it's not an original idea, but it was still mine for what it was being used for. Like I said above, I contacted him about making it for me.
    So you said yourself it's not an original idea (the MS bubbles plate) but since YOU asked for it, it's now YOURS?

    Quote Originally Posted by cin84_12
    I think the point you're overlooking is the he is trying to run a CUSTOM faceplate business like you said. Custom, at least to me, doesn't mean duplicates. Custom means one of a kind, never to be seen again and made to the customers specifications.
    You obviously haven't seen his Halo ones or other ones that he's made then. Maybe to YOU custom means 1 of a kind, maybe to me it means a plate made by someone like Spacey that doesn't exist at retail or purchasable in a store.

    It's all perception. Obviously you think you've been wronged, nothing I say or anyone else is obviously going to change your mind, so it seems like you've just come here to try and bash Spacey in your anger.

    You think you own an idea. Sorry to say, but you don't. You may think it's yours, but it's been done before and it even looks like a variant of something already out there.

    I want a bubble should I ask your permission now before getting someone to make it for me?

    Quote Originally Posted by gameking28
    your bubble design isn't all that different from the Microsoft one, the bubbles just aren't pink or lopsided. I would sympathize with you a lot more if the design were less simple and not a pretty close copy of arguably one of the most widely available faceplate out there.
    Executive Editor

  10. #10


    OK, so I waited a half a day. Or it's the next day. Take your pick.

    Let me relate how the story went. Cindy asked me to make her a plate with bubbles on it. THAT WAS IT. There was no specific direction I was to take. I was asked to make a plate with bubbles on it.

    So I bought vellum. I cut pieces of vellum into circles. I colored them and attached them to the plate. They wouldn't stay flat. I sprayed them with a sealer. They still wouldn't stay flat. Destroyed plate is still in my garbage box in the garage and I have no use for the remaining vellum. I'm out that money.

    I go back to Michael's and in the scrapbooking section, there are these little clear self-adhesive circles, meant to look like water bubbles or droplets when used in a scrapbook. I tried them on a plate. They were flexible but wouldn't stay flat, either, because of the curvature of the plate. I did manage to remove them without killing another plate, though, but I was out the cost of those, too.

    I go back to Michael's (third trip across town) and I buy a template with all kinds of sizes of circles, and a set of colored pencils. I draw circles on the plate, then shade them in to make them look like spheres. I took a picture and got her approval. The plate wasn't even completed. I didn't even have a completed picture of the plate when I added it to the database. Cindy said she liked it, so I sprayed it, reassembled it, and mailed it.

    First of all, I don't recall stating that I'd never make another one like it. Second, the idea was hers but the execution was mine. MINE. Third, I charged her the same price that I charged other people at the time for making a plate, when I actually had to go purchase TWO plates to use as a base, plus vellum, plus scrapbooking bubbles, plus the circle template, plus the colored pencils. I used the template twice since then, one for my mom's blingy bubbles and once for the other bubble plate. The pencils I've only used one time since, and that was on the second bubbles plate. There's nothing I can do with the vellum or the scrapbooking bubbles.

    I'm being chastised for making a duplicate plate that was her idea JUST to make a profit. Maybe you've missed the part where, for the past two years, I've been flat-ass broke because I quit my job to make faceplates for people. I made my first plate in the hopes of inspiring others to make plate, NOT with the idea that I would go into the plate making business. But in order to provide a creative outlet AND meet all of the requests, I had no other choice. Well, I did. I could have said "I'm not making anyone any more plates." But I had a plate, I had the template and I had the pencils, so I did it. And it was by request. I didn't make ten of them and fill my store with them on eBay. I made one for someone in France who looked through 1,400 plates in the database, and picked it out.

    A lot of people have helped me above and beyond the call of normal faceplate orders, just to keep me alive. In turn, I do try to do cool stuff for them as a measure of my gratitude. I'm sorry, Gameking, about the Halo Memorial plate. I really didn't want to make anymore because the thing is SO HARD to make. It's very labor intensive. It's very stressful. But I had people literally BEG me to make another Halo Memorial, and Toy Story Aliens, and Spirit of Yoda. Thank GOD nobody's asked me to make another Sarlaac Pit.

    I've made over 200 UNIQUE faceplate designs, but probably 500 plates. 300 of those 500 plates were things that I did before. Can I really make 200 plates, add them to the database, and then tell someone who asks, sorry, I won't make any more of that? What would be the point of ANYONE adding their customs to the database if they weren't allow to make anymore like them?

    You know, it's different with someone like Artist Pavel, who asks for, and gets, $200 for every plate he makes. He's an "artist". If he paints a pink Spartan holding a teddy bear with little hearts and rainbows for BS Angel, he can say "I'm not making another one of these for anyone else." But he's an artist. I'm just an idea guy. I think of an idea, and then have to figure out how to make it happen. I don't have the skills to just reproduce my ideas with a paintbrush. That's one reason why those Halo Memorial plates are such a pain in the ass. It's pushing the limits of my skillset. It's also the reason why I haven't made the matching HD DVD cover for GameKing. If I screw up a plate, I just have to get another one. If I screw up his cover, I'm dead. No pressure there, huh uh.

    So no, it did not even occur to me that Cindy would have an issue if I drew circles on a plate for someone else. It's pencil circles. It isn't the Sistine Chapel. I am amused, annoyed, and angered that it has come down to this, a thread just to vent. I would have thought the half-dozen PM's would have been sufficient. Especially since she's gone out of her way to praise my work in numerous other forums and sites in the comment section when they mention one of my plates. I absolutely didn't see this coming, and still can't believe it.

    Cindy said someone offered her $300 for her plate. Is it now only worth $150 because there are two of them out there? No, it means that people are seeing it, and liking it, and that means its value goes UP. I can't help it if the emotional value went down for you. Only you can decide to let that happen.

    I guess if someone wanted to have the only one of something, I could number it "1/1" and then I woudln't be able to make anymore. That's why Kamshaft numbered his XBA plates "x/20" It guarantees there will only ever be 20 of them. But as you can tell from the E305 and Bioshock and now the XBA plates, people pay a lot more for those little numbers that guarantee a limited supply... and in the case of the E305 and Bioshock plates, that little number is FIVE THOUSAND. For the XBA plates, it's twenty. Fot the bubbles... there are two.

    How many of you own plates where only one exists? Microsoft prototypes, or Canadian charity plates? Those things are worth hundreds of dollars. If I was forced to only be able to make one type of plate, one time, I would also be commanding hundred of dollars for plates. Out of 500 plates, I can count on my fingers how many plates I've gotten over $100 for.

    Anyway, I think I've more than stated my case and I'm to the point of rambling. If anyone agrees with me, or takes exception to anything I said, feel free to throw it out there.

    I'll end with this, If anyone asks me to make "another one" of any plate I've ever made, and I have the materials to do it, I will. Because I have a Ferrari payment to make. Oh, I mean, because I have to EAT. But I can guarantee you this: I can guarantee you I won't make any more bubbles plates. I won't have a problem telling the next person "no," because I'm totally soured on the thing.
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  11. #11
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    Dang and I was wanting a bubbles plate, IMO this is really funny simply because she did not create the plate only bought it, and now she tries to be mad because she saw another one, if your pressed for money take the $300 and get spacey to make you another one, I'm sure it did not cost you close to that. And on top of that it's not even that good, it's literally a circle template and a blue colored pencil with clear on it, like really here's what i'm a do when i wake up i'm going to draw on a spare oem plate i have and see how close i can get to it. I'm not knocking spaceghost, but this isn't nothing special, it's not even close to his best work, it's circles and clear, ooooo awwwwww.


  12. #12
    The Ex-Faceplate Goddess moltenluv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGhost2K-XBA View Post
    Thank GOD nobody's asked me to make another Sarlaac Pit.
    Actually I did. You were supposed to do one for me but you never did. I didn't bug you about it because I figured you were busy.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGhost2K-XBA View Post
    Let me relate how the story went. Cindy asked me to make her a plate with bubbles on it. THAT WAS IT. There was no specific direction I was to take. I was asked to make a plate with bubbles on it.

    First of all, I don't recall stating that I'd never make another one like it. Second, the idea was hers but the execution was mine. MINE.

    I'm being chastised for making a duplicate plate that was her idea JUST to make a profit. Maybe you've missed the part where, for the past two years, I've been flat-ass broke because I quit my job to make faceplates for people. I made my first plate in the hopes of inspiring others to make plate, NOT with the idea that I would go into the plate making business. But in order to provide a creative outlet AND meet all of the requests, I had no other choice. Well, I did. I could have said "I'm not making anyone any more plates." But I had a plate, I had the template and I had the pencils, so I did it. And it was by request. I didn't make ten of them and fill my store with them on eBay. I made one for someone in France who looked through 1,400 plates in the database, and picked it out.
    I am on Spacey's side on this one. After I bought my first couple of plates from him I said I would really like a faceplate with Animal from the Muppet show on it. I suggested that maybe he somehow attatch an Animal that is popping out of his drum. That was all I said. He then made the faceplate happen. All the input I had was a little tiny suggestion. Then he showed me what he made. I felt it was missing something and asked if somehow he could put The Muppet Show on it somewhere. So he went and did it. Does that mean I have ownership over this specific faceplate? Uhm no. Now if I had went out and made the faceplate myself then yes I would. He made it with his materials, his time, and his own little two hands. I know that this faceplate has been made more than once. Am I mad? Uhm no. I love this faceplate and think it totally deserves to be made more than once. Same thing with the Lost plane wreck. I said wouldn't it be cool if you could do a faceplate based on the Lost plane wrecking. That was it. Once again he made it happen and even though I suggested it I didn't even get to have the first faceplate of it he made, I got the second. Am I mad? NO!!!!!!! And those are just two of the faceplate ideas I suggested to him that got made into faceplates. There are actually quite a few others that I can think of that I had said to him wouldn't it be cool if.......... Some of those faceplates I never even got a chance to own but they were made and remade and made again. Making custom faceplates is what Spacey does and I really don't understand how custom is supposed to mean never to be made again. It would have been foolish to think that if somebody else wanted a faceplate that I had given him inspiration for or requested he make that he wouldn't remake it for them. The idea may have been mine but like he said the execution was HIS!
    Last edited by moltenluv; 05-17-2009 at 12:58 PM.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by mhawk134 View Post
    Dang and I was wanting a bubbles plate, IMO this is really funny simply because she did not create the plate only bought it, and now she tries to be mad because she saw another one, if your pressed for money take the $300 and get spacey to make you another one, I'm sure it did not cost you close to that. And on top of that it's not even that good, it's literally a circle template and a blue colored pencil with clear on it, like really here's what i'm a do when i wake up i'm going to draw on a spare oem plate i have and see how close i can get to it. I'm not knocking spaceghost, but this isn't nothing special, it's not even close to his best work, it's circles and clear, ooooo awwwwww.

    I totally agree, but like I said, my other efforts failed (and I got stuck with the cost of the failures.)

    Quote Originally Posted by moltenluv View Post
    Actually I did. You were supposed to do one for me but you never did. I didn't bug you about it because I figured you were busy.
    I KNEW there was a reason I had a spare Sarlaac in the garage. I never got the request onto my spreadsheet. (My right brain probably forbid it.)
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
    Kinect at Hidden Content .

  14. #14
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    OK, so I've tried several times to get my point across and explain the whole situation. Yes, I know I didn't make the plate. Yes, I still stand by the fact that I thought the plate would be made for me and only me. I now know I was too trustworthy and naive in thinking this. Space, I know you made the plate. I'm not contesting that. It's the fact that I did believe it would be made for me and only me. No one put a gun to your head and made you quit your job to try and make plates for a living. I'm sorry, but most people would think that's suicide seeing as you're using a canvas that is from something that isn't going to last forever, but that's beside the point. My problem was that I did honestly believe the plate would never be made again. Yes, you did give me a price for it and I agreed upon it. I had no idea (and I believe I told you this at the time) what something like that was worth so I asked you how much. The problem I have is that you told me I didn't pay enough for the exclusivity of the plate. I never knew that would be an issue and it didn't even cross my mind until I saw the duplicate. Does this now mean that customers who buy 'lesser' plates are not entitled to the same respect as someone willing to pay $500 for one? Shouldn't all be treated fairly?
    I would also like to note that posting this here was a mistake not because of the main subject, but because of who you are here and the many fans you have who will defend you no matter what. Look, I now have very negative rep just for disagreeing with you. You think that's fair? I followed you over from TXB because I truly liked what you were doing and found the fact that more creators and fans were out there was awesome and I wanted to interact with them. Because of this situation, I'm sad to say that I will stop collecting faceplates. You've ruined it for me and I don't want to run across someone who may do the same thing as you've done. I'm also done with xboxaddict. You've all shown what disagreeing with someone who is loved here can get you and it's just not the type of environment I want to be in. No, I have not posted a lot mainly because I don't want to get caught up in forum politics like I've done before at other places (we all see how well that worked), but I love to look through the customizers' and collectors' threads and the database. Ed, I wish you all the best, but I sincerely hope you take some ethical suggestions from what has happened here. You can't run a business if you burn your bridges. Good luck in all you do.

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