Unreal Championship (Original Xbox) by Atari

Unreal Championship (Xbox) by Atari Box Art



North Amercian Release Date: November 12, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: Yes

Average Overall Score:
8.72 / 10

Well, Some of us may not have this but I got the first copy at my EB. I have been playing this game since I got home and decided to let ya guys know what I think of it. I have been waiting for this game for months now, and I finally have it in my hands."

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Developed by Digital Extremes, Unreal™ Championship is an upcoming first-person action game built from the ground up exclusively for the XBox™ video game system from Microsoft, utilizing the latest Unreal technology by Epic Games. Unreal Championship combines a brilliant single player experience with an unparalleled multi-player component. Additional features include all new characters and weapons; land, air and team-based vehicles; exotic levels and environments as well as new game modes and some old favorites. Players will be able to play through a series of matches in the single player mode against computer-controlled opponents (bots) or play online against human-controlled opponents. Both single-player and online aspects of the game will be rich with content and gameplay options giving the player a wide range of first person action experiences.


Thursday, September 13, 2001
Wednesday, June 6, 2001
Thursday, May 17, 2001

User Reviews

Score: 87
Overall User Average: 8.70 / 10 (87.2%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.58 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.62 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.55 / 10
The Jackal
Date reviewed: June 13, 2005.

Overall: Overall this is a very fun game in my opinion. There is a lot of strategy involved but still can be just a fun run n' gun style game. I think if someone gets bored of the same old shooters they should definately give this game a try because it has a feel like no other.
Gameplay: The was such a fast paced shooter. The controls were pretty easy, like most shooters are, and you could jump into it pretty easily which was nice. There was always tons of action in this game just like there was on the PC version which made for a very exciting experience.
Graphics: Visually this game looks great I think. It doesn't look as good as the PC version though which surprised me a bit. But, the character designs, unique environments, and the bright colors made by the weapons when fired were all very appealing.
Sound: There's so much going on at times in this game and each sound is covered fairly well. Explosions, different guns being fired, powerups. All of this if covered in the game and adds to the game's excitement.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: June 8, 2005.

Overall: I must admit. I am an Unreal Tournament enthusiast. I loved the PC games. I am a master at them.. top player in my old high school. Though I believe the game is better for networked PCs.. not a console. Overall the game is fun.. but I only played it with bots so I'm sure I didn't get the whole experience I should have.
Gameplay: This came is 100% different than the Tom Clancy games I have played for years.. which makes it feel much fresher then it really is. It is very fast pace, there are lots of weapons, and it is overall very fun.
Graphics: The graphics are quite good. When there is a lot going on there seems to be some frame rate issues, but overall I have no gripes with the good visuals in this game.
Sound: The sounds are good as well. All the essential FPS sounds are there. This game does them top of the line, where other games like this wouldn't care much about the sounds.
Suggestions: XBOX live it. Thanks for the sequels.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: July 18, 2004.

Overall: Lightening fast FPS! This game takes place in the future where shooting up opposing teams with crazy weaponry is a sport.
Gameplay: This game is super easy to get into. I had never played an Unreal game until renting this one from Blockbuster back in June. From the moment i put it in THE BOX, I was hooked.

The game play is super fast and keeps you moving around alot so as to not get a rocket launched @ your backside.

The single palyer campaign is very cool and a nice way to sharpen your skills for where this game really shines.... on LIVE.

Playing UC on LIVE just rocks! This game is so fast and the graphics and sounds are simply awesome. Sure there are better games out there today with crisper graphics and sounds but for a game that was realeased in 2002, this game looks amazing.

I loved it so much that after renting it for a week from Blockbuster, I purchsed it on eBay.
Graphics: The visuals are very sweet. The environments are sharp and detailed, The charcter models are great, and the weapons look awesome when you fire them.

This game gets high marks on all fronts for visuals.
Sound: The sounds in this game are really good too. From the sounds of you fragging your opponent, to the sounds of your weapons and even the backround noises in the environments. All I can say is awesome.

As with all games, when I play I liten to the game through my headphones as my
BOX is hooked up to my stereo system. And on days when the little guy is at daycare, well I'll crank the speakers. :)
Suggestions: This game was amazing. Having played it and also UNREAL Tournament for the PS2, I would say that the control scheme is much better on the Xbox so hopefully that stays the same.

The game had no noticible flaws, so all I can say is just up the graphics and sounds to what we expect from todays games. And while your at it, maybe make the single player mode a little more interesting with a storyline or something. Great Job! Keep it up! :)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: June 28, 2004.

Overall: Very fast paced arcade style shooter, with pretty good graphics, and very high replay value to boot.
Gameplay: If you are a simulation buff, and you cant stand games that arent as realistic as ghost recon or rainbow six 3, then this game is not for you. what this game lacks in realism, it makes up for in sheer fun. simple controls make this a game that is easy to learn but hard to master. a huge amount of gametypes and a huge selection of characters and weapons make this a game that you can play for months and months.
Graphics: pretty good graphics, but even if the graphics sucked, you wouldn't be able to tell. the game is so fast paced you never really have time to sit and look at stuff.
Sound: great sounds for the various weapons, and a few taunts for after you pump an enemy full of lead. the taunts can get pretty old pretty quick, as there are not many different ones.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 2, 2004.

Overall: Great fun fast-paced action first person shooter. THIS IS NOT A REALISTIC SHOOTER! So if you like realistic shooters such as Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six3 or SOCOM then this is probably not for you.
Gameplay: Great gameplay. Some of the best weapons I've ever seen. Also each level is extremely different and there is a ton of options to choose from.
Graphics: Awesome graphics. Some of the best looking maps and guns that are out there now. When you shoot people blood just spills out and it does look pretty realistic(except the amount that pours out)
Sound: Some cool taunts. The people all sound diferent and sweet. Ummmmm. The Mini-Gun sound pretty sweet but I didn't really care for the music in the backround.
Suggestions: Great Fast Paced Action FPS!!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: January 18, 2004.

Overall: At the beginning I was hooked on this game! Playing it online with my friends and everything, but then I noticed something missing... NO DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT! There was only like 1 time when there was downloadable content... and that was during the flag, and tag rifle glitch. But the game is unique and only worth while shooter (live) out there.
Gameplay: The game play is smooth, it offers many modes! Each mode I have to say are pretty unique. Although it gets boring after a while. If your in a clan I guarantee all the members in it will start to quit and there wont even be a clan anymore.
Graphics: The graphics are amazing! I mean from the unique character designs to the great levels! I mean the levels are each different, which means you have to get use to them all. Each of the weapons are different also, but I wish to see more weapons (the ones that come with the game get kind of boring).
Sound: There are many sounds like guns, walking, things blowing up etc.. But I find the characters phrases the best! I mean each of their voices are unique!
Suggestions: Put more downloadable content! I mean you promised more characters, guns, levels, modes etc.. and so far all you given us were some new levels!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 24, 2003.

Overall: First person shooter with solid graphics, well-varied weapons, and great level design. One of the craziest and most enjoyable games on Xbox Live. It does go wrong in one critical area though . . . The framerate often stutters, even when not online. This is VERY FRUSTRATING, especially if you are about to pick up a kill. Lag is also common online to the point where certain weapons, that depend on quick hits (lightning gun), are rendered useless.
Gameplay: There is no single player storyline, which is disappointing. The single player mode is an arrangement of matches against bots of any difficulty you choose. Customizable controls are also included, although the default controls are not bad. After every kill (unless adrenaline has been deactivated), each character is awarded adrenaline points, which allows them to perform four special abilities: invisibility, berserk, agility, or regeneration. Adrenaline may also be found scattered throughout the level. There are Six races of characters to choose from, each with their own abilities. Nightmare characters only begin with 70 health, but they drain health from all of their victims until they reach 140 health. Gen Mo Kai characters have the quickest feet in the game, which makes them perfect for Capturing the Flag. Anubans get a 50% boost in adrenaline, while also being the most acrobatic fighters. Automatons have decent ground speed, while being the best high jumpers in the game. Mercenaries are human characters that have no special abilities, but they have a starting health of 120 (2nd highest). Lastly, are the Juggernauts, which have a starting health of 190. They are incredibly slow, but a pain to kill. In addition, each specific character has a weapon affinity that either improves the fire rate, damage, or starting ammo of whatever gun they begin with. Depending on whatever type of player you are, there should be one character that suits your personality and weapon preference. This is one of the best parts of the game.
Graphics: Graphics are high quality when the game is not lagging. Actually, there is really nothing else to say here.
Sound: The announcer yells: HEAD SHOT! every time you score a head shot with the lightning gun. The victims head will explode with fire, and they will usually die. Music to some of the levels may become annoying very quickly though.
Suggestions: Please include a real single player mode, not a bunch of bot matches that are just a waste of time, other than preparing for online play. Graphics are great, just fix the terrible framerate.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 21, 2003.

Overall: I've liked this game since it's debut on PC. With the over the top gore, great weapons and taunts, this will make you feel godlike when on a rampage, and humbled when at the wrong end of an ION blast. The modes are tried and true in the FPS arenas.
Gameplay: The controls could have been better, more Halo like. The weapons are missing a personal favorite from the PC, the sniper rifle. Yet the bfgs that seem readily available at every turn keep the action going and new weapon proficiencies and character stats for teammates is kind cool.
Graphics: The graphics seem more varied but not as clean as PC versions. While the indoor and especially outdoor levels are good for seperating effective character types from those that are non-effective, they can be confusing.
Sound: The taunts, weapons, power-ups and level machineries gives you an earful regardless and the fact that you won't hear some of the characters until its too late, up the sensory overload potential.
Suggestions: More weapons, characters and maybe even a create a character mode.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: The whole game is ok except for the single player, which messes up everything. I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy this game if you can run Unreal Tournament 2003 well on the PC. You would rather buy the PC version then.

I have the PC version with the best graphics card and my friends don't really want to play this game...so I'm returning this game.
Gameplay: The Gameplay is kind of slow. It seems like it's lagging. I have to set the game to 125% to make it feel like normal speed. The AIs gets very challenging as I raise the difficulty up one level. I wouldn't play single player though because it's not as good as the one on Unreal Tournament 2003 and it gets boring real quick.
Graphics: The graphics are ok, but they are kind of grainy. If they get rid of the grainy stuff, the graphix would be as good as Project Gotham Racing. It is a disappointment comparing to UT2003. Sometimes my friends can't even see where they are going.
Sound: Sounds is the best feature that the game has. I don't seem to have any problems with the sounds or I don't seem to notice any problems.
Suggestions: I really recommend you guys to make the graphics less grainy, but anything else is ok.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: good game. Set in the future, sets of teams face off against each other in deathmatches...good concept
Gameplay: gameplay gets a little repetitive time after time but you know you have to do something to spice it up a lil bit...live's the best part
Graphics: the visuals are good.. everything looks clean and everything. i just said everything twice in once sentence....good for me!
Sound: sound's okay..they do good with that they can but you know it really could use a custom soundtrack option...thats what i think...

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Just picked it up the other day for 20 bucks and I am glad. As soon as I pick up my Live I will be playing this one a lot. It has some great gameplay, and plenty of weapons. It is really a great game, and you won't go wrong picking it up. Especially at 20 bucks.
Gameplay: Gameplay is typical Unreal madness. Intense and gratifying, it has everything. If it wasn't for the framerate, I would rather have this one than the PC one. But, the framerate in this game is HORRID!
Graphics: Good graphics, but as I mentioned before, horrid framerate. I would have loved this game to death, but it just seems like it lags, even though im not online. I can't imagine this game if there were lag. Phew!
Sound: Good sounds, I love the player taunts. The sounds for jumping are a little repetative, and the sounds of people getting hit do get annoying. Other than that, good quality.
Suggestions: Make better the framerate. It would be top notch, if it weren't for the FRAMERATE! Have I not discussed that already? :)

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: I honestly don't know what to say any more. I was just fantasising about an unreal tournament game to come to me and finaly it did but I was so dissapointed I would rether buy unreal tournament or unreal tournament 2003.
Gameplay: The gameplay was alright. nice weapons gopod graphics but what went wrong. for one theres only about 15 different maps. for two this is not a 1 player game only good multi player.
Graphics: I have to say this game has awsome graphics so you can't just keep on going on dissing this cuz of it's sucky gameplay and crapy levels.
Sound: The music I don't even listen to becasue your always killing someone so there's no real time to listen.
Suggestions: I can't say just I was really dissapointed.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: This game is sweet. I love it. Its so fast paced, and online play is incredible. I love the game, and i got it as a platinum.
Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome. Its so fast paced. I love playin it with all my friends, tho i just bought it. the weapons are a so cool, and i am learning how to use them
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good, they could be a little bit better, but the gameplay totally makes up for the graphics. They are good still, but nothin like whats comin out this year
Sound: The sounds are insane. People dying, rockets fired, guns shooting, explosions, i love it. The sound is solid all the way around EXCELLENT
Suggestions: cant wait for 2

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 13, 2003.

Overall: brilliant game, brilliant graphics...shoot to kill kind of game. If you dont like non realistic shooters then dont get this because its not really realistic but it doesnt have to be. Its awesome
Gameplay: Lots of things to do, especially on xbox live, plenty of game modes. still a good game after six months of play, and thats what a game needs to have.
Graphics: The visuals are sweet. Most of the levels have brilliant graphics however there are a few which dont really handle it too well but thats only one or two. character details are cool and the ragdol affect is really good aswell. If you liked Unreal Tournament 2003 then get this one.
Sound: Sounds arent the best because there is no custom soundtracks and the taunts can get very repetetive. On the other hand the music is still good like the menu music is sound!
Suggestions: Only to improve those one or two levels which lack the graphic quality.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: Come on baby ! This game was so much more than a sim ple arena shooter, it a entertainment for only 29,99 $, what you could have more for this low price.
Gameplay: Ok, like everyone seem to say, the gameplay is quite too sinple and the story lack in all the way but the trick is top buy x-box live and you will get a lot of fun, i promise.
Graphics: I didn't know how to review graphic so i will let them to professionnal but in my mind it is great.
Sound: Good, i don't have any problem with sound or music.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 10, 2003.

Overall: I think you need to have two things to really enjoy this game. A good sized tv and xbox live. I have neither. I like the game and I rate it fairly high. but it is rough, not an overly polished game.
Gameplay: I cruised though single play on easy mode, and have run it through on harder levels. I like the team games and rules. The arena are good. but i am disappointed with the weapons. Im not sure if it is there play or the fact that I can not tell the difference between one and another.
Graphics: ROugh. split screen with 4 is trying on a small screen. I think that the maps have decent designs and decent looks to them.
Sound: Loud. comments of bots are rough like the offerall game. They definately could be better. lots of loud noises.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: An above average game that is fun to play when I have friends over for some rompage. But the drawback are that the Bots acctually count when playing online which should not happen. And unless you play on a dedicated server, you can never get a game of more then 8.
Gameplay: I like the controls, but I wish it were a little easier to get head shots, but as fast as everyone moves it is hard to kill everyone.
Graphics: Nice graphics, but I think the graphics cause bad lag sometimes even when playing solo. I think it sould have been programed a little better to hold enough info for no slowdown.
Sound: good music and good noises. it is a nice combination for a fun fast paced thrill ride. It is a definate keeper and one of the best online games for the Xbox.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: Unreal Championship is a great Xbox Live title until the newer FPS shooters come out this summer and the fall. The game was pretty solid but weak in many aspects.
Gameplay: If you do not have Xbox Live, do not get this game. Besides Live, there is not much in it. But online play is very fun except for some frame rate problems.
Graphics: The graphics are very good but not the greatest. But the graphics is this game are not that big of deal as you will be dead if you are walking around admiring graphics.
Sound: The sound in UC gets very repetitve and boring. After a few hours of playing, you will completely zone out the music.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: Is a fun game on Xbox live, but with the single player campaign its not that amazing. Was disappointed in things they said they were going to have like vehicles and lots of maps, but there wasnt any vehicles and barely any maps that were also very small. My appeal on this game were mostly on the vehicles and arenas.
Gameplay: Gameplay is good if you got live, if you dont then its alright. Split screen multiplayer is alright but when they join before you they take your profile and you get a different one and it really pisses me off.
Graphics: Graphics were very good and really smooth, but if you have a really small arena then its not worth how good the visuals are. If you had crap graphics and a HUGE arena it would be alot more fun.
Sound: Pretty realistic and nice. Jumped alot for me on live but that could just be my connection who knows.
Suggestions: Not to much just make the arenas larger.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

AJ 2003
Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: I would recommend this game to any FPS fan. It is very fast pace. It will keep you busy for many hours.
Gameplay: The gameplay in Unreal is very mush like in Halo. Alto the keyboard and mouse would be more accurate the controller does a fair job. It is very fast pace. I mean very.
Graphics: To me the graphics in Unreal are nothing less than amazing. I mean if you look at your surroundings its just beautiful. This is one game that pushed the Xbox's power.
Sound: The sound it this game is just as good as the graphics. Hearing the people get shot or some one shooting at you gets your adrenalin pumping. It can scare you out you seat.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This game isn't no Halo but it's still great! Lots of weapons, lots of bots! Xbox live! adds a lot to this game!
Gameplay: Well I had a bit of a hard time getting used to it. I had to make adjustments to how sensitive the game behaves to my controls. I would have loved it if it just used the halo feel.
Graphics: The game has great graphics. The only problem I've noticed is that it does slow down a bit when you have lots bots.
Sound: Nothing outstanding with the sound in this game. I long for custom soundtracks but that's something most games are lacking.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Unreal Championship is one of those games that has all the elements for a good game (lots of characters, guns, etc...), but for some reason I just never got into it. I think, for me, I really would have liked to see a story based game along with the championship aspect. As it is it feels like half a game to me.
Gameplay: Essentiall you and your team try to beat the opposing team at the various typical games...deathmatch, capture the flag, etc...This can be fun online. But, it really lacks as a single player game. In all fairness, I don't think it was designed with that in mind, but it would have been nice to see some effort in that department.
Graphics: UC looks good, but not as good as I was thinking it would be. The arenas are somewhat bland and could have been better.
Sound: The sounds of the guns and explosions were very good. The voices of the characters are diverse (I like the taunting!)
Suggestions: Throw us a bone...make some sort of single player story line game for those rare times you don't feel like being on Xbox Live.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Its a Crazy !&%$@#* arena game thats faster than the flash what more can you say
Gameplay: Live- The game is fun as hell on Xbox Live its really fast and everybody being the the cat like race can get boring after a while but its still fun to play on live

Single player- The single player is bascily to get you used to the controls of the game
Graphics: The graphics are pretty dam good there like a cross between Halo and
RTCW really good looking maps
Sound: The sound is good but when playing on live sometimes with all the action going around its hard to hear people talking
Suggestions: Try to level out the races a little more but other than that the game is great

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 2, 2003.

Overall: A first person shooter that is very very fast paced...its like nothing out there. but it is tons of fun once you get the hang of it!
Gameplay: its a first person shooter thats like nothing other... they have cool guns but is a little to fast paced for the average shooter audience
Graphics: great graphics, with tons of bump mapping but the graphics are pulled down from the extremely terrible frame rate...but after the new patch it has gotton a lot better
Sound: the sound is fine really, i havnt played the game in a long time, so i think it was cool, i just know it didnt get repetitive and kinda got me stoked
Suggestions: not so fast paced please

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: a fun 1st person shooter & one of the best online games for the X-Box. games like this & Brute Force should hold us over for Halo 2
Gameplay: i dont know about every1 else but i think the players move way too fast. i think Halo speed is much better. still easy way to switch guns &tolerable to move around.
Graphics: some of the best X-Box graphics ive seen but it can sometimes cause lag.
Sound: the sounds are good & hearing head shot on your screen makes u feel good about what u just did.
Suggestions: keep doing what ur doing. but slower speed please.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

the Brood
Date reviewed: October 25, 2003.

Overall: Its a Kick@$$ fps gore fest with sweet action and plenty of explosions. Its one of the best games ive played because it keeps you coming back for more. And its XBox Live ready!
Gameplay: Gameplay is fast addictive and very mature-rated. People get blown apart by rockets or have their heads blown off by the lightning gun. Extremely high replay value, and at 25$ its a deal!
Graphics: this is a game that is visually incredible the models look sweet, the weapons look sweet, and has little lag for all the chaos that this game throws at you. .5 off because of a little slow down.
Sound: The sopund is incredible! The music gets you all ready to kick some @$$! I just wish they had soundtack support.
Suggestions: Make it have soundtrack support.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 25, 2003.

Overall: Overall the game is great, If you have Xbox Live this should be a must if not, its a toss up, I don't have it and love the game so either way you should like the game and have lots of fun, so I suggest you go spend the twenty bucks and pick it up.
Gameplay: Gamplay is great, there is no story line or anything so manily picture a multiplayer first person shooter with bots and thats what this is. It has alot of different types of levels and things to do, different types of matches like Capture the Flag Bomb Run and other that keep the game going and you having fun.
Graphics: The graphics for the game are good, its not the type of game to rely on graphics for people to buy but there still done pretty good and I liked them.
Sound: The sound, well it was good, I mean I am playing the game and it doesn't make me want to blow my head off cause its so bad, its good and the little trash talking after you kill somone adds that little thing thats needed its pretty good.
Suggestions: Add a story line for those who don't have live, the game is still fun off line but it would be better with a single player story mode thing.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: October 25, 2003.

Overall: This game is sweet with two HUGE problems. Basically you play games against other people and try to get on top.
Gameplay: You play capture the flag, deathmatch, and many other games in single player and multiplayer, and I bet that online play must be amaxing. 2 HUGE problems with this game. #1, NO CO-OP in the single player game. This has to be the perfect game for it. and #2 is you can't customize your team's stats. There is a huge amount of guns to choose from, so you really can't run out of choices.
Graphics: Graphics were okay. Most of the places were gray and dark colors, if you know what I mean. The guns and people looked pretty good, nothing special though.
Sound: Sound was really good. The guns sound sweet and each character has a voice and they talk trash.
Suggestions: CO-OP. This game would be SOOOO much better with co-op. Add customizable characters, the ability to earn money and buy stuff, and a story line. All of these would make a smash hit.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: October 14, 2003.

Overall: This is a good first-person shooter with great graphics, weapons, and levels, but with no single player mode. Well, there is one but it's basicaly mulitplayer mode. i don' have LIVE so that's why I might not think it's great like some people do. If you have LIVE get it NOW!
Gameplay: You just go aroud and shoot people. There are different modes: capture the flag deathmatch, team deathmatch, bombing run, and a few others.
Graphics: The graphics are one of thehigh points of the game! The characters, weapons, and levels look awesmome.
Sound: The sound is great. The shooting sounds good just like everything else does in this game. You can have your character say stuff.
Suggestions: If you make another one have a better 1 player mode, have vehicles in mulitplayer, etc.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 13, 2003.

Overall: What can I say, other than Im hardly a hardcore fan of this game... more a mild associate of the game, I bought the game at EB for Au $30 dollars so It aint that bad.
Gameplay: Same ol' stuff as all other UT games, Maybe if they tried harder this game could have had a replay value other than "hey man, Im sick of halo... Lets play UT Championship"
Graphics: Looks the clappers on PC equivelent (UT2003)but I was sorely dissapointed at the box's version, looks fairly crap and hardly impressed me past..."wow, I just saw big !&%$@#* pixels float accross my screen" when you die.
Sound: Not great but Im a sadist so death, pain and explosion sounds are my kinda scene, although hardly of digital standing.
Suggestions: I know the new release of the PC UT 2004 will have what I want, If there is a new UT for the box... Vehicles, more BALANCED weapons and updated graphics engine PLEASE!!!

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 70 %

Unreal Championship News

Unreal Championship Update On Live
Atari sent word that the first auto-update for Epic’s Unreal Championship on Xbox Live with downloadable content following right behind it.

Shadow Ops to Hit Xbox Summer ’04
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury will grab gamers by their boot straps and toss them into a hyper-intense world of heroic combat, stealth infiltration and Special Forces intrigue in a battle to save the world from nuclear holocaust.

Unreal Championship patch on the way
Unreal Championship Screens
Weekly Unreal Championship Update
Unreal Championship Weekly Update

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Bulwark: Evolution Out Now on Consoles

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Important! I pay $ 1000! I search the Sweden launch and the Element 54 Faceplate
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