Panzer Dragoon Orta (Original Xbox) by Sega

Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox) by Sega Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible Xbox One backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: January 14, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): Yes
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
9.21 / 10

Panzer Dragoon Orta is a non-stop shooter with enogh excitement and bonus material to keep you going for quite some time. Add to that the stunning visuals, 5.1 Dolby Digital, and 480p HDTV and your set for an exciting treat for your gaming sences."

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Years ago, a legacy was born that ruled the skies. As time passed and memory grew dim, distant times progressed from History into Legend. Now, the era of human prosperity has come to a grinding halt, with all but a few pockets of civilization destroyed by years of devastating battles. The population clings precariously to the brink of extinction, scattered across the desolate land, living in the darkest age in history. A new Empire rules with an iron grip, and a band of rebels begins a revolt in an attempt to become masters of their destiny once again. As the world is engulfed in the flames of war, an unlikely and unwilling Hero must become mankind's only hope. Soon, the Dragon will rise again...


Sunday, June 2, 2002
Thursday, May 2, 2002

User Reviews

Score: 92
Overall User Average: 9.22 / 10 (92.1%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.09 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.78 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.70 / 10
Date reviewed: June 15, 2005.

Overall: A scrolling shooter that nothing can compare to this one! With unique elements, vast environments to explore, graphics top-notch and a cute girl as main character, need i say more?
Gameplay: For the first time, a scrolling shooter that really matters about the story of the game. The intro introduce Orta, a girl that is imprison in a high tower which a mysterious dragon come to help her out. After that sequence, you are on your way to succeed on each stage. Learn how to control your dragon and target the ennemies. Each stage has numerous paths that you can take, there are also a boss at the end of the stage. The boss aren't easy since you must learn how to defeat them by finding the weakpoint of each one. Your ally, the dragon, can transform itself into three forms: glide wing, base wing or heavy wing. Each form has it's own advantages and downfalls so use the one that really suit for stage you are in. You can leveled up your dragon if you find enough crystals in the stage. Sure the game only have 10 stages but get assure that there are Pandora's Box option which have over a dozens of secret missions, gallery art and other goodies to keep playing it after completing the game.
Graphics: The visual is more eye-candy than ever in a scrolling shooter game. Each tie you finish a stage, there are always CG movie to enjoy, even isn't too long to see.
Sound: The sound are great and just fit right in this game. The music really bring you into the world of Panzer Dragoon Orta.
Suggestions: Make another one with longer stage and a mid-save feature so we don't need to play the whole level each time we eject the DVD out of our Xbox.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: April 12, 2004.

Overall: The purist's game: Addictive, exhilirating but above all, fun. Your Xbox isn't complete without it. Outstanding.
Gameplay: Hold down the A button; drag cursor over enemies; let go of A button - Kaboom! would be fair to say that essentialy wraps up the main core of Panzer Dragoon's gameplay but keep digging and you'll find out just how deep the game is.
Yeh, sure, novices will be able to scrape their way through the first level or two on the Easy setting, but when things get tough, things get really tough. This is where your skills - and subsequently - your perserverence are put to the test.
The real genius about Panzer Dragoon is how divinely pitched the learning curve is. When you die, it's your fault - there are no gaming glitches to be found here, oh no. Novices brave(or cocky) enough to jump straight into the harder difficulty settings will get annihalated - so much so, they might steer well clear of the game from there on. But to do so would be a great shame. Persevere, and, with time, you'll be blasting through the levels like there's no tomorrow, eyes glued to the radar and morphing your dragoon to adapt to any particular situation like it's second nature.
It's when you get to this stage, you realise how beautifully crafted the game really is and how it captivates like no other.
Replay value is astonishing for a game of it's like - bonus levels, artwork, info.....hell, you even have the chance to unlock the original Panzer Dragoon in all it's glory to plough through at your own leisure.
When it comes to value for money, you can't ask for more than this. The lack of a multiplayer mode prevents this from being the ultimate gaming package - as it stands, it'll just have to be content with being an incredible one.
Graphics: Awesome. Lush open expanses, coupled with incredible lighting and won't see a better looking game on the 'Box. Lovely water effects too......yum.
Sound: Nothing oustanding in this department, but by no means bad. The calm, soothing music is in stark contrast with the frantic action on screen and is all the better for it. Nice work.
Suggestions: Improved save system, hmmmmm?

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 28, 2003.

Overall: This game is great. I just got my copy today. I took advantage of EB's free 1 day shipping. This game reminds me of Star Fox 64 times 20. It's great. So many things to unlock! You can unlock the full version of the original Panzer Dragoon! The cinimatics are amazing as well. Get this game!
Gameplay: Awesome gameplay. The controls couldn't be and easier to learn. They even throw in a tutorial if you somehow don't understand how to play. Looks like there is only 10 missions, but you can do them so many different ways. You'll find youself replaying levels just to see the amazing graphics, and to unlock more secret idems in the pandora's box.
Graphics: Only the power of X could make this game as good as it looks. Cinematics are beautiful, and it's hard to tell when one ends and the gameplay begins. Weapon effects look amazing. This game is up there with Halo and Splinter Cell. It supports HDTV 480p for all of you with HDTV's *cough* me *cough*. hehe
Sound: Great!

In Game Dolby Digital! What else can you say. You can feel the environment around you.
Suggestions: I know it would be difficult, but maybe incorporate some kind of multiplayer, or XBLive downloadables.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 22, 2003.

Overall: I heard the great reviews, but always thought I would hate a 'rail shooter' style game. So, I held out until I found a copy for $10. Woah, was I surprised when I found all the reviews were right! This game was not perfect, but it was very very good. The amazing thing was that it never felt like a rail shooter to me. It felt more like a very cool updated 3D version of an old school arcade shooter (Galaga, Space Invaders).
Gameplay: The controls were very intuitive, and felt good. Shooting, targeting, switching between your dragons, and everything else felt very good and became natural after a few levels. Some very minor complaints would be that it's short (took about 5 1/2 hours for me to complete), but can be frustrating at times.
Graphics: Some of the best, diverse environments in any game. There's a wide array of enemies, and the game never feels repetitive (unless you're stuck replaying a specific level over and over). Great cut scenes, and character models.
Sound: This is the one major misstep of the game and keeps it from a 5 out of 5 score overall. The music is bland and will make you want to sleep more than play it. The language the characters speak sounds like baby talk, and is pretty retarded. The dragon screech is annoying -- shouldn't it have a frightnening and powerful voice?!?
Suggestions: Fix the sound issues and make it a little longer.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: December 19, 2003.

Overall: Okay this has to be one of the worst xbox games ever. One it is repeative all you do is shoot turn up and shoot. Second this game is way to easy. Third do not waste your money on this game.
Gameplay: Same thing all you do is turn right, up, down, left, and shoot all over and over again. with a short lasting appeal.
Graphics: Okay the graphics are nice. Now the graphics is some of the best on the xbox or even on any system.
Sound: Dull boring old Japanese music, with crappy sound effects.
Suggestions: Please don't make any more.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 20 %

spike spiegel
Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: This game is great; you really get sucked in and addicted to the game play. Sega made an awesome shooter here, and other than it being rather short (the game of the year "Metroid Prime" is also very short) it's really good.
Gameplay: Wow, never thought a shooter, especially a rail shooter could be so intriguing, so complex, you have to utilize each of your dragons forms in order to make it through the game, and the lock-on allows you to lock on and forget about a group of enemies as you turn to engage yet another salvo of missiles flying your way you struggle to switch to your light wing just in time to blow through the tightly nit missiles, a group of armored enemies pull up in front of you (you notice that their backs are uncovered), you boost in ahead of them do a 180 degree turn and blow them away, this game is ingenious.
Graphics: Imagine that you've fallen into a Salvador Dalis' mind, and his creations have come to live in an unbelievable 3D world.
Sound: Panzer Dragoon Orta has lovely music that is just as alien as the visuals, and the rest of the game, but lacks in some very unnoticeable places.
Suggestions: Not any that I can think of Kudos...^_^

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: Not very entertaining. Bland game play; which is not for every gamer. Good graphics, good music, annoying 'text' that you have to read in order to understand the story. Strong plot, well designed; just not for me. I don't recomend that anyone buy it. A Rent at most. But if you like this sort of game, then you will like it, i however did not.
Gameplay: Linear game play. Your dragon gets in the way of your view. Not very much fun, it might be if i were 10 years old. There is some re-paly value.
Graphics: Well done, seems wasted though...
Sound: Boring sound effects (for the most part), some good music.
Suggestions: How about the game speak English, so we don't have to read the text...

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: I agree with jonwes, this paladin fool should not be allowed to write any more reviews for xbox addict. Its morons like him that ruin it for all the gamers to truly enjoy a great game. Everyone has their opinions but common be realistic, now on with my review. This game is sweet, it is a welcome change to alot of the games on xbox, with awesome graphics ( if you have progressive scan you will cream your jeans) and a nice layout with the controller this game will definatley worth trying.
Gameplay: it will take you a while to master the controls and you will have to in order to get far. you have the ability to rotate 360 degrees on your dragon and shoot in all directions. There are 3 different dragons you can toggle between during gameplay which rocks. the action is pretty much non stop, the only breaks yu get are during the cinematics and unless your chinese or japanese or whatever language it is you'll have to read subtitles DOH!! The game is pretty hard so don't be surprised if you die alot.
Graphics: oh yeah!!! very nice. alot of time was dedicated to this portion f the game. you'll love it, and if you don't your a freak.
Sound: hmmmm the music is nice, pretty exciting, but the subtitles suck. However it is a minor flaw and not really an issue if you ask me.
Suggestions: speaka english. more levels. other than that nice game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: This is a fairly cool shooter stlye game. However I think it's been too overated and I was therefore disappointed in it.
Gameplay: Not too much to it. Tap away at the shoot button and destroy tons of different badguys. It's fun for a while. Once u pass it though, don't think you'll play it for a while. It's basically linear, one path to go, can't fly around and explore anything.
Graphics: I thought the graphics were good. People like paladin182 or whatever are !&%$@#* ing retarded saying the graphics suck ass. They did a good job here.
Sound: Well I thought the sound was fine for the most part. I didn't liek the annoying language in which it was made. Then reading the text while listening to the gibberish in the background. The in game sound was fine.
Suggestions: Eh, make it more open, not linear. You should be able to customize the dragon more. Make it look like a dragon, lol.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: This is the best game I have ever played. It is extremely challenging. I recommend anybody who likes shooters to get this game.
Gameplay: Basically, this is a 3D game, so at the beginning, it can get very confusing, but it takes only a while to get use to it. The control configuration is perfect. It makes a lot of sense. During gameplay, you have to be very fast. I suggest you start with Easy Mode because it's not exactly as "easy" as the difficulty indicated.
Graphics: The graphics are kind of impressive, considering this is an Xbox. It's one of the games with the best Graphics.
Sound: The music is awesome!! I especially like the track called "City in the Storm". That track is in Episode 1. The boss song is good also. It gets you motivated during the fight.
Suggestions: Make more of these games and keep up the good work!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: Brilliant - just brilliant. Sega/Smilebit put the time and attention into the game and it shows. This would have been a perfect 5 if it wasn't for the save system - what were they thinking?!? This game may not be for everyone due to its simple framework - point, shoot, fly - but for fans of old school games it works! If you are expecting GTA V or a platform type game look elsewhere. If you want to blast stuff in an immersive fantasy world this game is for you.
Gameplay: Basic rail type shooter, which does limit the game a little but it more that makes up for it in the incredible visuals and sound. Not having to really worry too much about where you are going lets you concentrate on what you need to do - shoot down the bad guys. This game is about scoring and replay not getting through all the levels of the game as quickly as possible.
Graphics: The best looking XBox game. The cut scenes are beautiful. No slow downs anywhere. The enemies and level bosses are varied and just visually incredible.
Sound: Music and effects fit the game nicely. Sounds great on a 5.1 system - I especially liked the dragon's wing flapping sound effect.
Suggestions: The save system!!! Only one game can be saved at a time - its called a hard drive people ... use it. Multiplayer of any kind. Live support.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: Good flying action over all kinds of terrains, with some excellent unlockables, including the previous installment in the series from SEGA Saturn. Sadly its not long enough, and leaves you hanging in the balance, a little dissapointed at the length.
Gameplay: Flying through beautiful areas on the back of a big dragon, has never been as much fun. A good game in all aspects accept the annoyingly short length, less than ten hours... Disappointing, but at least theres plenty of extras to unlock including some bonus levels etc.
Graphics: Excellent. The colourful environments are really impressive. The cinematic sequences are comparable to reality. The enemy design is top notch too.
Sound: Some nice sound effects and music. Some sounds can be quite out of place though, the screaming of your dragon when it is hit is just silly. A side from that its o.k, but considering how often your dragon screams it gets a bit ridiculous.
Suggestions: The main game needs to be alot longer. Its a nice game, the unlockable features are great, but the main game needs to be at the very LEAST, twice as long next time.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 30, 2003.

Overall: Great game fun arcadey flying action. This is a great game, great graphics and gameplay. They could have had better sound but it totally fit in good with this game.
Gameplay: The gameplay was fun and addictive for me and the levels made it really fun too. Easy controls and morphing the dragon to fit the abilities needed for that moment are a good idea. I love teh levels and set up for everything.
Graphics: The visuals were the best part of this game the reflecting water, the atmosphere and everything were great in this game. One memorable part of this game was the river with thivk jungle dodging the attacks of giant monster serpants. Also the desert and arctic area were very fun and beautiful.
Sound: I didn't like alot of teh sound but i am giving it a good score because it went really good with this game.
Suggestions: You should make it longer and longer and make a sequel. You could raise teh sound quality more and have some better music but this is an awsome game. Definatley a keeper.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 9, 2003.

Overall: Panzer Dragoon Orta,the newest game of the Panzer Dragoon seiries (on dreamcast)is the probably the third best xbox game out there.Panzer Dragoon Orta is a rail-shooter similiar (but better) than Nintendo's StarFoX. The game is split into 10 episodes of button mashing fun.
in this game you control a dragon and it's rider: a girl named Orta. The dragon can 1. shoot rapid laser bullets 2. can lock on numerous targets and fire laser arrows that have splendid graphical effects and do alot of damage 3.the dragon can morph into Base Wing: the wing that the weakest lasers and fastest machine gun fire rate, but can lock onto 8-12 targets with the laser arrows. The dragon can also morph into Heavy Wing which has powrful Lasers, weak machine gun and can only lock on to 3 targets. The last wing can't fire laser arrows but can glide attack. Each wing hass it's strengths and weakneses making gameplay rich and complex.This game's graphics,sound,and storyline are unique and rich and I recommend this game to every xbox owner that is smart enough to buy this great game.
Gameplay: Nicely laid out controls,easy to learn/use. But when overwhelmed by dozens of missiles or enemies it become frustrating.
Graphics: From the scaly textures of the dragon's wing to the clearness of the water to the realistic cut-scenes. This game is a revouloution.
Sound: The sound effects and game-play music are decent but arent amazing. They can be great appreciated with 5.1
Suggestions: just work on the controls a little. And some great multiplayer would be cool.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

shrew king
Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: Panzer Dragoon Orta is a solid game, it has gameplay, it has graphics, and it has replay value. Just an amazing game.
Gameplay: This is one of the games that surprised me, I played the demo for it and didn't like it all that much, but gave it a chance and bought it anyways. I couldn't be happier with the choice I made. The main thing that turned me off with this game was that it was a rail shooter, which sounded like it would be boring, but turns out it is actually pretty fun. It takes a bit of strategy, but not much, which is a good thing if you just want to pick up a game and play it. Also, there are tons of unlockables, including the original Panzer Dragoon. I have had fun playing through the mini-missions that can be unlocked, and still haven't even unlocked everything.
Graphics: This game is amazing, and easily the best looking game on the Xbox right now, which is saying a whole lot. The bosses are absolutely beautiful, just thinking of the graphics in this game makes me want to go and play it. The levels are well done, the dream-like one being my personal favorite. The enemies movement and look is what amazed me most, the big serpeant/worms on the second level just moved and looked amazing. This game is a very very solid 5.
Sound: I'll keep this very brief, I don't think this game has the best sound, but I hear that it uses Dolby Digital very well, but since I don't have Dolby, I gave PDO a 3 in this category, just nothing that striked me as out of the ordinary.
Suggestions: More weapons, and a tad bit more of strategic gameplay is all I can think of. Very well done game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

Soul Redeemer
Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Great game with lots of perks. Great graphics cool un-lockables. Easy to control. Deffinately worth the money. !
Gameplay: The gameplay is great. Ir really sucks you into the game. The controls are so easy to use. Great fun !
Graphics: The visuals in this game are absolutely magnifacent !!! The detail is very impressive. Everything looks amazing !!
Sound: The sound in this game is another great think. Nice voices. Weapons fire sounds really cool. Awesome !!
Suggestions: Not one !

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: A great game that you must buy. I don't see why you would call it hardcore. I think anyone would enjoy this game.
Gameplay: The controls are great.Also, the story is great. one of the best game stories ever perhaps. They needed more cinema scenes though.
Graphics: Beautiful is one word to describe them. I was blown away.Not only were the game graphics great, but the cinema scenes were the best ever.
Sound: The voice acting was superb.The sound fit right into the game to get you into the action even more.The new language was very cool.
Suggestions: Great Job.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Wow. This game was incredible. It was loaded with extras that made it even better. I fell in love with this game at the start.
Gameplay: The story was wonderful, The controls were great. I was sucked into the story instantly. There were a couiple of great plot twists also.
Graphics: Freaking incredible is all I can say about this games visuals. I felt like I was in this game the graphics were so lifelike.
Sound: The language they mad for the game plus great voice acting and game sound equals really really great.
Suggestions: Great. Make a sequel.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Beautiful game. Great Extras also. Buy this game first chance you get, or you are missing an awfu lot.
Gameplay: Great controls. Lots of action. Everything an Xboxer would want. Great story to boot also. Buy this game!!!
Graphics: Beautiful fast paced game with the best graphics ever. The cg scenes and game graphics are the best on any system out there.
Sound: Great sound. The shooting sounds were good, and so were the explosion sounds. The music really completes the game.
Suggestions: Sequel!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Wonderful!!! Great graphics, Great controls, Great Story, what more could you want? A lot of extras to go along with that too.
Gameplay: Great controls are a mainstay throughout the Panzer series. The story was the most clutching of any game i've ever played.
Graphics: They best graphics on any system ever! This, even though it shames me to say it, almost puts Halo's graphics to shame.
Sound: Great sound. Even the enemies create awesome sound.The voice acting is uperb with the language that they made up.
Suggestions: Awesome job.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: This game is great it has a lotta extras and great gameplay and graphics. You also get to play panzer dragoon. that seems pretty cool to me.
Gameplay: This game has awesome controls. A great story. and other cool crap. but the story is so freaking awesome. It really gets you into the game.
Graphics: These aare the best i've seen on ps2, gamecube, and xbox combined. The cinema scenes are even better.
Sound: The firing sound is real cool in this game. and the music fits in perfectly. The language they made was pretty dang cool also.
Suggestions: None

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Crap this game was awesome. You gotta buy this it is so freaking cool. It's got amazing everything!!!
Gameplay: The gameplay is very fast. and changing forms and upgrading is real real cool. There are a lot of extras and a cool story. also there are great controls.
Graphics: These are the best graphics I have ever seen! When I saw the first cinema scenes they were so awesome i peeed my pants (kidding).

Sound: This game had real cool sound. The language they made for the game was so awesome. Also the guns and stuff and enemies sounded cool.
Suggestions: Awesome.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

El xboxer
Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Geeze this game was the best xbox game i've ever played.
it ranks right up there with halo. It was so awesome.
Gameplay: This gameplay is awesome. the control sceme rocks. the story is also cool. it really gets you into the game.
Graphics: These are the best graphics on the box( which means they are the best out there). as of 5/10/03 this is the best xbxo game of this year.
Sound: This game has some of the coolest voice acting and language ever in a game. It was awesome the way the enemeies and yourself had a buncha different cool sounds.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: I didnt play this game for very long but i heard from my friends it was freaking awesome. From what I played though, i agreed.
Gameplay: This game hast great controls. A great story. All around this game ios the coolest ever. I hope there is a sequel.
Graphics: Theseare the best graphics ever. The camera sucked sometimes. but it didnt bother much so it wont hurt the score.
Sound: THe game had awesome sound. The music really fit into the game well. The tracks are all fairly different from each other which added some music variety.
Suggestions: None.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Reeking lettuce
Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Panzer Dragoon Orta is one of the best 360 degree action games I've played. Thats only like 1 or 2 but it was still freaking awesome.
Gameplay: Thecontrols were very nice. The story was great too. I like multi player games. but this one appeased me greatly.
Graphics: These graphics are best ever guaranteed. I just got all my friends hooked on this game and site. so they have all been showing thier reviews on here and i agree with all of them. These are great.
Sound: This game had real cool sound. The language thing they added was real cool. I found a site that can translate some of it. but there was no need becuz it says what it means in subtitles so yeah.
Suggestions: Good job.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Sgt. Flintstone
Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Thes game was so cooooool! It is part awesome shoter part awesome graphics. half the game is almost extras.
Gameplay: This game ruled. The story was actually incorporated into a shooter!and it was good 2! The game was a little short but still it was awesome.
Graphics: These graphics rocked. except the camera. It soprta stunk. but v ery minor. The graphics are what really got me into the game.
Sound: The sound was reaaly good. The voice acting was great too. The enemies and the dragon and orta all sounded real cool 2.
Suggestions: None.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: This game was so cool. I just got an Xbox and I got this game with it. I love all things Sega so this was a must buy.
Gameplay: Dang this game was cool in the gameplay department. A great steory to match the equally great controls.
Graphics: I was in heaven when I saw these graphics. They were the best out there On any console ever. Great!!!
Sound: The soundtrack is very absorbing. It is the thing that gets you into the individual levels. The sounds the characters make is fantastic.
Suggestions: Make another story in the actual game. With subquests and stuff.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Excellent game. Buy it or die. Seriously this game rocks. The unlockables are crazy. Tons of them, including the original panzer dragon WHATS UP WITH THAT. tons of mini games and all. defenitly Replayable stupid oddworld 30-3000. could have used online
Gameplay: Gameplay is awesome. Its not meant to be played at ez. Thats just for training. Hard dificulty is nuts. Not ez at all. levelign your gun is sweet.
Graphics: Best grafics ever. Much better than halo. (Halo stil rocks ). Individual hairs and nice fmvs. thats all i gotta say
Sound: Very realistic sound. Amazing if u have dolby digital like me. Stupid made up language is very annoying, but adds to the mood. makes u feel like its really another world.
Suggestions: get rid of the language but make a sequel

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: This game takes a primitive style of rail shooters, and turns it into something just plain awesome. A++
Gameplay: The gameplay is surprisingly addictive. Anyone who plays on EASY will not understand my feelings. When you start playing on normal or hard, that's when you have to learn which dragon form to be in. Needless to say, at times the game gets extremely intense and requires quick thinking believe it or not.
Graphics: Visually....this game is simply beautiful. Even compared to HALO. I almost think this game looks better at times. If you don't drool at the graphics of this game, then smack yourself, because your standards are TOO HIGH!
Sound: The sound is unbelievably crisp and clear. Sega definetly took full advantage of Surround technology on this game. With the right home audio setup, you can almost pinpoint where each enemy is. Amazing!
Suggestions: Spend more time on beautiful games like this, and less time on ordinary games like crazy taxi.

There's not much to recommend if a sequel were to be made, Just make sure to include as much Bonus stuff next time as you did this time. It adds great Replay value, and motivates gamers to master the game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Lord Vivic
Date reviewed: October 14, 2003.

Overall: it is a outstanding game.the detail is eye blowing. the action is overwelming at times and i was mind blown at the end of the game
Gameplay: the movement of the dragons was almost real like the makers had seen them before.Then there was the fighting that was cool too.
Graphics: The visuals are swell I mean during the game it is hard to gather all the things in every screen shot
Sound: the sound wasn't erverything I expected but they were good.They could have been better,but thy will do

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

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Bulwark: Evolution Out Now on Consoles

Bulwark: Evolution Out Now on ConsolesThis major free update, which has already been successfully launched on Steam, brings a new layer of depth, strategy, and innovative gameplay mechanics to the immersive world of Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles.

Thrustmaster Unveils T.Flight Hotas One

Thrustmaster Unveils T.Flight Hotas OneThrustmaster’s best-seller is back with a new look featuring the official license of Microsoft Flight Simulator. This complete, precise and easy-to-use hands- on throttle and stick (HOTAS) is the ideal companion for Microsoft Flight Sim 2024

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KeyWe Giveaway!
Post by Variation-XBA
0 Replies, 24717 Views

2021: XBA is still here
Post by shrew king
40 Replies, 201710 Views

Watch Dogs: Legion
Post by Nato King
0 Replies, 123376 Views

Xbox Series X or S
Post by Nato King
5 Replies, 140656 Views

Spellbreak Grand Magus Pack (3) and Starter Pack (7) Giveaway!
Post by Variation-XBA
0 Replies, 130473 Views

I pay $ 1000! I search the Element 54 Canadian launch Team signaturen Faceplate
Post by Smill
0 Replies, 152259 Views

Xbox one no signal
Post by debrartin
0 Replies, 142144 Views

do you remember?
Post by SnoochyBoochy
3 Replies, 211491 Views

i haz xbox
Post by SnoochyBoochy
0 Replies, 165742 Views

Claiming the first thread of 2020
Post by Kraft
7 Replies, 261626 Views

Important! I pay $ 1000! I search the Sweden launch and the Element 54 Faceplate
Post by Smill
3 Replies, 148242 Views

Squad Up
Post by samslophead
0 Replies, 251489 Views

TERA Skinned Xbox One X Giveaway!
Post by Variation-XBA
0 Replies, 178038 Views

Starfield Release expectations?
Post by DJ tx
4 Replies, 307430 Views

Issue with Xbox live on Xbox home
Post by rcmpayne
0 Replies, 166248 Views

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