Kung Fu Chaos (Original Xbox) by Microsoft

Kung Fu Chaos (Xbox) by Microsoft Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: February 25, 2003.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.59 / 10

This WILL BE/IS Microsoft?s butt-kickin? sleeper-hit for 2003!"

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"Kung Fu Chaos" allows up to four people to battle it out on huge interactive movie sets that provide an added challenge to the mayhem. In true Hong Kong style, the combat features over-the-top gigantic leaps, suicidal stunts and multiple-opponent action. Gamers can choose from an outrageous cast of characters, each with unique brawling capabilities. "Kung Fu Chaos" is about fun, competition, glory, humiliation, insults and back-stabbing.

Cheat Codes

      Unlocks the Miniseries Mode
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter Start, Left, Y, Start, Up, B, Up, Right, B, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks the Championship Mode
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter Start, Left, A, Y, Down, A, Y, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks Shao Ting
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter White, A, Left, Right, Up, Start, B, A, Left, Down, Y, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks Everything that Requires Four Stars
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter A, Left(x2), B, Right, A, White, Left, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks Every Permanent Cheat in the Game
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter Left, Up, X, Up, Right, Y, Left, A, Right, Down, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks Captain Won
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter Left, A, Right, Down, Y, B, Up, Down, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks Candi Roll
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter Left, A, Down, Y, Start, Down, A, Y, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks all Island Scenes
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter B, A, Y, Start, A, White, A, Y, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Unlocks All Characters
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter B, A, White, Down, Y, B, A, Left(x2), A, Down, Release Left Analog Stick.
      All Available Levels
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter Left, A, Down, Y, Right, A, Down, A, Right, Release Left Analog Stick.
      All Available Costumes for Unlocked Characters
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter B, A, Down, B, A, B, Y, Release Left Analog Stick.
      All Available Character Bios
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter B, Left, A, Right, B, Down, Right, A, White, Left, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Play Ninja Challenge in Co-Op
You must have only one controller plugged in port 1 and one plugged in port 4 for this work. Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter B, Up, Down(x2), Y, Release Left Analog Stick.
      Any Level shown in 1920’s Movie Style
Depress Left Analog Stick the entire time you enter Start, A, Left, A, Down(x2), A, Y, Start, Release Left Analog Stick.

User Reviews

Score: 86
Overall User Average: 8.55 / 10 (85.9%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.38 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.55 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.52 / 10
Liquid Gears
Date reviewed: September 30, 2005.

Overall: The game is one of a kind and was very enjoyable to play. It in a way loses its fun after awhile so you can only play it once in awhile. Everything about the game is unique and they did such a great job making you feel like you're making a goofy movie with a dumb director. It's a good game to have in the collection to play from time to time. I think it's a must have.
Gameplay: Very fun game to play. It's unique look and feel adds a lot. The interaction with the environment constantly is awesome. The game is so simple but such a different game that it's fun no matter what.
Graphics: The characters in this game are just great. They look like no other game and all have their own personalities. The environment looks great as well. Overall the graphics are very smooth with a lot of detail in such a seemingly childish game.
Sound: Each character sounds like an individual and the music and sound effects adds to the fun cartoony feel of the game. It adds a lot and is very well done.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 20, 2004.

Overall: to be honest I was not that impressed with this title... I think it is better as a party game than a single player game... not bad at all, and unique and fun... but just not my type... a classic case of, '' its not you it's me!!''
Gameplay: gameplay is innovitive in the sense of the film studio idea... but it gets a bit repetative after a while... it is very fun as multi player, but a bit too repetative, and a bit trickey on single player.
Graphics: visually nice, but nothing astounding... water looks good, as do the characters... but there isn't a huge amount ever going on on-screen... it isnt testing your xbox... but at times it's a good looker
Sound: sound is nothing spectacular... but directors demands are clear, and environments and weapons sound nice... could be that bit better... but nothing shabby as it is
Suggestions: live play... better story line.. rotatable camera

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: January 31, 2004.

Overall: Face Full Of Fists is the sub-title on the Australian version of the cover art, but Fist In The Face Of Political Correctness would be another good one. The allegations of racism are made utterly ridiculous as soon as the introduction begins to roll, using recreations of footage from real Kung-Fu films. The references to Enter The Dragon aren't just in the use of the theme music. Kudos to the developers for also putting in a big reference to Saiyûki, aka Monkey, one of the most revered Kung-Fu adventures of the 1970s. The reality regarding the accusations of racism is that the people who made the martial arts films this game is satirising put the stereotype out there in the first place, and knowingly exploited it in order to turn what was a small local business into what is now a thriving international industry. It is not a coincidence that the film studio that got the chance to make a film out of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was not a bloated Hollywood giant but a small Hong Kong studio that relied on creativity rather than money in order to deliver an entertaining product. THAT is what this game is a great celebration of.
Gameplay: People who have read many of my other reviews will have seen a pattern emerging. I complain often that the games try to compensate for having to little to keep the player's attention by being made so incredibly difficult that it becomes almost impossible for the average gamer to get anywhere. In another defiance of convention, Kung Fu Chaos keeps everything simple. Once you know which button to press to beat up your enemy, you can pretty much fight your way through any level, although you do have to master some of the more advanced tactics in order to excel and unlock the mystery levels of the game. Some of the levels don't even bother using most of the controller. One level simply involves catching a princess and then throwing her at other men on platforms. The whole thing uses one of the thumbsticks and one button, yet it is so delightfully wacky and surreal that one could play it again and again. Like the aforementioned Saiyûki, this game has many moments for "cheap stoners", the people who get the munchies just watching ludicrously bad special effects. Bravo to Just Add Monsters for making a video game where one doesn't have to spend months learning how to play it.
Graphics: KFC's visual aspect emphasises a cartoon feel. About the only thing that is realistic about it is the film scratches. This is in a direct contrast to other video games of the time, where we're drowned in statistics about how many polygons this or that skin texture has in it. Instead, KFC looks like a much more detailed version of the afternoon cartoon series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Obviously, the developers paid a lot of attention to the graphics and how the game should look, but they also realised that flash graphics mean nothing if your game isn't any fun to play. About the only complaint I do have is the movement of the camera, which sometimes makes things a little awkward. In some levels, you are meant to keep pace with the camera's movements, so one has to be wary of where they are on the screen. It makes balancing the racing ahead with beating up the bad guys a bit tricky. However, when the camera doesn't need to move, such as the aforementioned princess-tossing level, it stays as steady as a rock, like it should. In spite of not needing the equivalent of a rocket engine on the graphics card, so to speak, KFC is one of the single most pleasant games I've ever looked at.
Sound: Anyone who doubts the value of Dolby Digital 5.1 audio needs to play this game. As in HALO, the surround channels are used to draw the player into the game and keep them in the atmosphere. This is especially important since they are basically controlling an actor on a low-grade Kung Fu film. Obviously, there isn't nearly this much noise on any set, but we're viewing the film in terms of how it will look when it is cut together, so it stands to reason that the audio should match. Kudos to the developer for adding the custom soundtrack feature without even telling us. Although the main soundtrack is very good, and Carl Douglas' ?Kung-Fu Fighting? is wonderfully appropriate (as is the rest of the main music), the developers have to be applauded for giving the player a chance to break up the repetition by switching to their own mix. I personally recommend finding the most outlandish Japanese bands you can find, such as Final Exit, and occasionally put that on in place of the main soundtrack. You'd be amazed at how Japan, Hong Kong, and China can keep outdoing themselves in terms of music that leaves one scratching their heads.
Suggestions: I only have a couple of suggestions for the developers. First, the ability to have cooperative multiplayer is not to be overlooked. The replay value of this game is already high, but the ability of two or more players to fight side-by-side would have made it virtually unlimited. Secondly, if you are going to make a sequel (please do), hiring some authentic Kung Fu film actors to do voiceovers is a must. The voices of Masaaki Sakai and Shirô Kishibe are must-haves. Other than that, just keep on doing what it is you're doing, and for heaven's sakes, don't listen to the politically correct ninnies out there!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 25, 2003.

Overall: Kung Fu Chaos is a great game for fun and for laughs, this game is not only extremly fun, it is extremly funny! try playing this game with a friend, it is so much fun.
Gameplay: The gameplay is overall probably the best part of Kung Fu Chaos. There are very fun coarses that are as Interactive as can be!
Graphics: I will admit, the graphics are not that good, but all the characters are funny, and they wouldn't be as funny if they didnt look like that.
Sound: The sound is decent, it is not that good but It is great for a laugh, (esspecially Xui Tan Sour's taunts!)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 22, 2003.

Overall: If you wanted an over the top martial arts game complete with enough unlockables to keep you coming back for more even though you know you shoudln't, what a good game.
Gameplay: Controls are simple enough, but some combos and counters don't work at all without lots of practice. Each character is similar in speed and power and only differ in costumes and special moves.
Graphics: Good graphics for such a cartoony game, and the stages are close to superb in design and creativity with good themes throughout.
Sound: While the out of sync lipping and speech in the game is keeping with the central focus of bad hong kong movies, other sound effects didn't need to suffer as well.
Suggestions: More characters of differing abilities and perhaps the option to train and improve upon their existing skills to add depth and replayability, kind like games like Ready 2 Rumble.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: I am 23 and was pleseantly suprised to find this game extemely fun. I bought it because I read the review from the website. This game when played with a few freinds is hilariouse and addicting. It will appeal to almost any age and gamer.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very easy to pick up. Once you master the buttons you start to learn strategy's on kicking butt on your freinds. One of my favorites is when you kick thier butt and then throw them off the side of the boat or whatever else you fight on. Again, I really like the gameplay on this one. Very fun.
Graphics: I acutally thought the graphics on this game were !&%$@#* good. Very suprising. Very crisp and clear player models. Nice, Nice!!!!!!
Sound: The sounds are also great! Especially when it plays the actual song Kung Fu Fighting. Hilariouse sound effects on this one. Overall good.
Suggestions: You should have made this one Xbox Live compatible. You really screwed the pooch on that one guys. This game would have rocked.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: This game is one of the best games I?ve ever played, ever.

Let me start out by saying I?ve never been a big fan of the martial arts spoof that this game is based on. So for me to find such great enjoyment in its style says a lot. The overall presentation of this game cannot be beat. The menu is very simple to navigate. You have a number of bars vertically displayed in the center of the screen that allows you to choose your destination. It portrays an old movie feel with the flickering of lines and particles of dust occasionally going across or hitting the screen. It?s as if you were watching a movie made in the 60?s and they were using cheap film. The effect hits its mark perfectly. As you play each and every element of the game screams cheesy B Kung fu Movie. From the funny comments of Shou Ting, the director, to the funny comments made by the players in the middle of fighting. The scenes you fight through are the most diverse and imaginative I?ve ever seen. A really cool feature is how they use movie scenes from the likes of Titanic & Independence Day. These are just two examples, there are many more. Another great aspect of the game is the replay function. When you play a level in battle mode you have the option of saving the entire fight as a final directors cut. As you watch the replay you can choose what music plays in the background. The director also gives hilarious comments throughout the viewing.

Gameplay: This also hits the mark perfectly. The combos are simplistic to first learn yet allows for a more complex experience if desired. The instruction manual shows up to 23 different types of combos that could be used. These combos feel/look unique for each character that uses them. There are, I think, around 8 characters with one or two more to unlock. Also, each player has a very unique special super attack that adds a lot of strategy to the game when the number of lives left at the end of a scene determines the winner. The graphical affect when these super attacks go off are very fun to watch. In order to gain these super attacks you have to taunt your opponent after knocking them down three times successfully. The taunts are funny as hell . For me, one of the coolest parts of the game play is an option that allows for spectacular camera views to be seen. This adds a matrix (slow motion) style to the game as you pull off various combos, very cool. There are many scenes to unlock ( 20+) and to do so you have to complete a scene with 3 out of 5 stars. Also, each scene has many levels to it. So in one scene you might see anywhere from 5 to 10 different levels. I?ve played both single player and multiplayer with friends and have enjoyed both experiences equally. The game has several types of modes; I think this covers them all:

Ninja Challenge- single player mode where you unlock levels & all other goodies
Battle mode ? single & multiplayer on any unlocked scenes. Also can play multiplayer with teams.
Championship mode- its battle mayhem with a different set of rules. I haven?t unlocked this yet.
Mini-series mode ? Here you unlock each individual characters bio ? I haven?t unlocked this yet.
Freestyle mode ? Here you can do whatever you want.
Rehearsal mode ? practice away.
Options section ? watch all the movies you?ve made. Fun to watch while eating Popcorn.

Graphics: The graphics here are simply stunning. Very much detail has been give to both the characters & scenes. I guess what really adds to the graphic splendor is how much is going on behind the scenes. I found myself watching replays several times just catch all the action in the background that you don?t have time to pay attention to in the middle of an all out battle. Again, the replays only work well due to the amount of detail given to every graphical aspect of the game. Go to any web site that has pics or vids posted and you can see for yourself.

Sound: As far as the audio is concerned, it?s perfect. You get many cool kung fu style options to listen to or you can just use your own music.
Suggestions: There must...and I mean must... be a KFC 2. And the only thing you should change is to add live. This game screams live....

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: Fun foour player party game with a worthy single player experience. A mixture of fighting levels and entertaining mini games.
Gameplay: Getting the hang of the game takes a matter of a few minutes so anyone can jump in and do well in a short time. There are good number of combos all of which are easy to pull off.
Graphics: The graphics aren't awesome but they aren't suppose to be its a cartoon world and it works great. The framerate never drops.
Sound: The sound works for this game and adds to the atmosphere. Shao ting has some funny lines as well as some really corny ones but luckily if you get tired of him you can turn him off.
Suggestions: Downloadable content and online play.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: THE overall of this game is great. Jut Add Monster ate it with this one, but i think they shouldve added more characters and more levels. other than that it hassome impressive graphics, the sound is the best gives u the fell of the kung fu era.theg ameplay is simple and good.
Gameplay: the gameplay is simple i think they did a very well job with this. all the guttons have a purpose and its solid.
Graphics: I give this a five out five for the fact the visuals are amazing yet again this prooves that the xbox has the best water graphics and overall grpahics, i think they did well everything is detailed and the levels are amazingly well done.
Sound: the sound of this game is what you would expect from a cheap kung fu flick with the punches and voices it is well done.i enjoy the music they put for every level because it goes with it. and the add your own track made it even better to enhance my gameplay i got more kung fu music and added it to my hard drive.
Suggestions: you guys did an amazing job on this, this game attracts alot. i think you guys should make a kung fu chaos returns for a sequel when a game is this great you must have a sequel. i say add more characters, the alot more levels. plus you should add a adventure mode it would really go with this game. hmm more cinemas would rock.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 30, 2003.

Overall: I love this game. After falling in love with Halo, I was hard pressed in finding a xbox game that blew me away. Kung Fu Chaos has done just that.
Gameplay: Fun to play alone. Fun to play with others. Fast action. Dialogue that actually makes me laugh. Movie sets are diverse and great to play. The game is not too difficult however attaining a 5 star performance has proven very challenging. I love this game.
Graphics: Awesome. Gritty. Details are perfect. I love the wires during jump sequences. Characters are wonderful.
Sound: Scripts for characters is bang on. Director is very funny. I wih only for more on taunting. The sound track is decent and true to style. Fight sounds are great.
Suggestions: I love the genre and the uniqueness of this game. Perhaps you can take on Bollywood next. Keep up the good work. Keep it original.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 10, 2003.

Overall: I wanted to make sure that i played this game a bit before i gave a review....im glad that i did. i was excited about reading all the good reviews and so when i popped this into my xbox i had high expectations. Thankfully, these expectations were met and exceeded in certain areas the game play is great and the difficulty is pretty good, too. Took me many long nights with a few friends to unlock the whole game and the multiplayer makes the replay value limitless....the levels do get a bit boring after you have played them many times, so i wish they had more downloadable characters and levels, but, that is the only down side....anything without live really can't be a 5.0 anymore.
Gameplay: great, pretty easy to get used to, especially if you do some rehearsal to start off, but, if you play the levels you will get good at the moves anyways
Graphics: the game has a cartoonish style gameplay, but the scenes are very detailed throughout the game, no slow downs or anything make this a high number as well
Sound: the sound that comes with it fits the game very well, but with the option to have your own soundtrack, the sound is automatically given a 5
Suggestions: downloadable content, you have to have it with the new style games, also some more short films with different objective wouldve been nice, but again with downloadable, you couldve made this happen

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: very nice looking and entertaining title but i think its strong point is multiplayer cause once you finish the single player stuff why go back and play it that much ya know
Gameplay: silly characters with entertaining moves easy control you can basically pic up a controller and know what your doing so its cool
Graphics: Wonderful cartoony graphics nice lighting makes this title nice to watch. the opening movie is awesome also
Sound: sound is nice but gets kinda annoying with the director guy but thats no biggy other than that its all good
Suggestions: i dunno what would make it better its already a great fun title

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: Wow this is a fun game to play every once in a while but I would not recommend putting to many hours in to this game because it can get boring quick.
Gameplay: Good multiplayer action and I like that it is another Live game, but It you can only play a couple rounds then you get bored.
Graphics: The graphics could have been better but they were going for a more cartoonish game so it looked funny.
Sound: Who can go wrong with that Theme? lol I like the music and the character voices. It was good to get away from reality

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This game doesn't play bad nor is there anything wrong with the concept. It's just when you go through the whole singe player and play every board in multiplayer the game just gets old real fast. I honestly have no interest in playing this game ever again. It's just so boring now.
Gameplay: Getting 5 stars on every movie took me about a day. And before you beat everything the game is quite fun. Plus, Shao Ting is funny as hell. I love the training ones where he starts telling a story and you doze off into training and when you awake he's saying something and when you can start understanding him again he goes "..and that's why I'll never use a public toilet again" LOL it's just some great stuff. He is a bit of s terotype Chinese guy so I can see why they got complaints about the game but I just think overall the developers loved kung fu movies (I mean just look at the titles instead of the Legend of the Drunken Boxer you have the legen of the drunken bastard) The game is funny and is quite enjoyable but I don't know when it just got so boring. I don't even like playing multiplayer. Don't get me wrong, this is a great game it's just the lasting appeal isn't there.
Graphics: I love the graphics. They aren't detailed but for the purpose of looking cartoonish the graphics are great. I also love the cheap moviesets. I get a laugh whenever I'm on the space ship with a piece of wallpaper scrolling in the background.
Sound: Excellent job. Punching, kicking special moves, and music all sound like they came straight out of a kung fu movie. Excellent for the game.
Suggestions: If there is anyway you can make the game last longer I would appreciate it. I can't really think of any ideas.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Crappy graphics, weak level designs, those are the biggest putdowns of the game. You will weep openly after buying this game. It is a decent rental tho.
Gameplay: Wimpy action, with no variety of techniques is all this game has to offer.It is suposed to be cheesy but it succeeds too well.
Graphics: Weak 3D enviroments along withbad character designs are mainly what hurts this game besides the sound, but i will get to that soon.
Sound: It's atrocious! There are dumber sounds in this game than oddworld: Munch's Oddysey. All the Hi-Ya! stuff gets old fast too.
Suggestions: WTF!?

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 30 %

The Jackal
Date reviewed: November 2, 2003.

Overall: Overall it's fun and is the Smash Bros. for Xbox. And like Smash Bros. its only good with friends so that's where this game lacks.
Gameplay: It's a fun game to play wit buddies once and a while but doesn't really have the greatness to be a fun game to play on your own.
Graphics: It's visually very well done. Smooth graphics and the the cheap looking background for the movie in the game is perfect.
Sound: It's got goofy and unrealistic sounds but it suits the game perfectly so i'm givin it a perfect score.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: A fun little game that is a parody of almost evey Kung fu/ Karate film ever made. Levels mainly fall apart around you so you have to be alert at all times.
Gameplay: The objectives of the levels are basically the same for every level but each level has different surprises that you must master or it is Bye-Bye for you character. At the start of the game you have only 6 characters to choose from but there are 3 others to unlock. Also each character has "Super Moves" which spell certain death for almost all of your enemies.
The combos and moves are quiet simple and players will find them almost too easy to master.
Multiplayer fights and mini-games are chaotic and never get boring.
Graphics: This game doesn't really challenge the X-Box's graphical capabilities but yet again it doesn't really need to.
Sound: Umm... Yes... Not that greater sound but you don't really notice it when you are focusing on killing your enemies.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 25, 2003.

Overall: Kung Fu Chaos is a fun party style brawler for up to 4 players. You fight it out as one of 9 wanna be movie stars on 6 unique, interactive sets based on hit blockbusters like Titanic. The game suffers from being way to short with a 3 hour story mode and it only takes a mere 5+ hours to unlock all it has to offer. Kung Fu Chaos is short but very sweet.
Gameplay: The game is a fun, fast, and furious fighter. You fight in one of 6 gigantic interactive movie sets. Things like the ground crumbles around you, and poison gas seeping into the room are only a few obstacles. One level pits you on a giant ship called the Gigantic (Titanic rip off) while it sinks, with floors falling out from under you, you duke it out untill the final battle in the life boats. The game is a blast to play. The characters specials are also very cool, like the yo-yo girl spins her yo-yos to creat a tornado which kills all of the other characters. With just about 5+ hours alone (but a lot more if you play at partys) the game is just too short, but superb while it lasts.
Graphics: Visually the game looks very good; from the water to the giant stuffed T-Rex that chases you through one level, the game looks great.
Sound: The one liners from the characters are great and the director adds to the humor, shouting out everything you do wrong and telling you the upcoming danger. The soundtrack consists of songs from old kung fu movies.
Suggestions: The game is just too darn short. With just about a few more big scenes, the game could have gotten a 5.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2003.

Overall: "Everybody wants kung fu fighting!" That's true. Kung Fu Chaos is a fun party fighting-action game, that great and fun to play, mainly because it's exclusive to Xbox. The game is a mixture of N64's Super Smash Brothers, of Fuzion Frenzy for Xbox, and of the wackiest, most chaotic, gameplay fighting ever seen in the history of mankind. Kung Fu Chaos is hilarious. Some people may say that it's bad, while others might say that it's excellent, although I'm in the middle. The game may not be the most impressive one around, but it sure isn't disappointing. Through different modes, you compete as kung fu actors in battles and mini-games, which are then supposed to be turned into a movie. So in other words, your "boss" is the director. The storyline or concept of the game isn't so amazing, but most games in this sort of genre, aren't supposed to anyway.
Gameplay: Gameplay is great...and fun. There are many types of modes, as well as a whole bunch of battles arenas and mini-games. It's also fun to taunt other competitors, because you can really do that during battles, which even earns you extra points. What is sad is that the concept of many mini-games from Kung Fu Chaos were "stolen" from Fuzion Frenzy. It's no wonder, since Microsoft published both of them. The controls are basic and not difficult. The game itself is not frustrating (unless maybe at the very end of the game). However, sometimes gameplay can get too chaotic, which isn't any good. In general, gameplay is really great, but could be better.
Graphics: Visuals are not a strong part of Kung Fu Chaos, but for this type of game, they are reasonable. There is a lot of good animation throughout the game, which does fit in. However, the graphics do not use the full graphical capabilities of the Xbox. It's too bad, but almost every single party game has poor visuals.
Sound: Sound is a better aspect of Kung Fu Chaos. There are some good sound effects that originated from those 70s kung fu movies. Voices are also well done, such as the fighters and the director, which make a hilarious result. The game is also presented in Dolby Digital, which could make a good surround sound, but is not really necessary. There is also a whole lot of 70s music that was used for those old kung fu movies and TV shows. In comparison, sound in Kung Fu Chaos is still much better than the visuals.
Suggestions: Kung Fu Chaos could have been more original and better when it came to visuals. A sequel would be a complete waste of time. It would be better for Microsoft to waste their money...I mean use their money for other new game concepts rather than for sequels to games like Kung Fu Chaos. If it had Xbox LIVE then I predict that more people would play it.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 6, 2003.

Overall: A pretty fun karate game with lots of characters. Not only can you fight one on one but also can go through a multitude of chalenges that are actually pretty fun.
Gameplay: The Gameplay is good. Lots of punches and kicks. The combos are pretty kool. The reaction time of the button pressing to the actual move is good. Definetley not a button masher. I hate button mashers.
Graphics: This is where the game stands out. the visuals are great. The characters look diferent from each other. i am not big on visuals as long as the game is fun to play but good visuals.
Sound: The sound of this game is good The Character that plays the Director is pretty funny and the the thuds and kickc all sound like thuds and kicks. The backround music is good I guess i didn't really notice.
Suggestions: Very good game keep them coming. I don't think I would make another one though. One is enough and I don't know what you could do to improve on this one.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 26, 2003.

Overall: I didn't expect too much from this game when i first picked it up, it just looked like it would be some good fun to play around with, and check it out, to see what it really is.

Overall-If you like party games, and fighters, this game has your name all over it. The lack of stunning graphics are made up for in the fluent gameplay and the great sound. Very original, and seems to break out in a whole new catagory. Kung Fu Chaos would be a great edition to anyones xbox library.

Gameplay: Gameplay-Overall, I'd say its a pretty fun game to play. The different games modes throughout the whole game make it very amusing. My favorite mode has to be the multiplayer one, which takes on charateristics of a Mario Party style game, lost of fun with lots of friends. The "career" mode is interesting, and a fresh change from most other games. The controls are pretty simple, but gets indepth very quickly. You need to start knowing the more "complex" moves to be able to beat the tougher enemies. The fighting system isn't bad, but sometimes your just left wanting to throw your contoller at the wall. Although if you made it any more complitcated, it would be too, well, complicated for what the game seems to be going for. I guess it's just that kind of game.

Longevity-This game will last you as long as you need it to. With game modes, characters, clothing, and much more to unlock, this game will keep you coming back. The multiplayer is a blast,especially when you have friends there to enjoy it along with you.
Graphics: Graphics-Nothing too fancy here, but sufficient enough for the xbox. The character models are great, and the cartoon degree to them is perfect, to give them little bit of reality to their faces. The environments designs are wonderful, but the detail to them arn't very extensive, but it's not really needed. The focus never really goes to the backround, it's usually kept in the area of action.

Sound: Sound-Sound is fits the game so great. The strong Chinese accent your director has, and the classic ninja sounds, make it a great addition to the game. Nothing breakthrough, but it suits the game so well, and complements the gameplay nicely.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 24, 2003.

Overall: It's a fighting game in a 3D environment that takes place in the motif of making a kung fu movie. You select one of about 10 characters, who are different but basically the same (this is good!) and go through the "movie". There are also a bunch of other modes like multiplayer, championship, mini-series, etc. So far I've enjoyed them all (esp. multiplayer!). There are also tons of levels and options to unlock, which is not annoying yet..but if it takes too much longer to get all the options for multiplayer, then that'd be annoying. The game is well polished and is worth me writing a review about it, which I rarely do.
Gameplay: Mostly you fight your way through a bunch of kung fu guys..there could be one on one or 8 on one... some are easy...most are kinda tricky...and some are just tough. The game relies on basic combos using xyab. The learning curve is done well, making it fun for all your friends to play with you within minutes. There are also other mini-game scenes which come up that aren't fighting..but are just as fun.
Graphics: Very good visuals. Everything is colorful, crisp, and believeable within context. I'm confident you'll be impressed..but it's not DOA volleyball or anything. Overall, no complaints.
Sound: Pretty good, all the music fits, though I'd like to hear "Kung Fu Fightin'" by Carl Douglas more...still it does play once in awhile. You can also add it yourself since you're allowed to play your own soundtracks (which is done nicely, try it!). Nothing increadible..but fits the game well.
Suggestions: I agree, xbox live should be added to any game now that it can be..in this case I don't know how possible it would be since timing is everything..but it would have been sweet! Also, a cooperative mode for the feature films would have been a lot of fun too.

More characters if possible and maybe not so much work ot unlock everything.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: April 18, 2003.

Overall: Wow! What more can I say? This game is great. Def worth a rental (and I am considering purchase as well). Great multiplayer action. Hilarious game. Very addictive. Overall, a great game with very well thought out design and gameplay.
Gameplay: From lots of different characters to play, to multiplayer, this game really does a great job of offering that replayability factor that alot of games today are missing. It can get kinda hard (and ridiciulous seeming) at times, but makes you want to come back over and over again for more. Very original gameplay. From bouncing stuntmen to bumping ninjas off of an iceberg with life preservers. Great fun with lots of unlockables.
Graphics: Graphics are decent. They are not really above the "norm" for games of this type, but at the same time, they don't make me want to hurl either. I will admit though that the various stages that you play through do offer quite a variety and help with the immersion factor.
Sound: Waaaaahhhh..... "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting..." Great, great, great. I love the insult portion. Then that movie director can really add a bit of humor to it as well. Overall, very well done.
Suggestions: Umm.....sequal? :)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: April 9, 2003.

Overall: ?Everybody wants kung fu fighting!? That?s true. Kung Fu Chaos is a fun party fighting-action game, that great and fun to play, mainly because it?s exclusive to Xbox. The game is a mixture of N64?s Super Smash Brothers, of Fuzion Frenzy for Xbox, and of the wackiest, most chaotic, gameplay fighting ever seen in the history of mankind. Kung Fu Chaos is hilarious. Some people may say that it?s bad, while others might say that it?s excellent, although I?m in the middle. The game may not be the most impressive one around, but it sure isn?t disappointing. Through different modes, you compete as kung fu actors in battles and mini-games, which are then supposed to be turned into a movie. So in other words, your ?boss? is the director. The storyline or concept of the game isn?t so amazing, but most games in this sort of genre, aren?t supposed to anyway.
Gameplay: Gameplay is great...and fun. There are many types of modes, as well as a whole bunch of battles arenas and mini-games. It?s also fun to taunt other competitors, because you can really do that during battles, which even earns you extra points. What is sad is that the concept of many mini-games from Kung Fu Chaos were ?stolen? from Fuzion Frenzy. It?s no wonder, since Microsoft published both of them. The controls are basic and not difficult. The game itself is not frustrating (unless maybe at the very end of the game). However, sometimes gameplay can get too chaotic, which isn?t any good. In general, gameplay is really great, but could be better.
Graphics: Visuals are not a strong part of Kung Fu Chaos, but for this type of game, they are reasonable. There is a lot of good animation throughout the game, which does fit in. However, the graphics do not use the full graphical capabilities of the Xbox. It?s too bad, but almost every single party game has poor visuals.
Sound: Sound is a better aspect of Kung Fu Chaos. There are some good sound effects that originated from those 70s kung fu movies. Voices are also well done, such as the fighters and the director, which make a hilarious result. The game is also presented in Dolby Digital, which could make a good surround sound, but is not really necessary. There is also a whole lot of 70s music that was used for those old kung fu movies and TV shows. In comparison, sound in Kung Fu Chaos is still much better than the visuals.
Suggestions: Kung Fu Chaos could have been more original and better when it came to visuals. A sequel would be a complete waste of time. It would be better for Microsoft to waste their money...I mean use their money for other new game concepts rather than for sequels to games like Kung Fu Chaos. If it had Xbox LIVE then I predict that more people would play it.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 13, 2003.

Overall: I have mixed feelings about this game although I went into it not knowing what to expect. Some publications said it was mundane and racist, some said it was the sleeper hit of the year. After exploring it a bit, I find the answer somewhere in between. While calling it a racist pile of trash seems way overstated, the gameplay bores after awhile. Comparing it to Halo or other premium titles in terms of overall fun seems insane. It's a rental with buddies at best.
Gameplay: First off, it's easy to jump right in. The fighting engine isn't deep, but it's meant to be fun and simple to bang through some interactive kung-fu sets and that is accomplished. There are many characters to choose from and while they have their own attack, it's mostly all the same. The levels are varied beat-em ups or typical party game puzzles. Some are a frantic blast, some are tiring retreads of past levels. Not really ever funny as it sometimes tempts, this is really just a typical party game or button masher in a new chinese dress. It doesn't really hold my attention after a couple of hours, I had no real desire to unlock much of the extra material.
Graphics: Not bad, not stunning. Cartoony with environments that range from moving tracks to long poles your character stands on. It's a bit blurry at times with the fast action, but all in all no complaints.
Sound: It has Kung-Fu fighting! After that, well the in game pointers are repetitive and the "director" of the films yells at you in pigdin english. "Me happy with your performance" Me love you not so long time.
Suggestions: I think this game accomplishes what it was meant to be. A somewhat boring party romp. These games are usually not that hot, but this one in the end seems subpar to ...I don't know, Hunter maybe?

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: March 12, 2003.

Overall: Daaaaang. I decided to wait to review this game after i had unlocked most, if not all of it. I came into this game thinking that there wouldnt be much to do and id be done with it in a few days and id only have fun with it only when i have friends over
Gameplay: This is really the prime of this game. After seeing the GC release smashbrothers, i really wanted a decent party game that i could play with a group of kids (including girls who actually turn out to not like halo. whoda thunkit?). This game fit that description perfectly and filled in the gap that fusion frenzy left behind. Soo good. As i said before i thought this game was guna go by fast. It doesnt. I thought there would only be levels and characters to unlock. Those are the EASY unlockables. Theres so much more to it! So much gameplay and so many options to play with. You will not get tired of this game soon, especially if theres a few kids in your family. By the way, its absolutely hilarious. Shao ting is awsome. and i like Xui tan Sour's taunt (YOU too Fat!) I could go on... but...
Graphics: Although this game does not push the xbox graphics to the limit, i still give it a 5, because this game would be terribly laggy and have a sloooow framerate if the graphics were halo status. But the graphics really fit the game perfectly. The nice touches are thrown in wherever they need to be (ie. Water, Dinosaurs, Special moves, backrounds). Perfect for this type of game. People talk about it getting to crowded on the screen, I have seen nothing of this.
Sound: Custom soundtrack will automaticly get a 5 on sound in my book. But besides that, the taunts are great, shao ting is great, and the soundtrack that comes with the game is great. Punches and kicks sound like they should and I especially love the sound when u dont execute a taunt properly (a donkey noise. its hilarious).
Suggestions: X X BBBB OOO X X


(ya see i took all day to make that!)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2003.

Overall: After reading Stephens (I think it was Stephen) review for KFC I knew this game was going to be simply amazing and my type of game. Now Stephen doesnt hand out 5s easily...so I knew it would be great. Well.....STEPHEN WAS RIGHT! This game kicks major ass. It is very well put together so you are never board of having to just whoop some ninja ass. There is little mini games and missions you have to perform. For instance, You have to save the ugly princess from a bunch of ninja masters and then the next mission you are chucking this princess around trying to knock over ninjas with big stick things! Its a really crazy fun game that will have you laughing and craving more in no time.
Gameplay: This is a great part of the game. The battle engine is great putting together all the combos and is fun. Then all of the modes you can play with friends, alone its all great! Not too mention a bunch of unlcokable goodies.
Graphics: The graphics kick ass. The faces of the characters are awsome and the flow of the moves look wonderful. The envrionments and floors smashing and ninjas flying is great.
Sound: The sound is cool too! You taunt your enemies while knocking them down to gain super moves! Now super moves arnt your average everyday super moves, hehe. These moves fly into the enemies causeing blood splatting but now Im getting into visuals.....anyway the sound of everything is great just I hate the director...so I gave it a 4.5.......great job though!
Suggestions: keep up the awsome work.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Kung Fu Chaos News

Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders Is Coming
Awhile back Microsoft announced Kingdom Under Fire would be coming to Xbox, however everything died after that. Well in a press release today Micosoft re-confirmed Kingdom Under Fire for Xbox.

Kung Fu Chaos Controversy
Creators of Kung Fu Chaos lament raising of racism over campy Xbox game. As a devotee of vintage kung fu movies, Tameem Antoniades wanted to pay homage to the genre - and just have some fun - in making Kung Fu Chaos not controversy

Behold: Kung Fu Chaos
Kung-Fu Chaos Review
Kung Fu Chaos: New Info!
Kung Fu Chaos: Only on Xbox!

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