I just played da demo from da latest OXM magazine disc, and it's da same ol' shiiit.
Da first joint was a classic. Then Pandora came out and all you heard about was da online play. Why? Cause da story/single player mode was da same as da original.

When I got SC:PT I played da story all da way to da train where your holding on under it's bottom while it's moving. Not very deep into da game at all. I just feel asleep on it. It got boring wit da same junk.

Now after giving da demo a try of Chaos Theory it's no different other than visual upgrades. Same sneaking. It's stale.

And after playin da revolutionary Resident Evil 4 on GC I can't turn back. As Capcom so appropriately said it- "EVIL EVOLVED".
Now im not saying Splinter Cell should be like RE4 other than do something different to freshin da series other than it's online play.
I just don't have da desire foe SC anymore.

Anyone feelin me? Am I missin summin?