I love sonic adventures. They are easy but are always fun. I think on dreamcast sonic adventures was better than the second one. Sonic heroes sounds awsome from electronic gaming monthly. I really want it with 12 characters and 14 levels for the four teams and you play as a team all at once in the level. You can select what player you want and the others just follow you from behind. That is a great idea i think. It sounds more challenging so it won't be a couple hour game maybe. I think the teams are awsome except for the team with the alligator ,the bee, and the alian rhino but the rest might be pretty good especially the evil and hero team. I don't know when it is out and i hope that the graphics and gameplay take advantage of the xbox. Is anyone out there a fan of sonic or want this game?

P.S. Is silent hill 3 gonna port over because i want it too. Is there a new hunter reckoning out because it sucks if it is out for ps2 only like alot of others games it seems like.