With the fun Ive been having lately on xbox live with R63 & RTCW I started thinking if it was the BEST times Ive had playig online console games? I have never taken the ps2 online so I only have 2 platforms to base my opinions on. My Xbox & DC.

My #5 choice: Unreal Tournament (DC). Even with the bad framrate problems the game still played fast & fun. Some of the best multiplayer maps Ive played on.

#4 choice: PSO (DC, XBOX). I did get it for both but I got the most out of it on DC. The game was so repetitive but why did it keep calling me back for more? Seeing "Special Weapon" pop up on your screen, thats what! Duping & hacking eventually made me shy away.

#3 choice: NFL2K1 (DC). The game that began it all for Seganet. The gameplay was great. Graphics were great for its time. Finally you can show you really DO kick ass in football. Online leagues were started & helped an already fun game be even better.

#2 choice: Return To Castle Wolfenstien (XBox). The first time I ever saw a Teabag! LMAO. The gameplay was fast & has a strong emphasis on teamwork. Hurt? Ask a medic for health. Out of ammo? " I need, I need, I need ammo". I feel its still the only XBox game that does online play the right way.

#1 choice: Quake 3 Arena (DC). Before that point, FPS were absolutely my LEAST favorite genre. But after playing it online, I was hooked & it made it my fave. The guns were cool, gameplay was fast, you could taunt & you could use mouse & keyboard (if you could get your hands on a mouse). This game gave me the most sleepless nights then all the others. I wish they would port it but I know thats not going to happen.

Im interested to see what games you guys had a blast playing with on your consoles & if you agree with some of my choices.