Which games do you want to see a sequel for? I really want another

Quantum Redshift. That is the fastest, fun, and nicest looking game.

JSRF which i liked on the dreamcast(JEt Grind Radio) and Xbox and would love to see what extra stuff they would add.

It would be cool to see what another Panzer Dragoon Orta would look like for the last one not only looked good and was pretty cool.

Another Blinx might be good if they add more adventure and cooler levels and enemies to it. Also bigger worlds and stuff because the levels were not only hard but kinda boring. The enemies looked more like carnival toys then anything.

Another Metal arms would be cool and would sell more if it was online and stuff IMO

I really like Indiana Jones not only because i liked the movies but the game was really awsome if you look past the glitches.

Those are mainly ones i own or tried and probably will never see a sequel. I don't know how all the games sold except metal arms which is a huge sleeper hit.

Sequels coming out that are going to rock are:
Halo 2
Mechassault 2
Half life 2
RallySport challenge 2
Syberia 2
Otogi 2
Prince of Persia 2
Bloodrayne 2

Other games too are:
Doom 3
Silent Hill 4
Grand theft Auto 5
Timesplitters 3
Burnout 3
Shemnue 3