Interesting read...

Thinking that your average Playstation 2 owner and your average Xbox owner are one-in-the-same? Think again. Phoenix Marketing International has released exclusive new information to FileFront that outlines surprising demographic differences between owners of the two consoles.

In an email to FileFront, PMI Senior Research Manager David Pluchino explained that Xbox owners are more tech savvy than PS2 owners, are more likely to read gaming publications, are more likely to visit gaming web sites, and are more likely to shop at specialty electronic and gaming stores. Alternately, PS2 owners are more female, are slightly younger, and have a higher proportion of minority gamers (i.e., African American and Hispanic).

The simple fact that PS2’s global installed user base of 80 million consoles dwarfs Xbox’s 20 million explains the former’s more expansive, representative audience. Youth-oriented franchises like the EyeToy, dance mat games, and mascot platformers all appear more readily on PS2 than on Xbox. As Mike Dorbrook of Harmonix told FileFront in early January, “I think it’s kind of natural as [PS2] ages and the price goes down that [Sony goes] for a wider and wider distribution.”

Interestingly, console ownership also breaks down geographically. While FileFront was unable to acquire sales statistics as per U.S. region for the two consoles, Pluchino revealed that West Coasters are more likely to own an Xbox than a PS2, while the opposite holds true for East Coasters.

Partially explaining this geographic discrepancy could be Microsoft – and even Nintendo’s – longtime, Washington State-based headquarters.

Ultimately, however, Pluchino sees such demographic differences between Xbox and PS2 owners, as being but one – albeit vital – piece to solving the next-generation puzzle. “I feel it’s all going to come down to marketing (i.e., who knows their market better?),” Pluchino declared.

Microsoft’s recent moves regarding Xbox 2, everything from hyping Xbox Live’s new features, to rumors of the console’s hard drive capabilities, seem to hint at Microsoft embracing the Xbox brand’s popularity in enthusiast and techie circles. And when it comes to videogames, these folks will likely remain the driving demographic for some time.

“In the grand scheme of things, Xbox 2 and PS3 are definitely going to be going after the same market,” Pluchino offered. “Xbox wants to retain their current customers and go after PS2 players, likewise PS2 wants to retain their players and go after Xbox customers.”

Ah, if only it were that simple.

Do you agree?... As for me... not completely.