Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Original Xbox) by Ubi Soft Entertainment

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Xbox) by Ubi Soft Entertainment Box Art


Xbox 360 backwards Compatible Xbox One backwards Compatible


North Amercian Release Date: November 18, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
9.33 / 10

A Splinter Cell,one of the chosen who has the right to murder, spy, and do whatever it takes to keep the country safe. In this game you are a Splinter Cell, and you have the Fifth Freedom. Well this game hasnt really caught my eye up until the last couple of weeks."

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell(tm) will grant players access to the highest echelons of national security, where shadowy operatives have the freedom to do whatever it takes to safeguard America. In Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell(tm), the player controls Sam Fisher, a field operative of a secretive "black-ops" NSA sub-agency called Third Echelon. Sam Fisher is geared up to infiltrate high-security strongholds, seize critical intelligence, destroy threatening data and neutralize the enemy - all without leaving a trace. Developed by Ubi Soft's Montreal Studio, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell(tm), is a unique experience that will have the player thinly skate on the fine line that separates fact from fiction.

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User Reviews

Score: 93
Overall User Average: 9.32 / 10 (93.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.24 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.68 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.31 / 10
Date reviewed: July 25, 2005.

Overall: Splinter Cell pushed the limits of the xbox and the minds of gamers when it first hit shells years ago. You play as the lone agent Sam Fisher working for the US government. As a spy your goal is to destory, infiltrate, kill, and retrieve.
This game is the reason I bought my xbox.
Gameplay: In this 3rd person shooter, you follow the storyline to locations all around the world. Your best weapon - the shadows. Equiped with a full inventory of grenades, spy equipment, and guns, your goal is to finish your mission at all costs - oh and dont get caught.
Graphics: The graphics in SC are beautiful. The detail and variety of the locations is amazing. The lighting effects work well to.
Sound: The music plays out well. Louder when you have been detected, and quiet as you sneak unnoticed. The sound effects and voice acting are thumbs up as well.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: June 3, 2005.

Overall: Clearly taking it's premise from the PS classic (or it made it famous anyway) Medal Gear Solid, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell is another winner for Tom Clancy and Ubisoft. This game provided a solid few days of stealthy entertainment, something not before experienced on the XBOX.
Gameplay: The whole idea of staying quiet, in the dark, and out of sight makes for fun gameplay... prehaps a bit tedious at times, but it doesn't take long to figure out patterns of guards / alarms. The objectives get progressively more challenging, but in the end the game is only a once play-through.. which makes this only a top of the line rental.. never something I would consider buying.
Graphics: As always, Ubisoft provides us with above average, almost excellent visuals. Everything is pretty much seamless despite some pop-in and frame rate problems (though that could have been my slowly dying system). It's good to see that a game with such a good premise wasn't stricken with below average visuals.
Sound: The sound, as with all Tom Clancy games, is top of the line. The footsteps (on multiple different surfaces) are bang on.. the guns (though you rarely use them) sound perfect.. and the voice acting is also top notch. Ubi always goes all out with their sound quality.. not a single problem with it. Perfection.
Suggestions: Only suggestion would be more levels.. really can't improve on this at the time of its development. Thanks for the sequels.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 24, 2005.

Overall: A great stealth game...not only action packed, some quick thinking, creativity and patience involved, but also some very timely political and world events/themes for all those poli sci or history buffs out there...overall a great one, albeit not for the impatient.
Gameplay: A good mix of assisination, espionage, stealth, evasion and down right snooping and cloak and dagger type stuff to keep stealth fans happy and those shoot first, shoot again and try to ask some questions types wondering why they keep getting their heads handed to them. All the gadgets and high tech environments keep you drooling and happy for modern times and inventions.
Graphics: While not as shining now, we will consider the time of its release...which is to say it still holds up very well and modes like NVG and Thermal are done well and levels, enemies, weapons, vehicles and objects done great.
Sound: From the heatbeat of Sam and the almost silent shot of your SC-20K as you counter snipe a terrorist soldier, walking on broken glass, using a laser mike, intercepted radio transmissions, foreign enemy accents...all great, even the unnerving and oft annoying sound of alarms or getting caught.
Suggestions: Great stealth action title, will soon start Pandora Tommorow and will be onto Chaos Theory after that...any thoughts or brining Sam Fisher to Xbox 2...please say yes Ubisoft, and keep dominating the gaming landscape.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 6, 2004.

Overall: a great game... but is let down by its lack of replayability...may games owe their popularity to this definitive stealth title.
Gameplay: the original SC really set the standard for the stealth experieance... with moves, manouvers and tense gripping gameplay, SC can guarantee you may hours of stealthy action.
Graphics: with pumped up graphics for the xbox SC treats you to some really great eye-candy... SC still holds up today as a really great looking title.
Sound: sound is your friend in a stealth game, you can use it to your advantage to distract an enemy, use it to find a way through, or use it to locate an enemy... SC used audio in a completly innovative way... the audio quality was great, sounds were very detailed, and gave a great environmental impression.
Suggestions: split screen

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 25, 2004.

Overall: One of the top three games out for XBOX in the year 2004. A must for your collection. Awesome stealth action game.
Gameplay: Very dynamic and immersive game. You play out a Tom Clancy style plot. Very cinematic feel which immerses you in to the game.
Graphics: Innovative visuals that surpasses all other games at the time of it's release. The lighting effects are magnificent!
Sound: Excellent sound in general. The dialogue is especially good. They got a somewhat known actor (Michael Ironside) to do Sam's voice overs.
Suggestions: Ubisoft rocks! Keep up the good work.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 21, 2004.

Overall: This game has a great everything; it has a great storyline and graphics as well as other things, which make a game great. The Story line (for example), this must have been well thought out and worked on, and worked on. A mission, which only gets harder, but well worth the challenge. Starting from mission 1 (police station, which is not including the training level) All the way to the last mission (Presidential Palace, not including downloaded levels) the games suspense becomes greater. This is by far the best stealth game and the best action/suspense game. Tom Clancy?s chain of games is very lucky to have this game on its list, to the designers well done.
Gameplay: The game play had some very great aspects, for example almost anything possible that you could do, it was available on this game. This game is jam-packed with greatness, and is by far my favorite Tom Clancy game made. The graphics and sound blend together to make a great atmosphere of game play. I spent various hours on this game, and am sincerely awaiting Pandora Tomorrow (the sequel) because of what I have seen on this game. This game?s defiantly been researched to be very realistic, and descriptive. This game is good for a few moths or so, then stop for a while, then to pick up the game and run through once more.
Graphics: The visual aspects of this game are great and hard to beat. The ability to change your view quickly with your joystick brings various life-like features to the game. The uniform of Sam Fisher (Main Character) seem to be just like what a spy might wear in the force. The visual aid of what is going on shows the realistic gaming factor to make an elite game. In the darkness, you are able to turn on your night vision and see what is going on, and for other occasions you are able to use your thermal vision, for example in the level Abattoir you use your thermal vision to dodge through mines on the ground which are only visible with the thermal vision.
Sound: The sound on this game leaves you on the edge of your seat with the suspenseful music going on when you don?t know what is going to happen next. Even when you are in a big battle with one of the main guys, or groups of people, the music turns to fast, ?what?s gonna happen?? type music. The game?s sound has more than just game music, it also has the character movement sounds. Depending on how you are walking (Crouched slow, crouched fast, straight up slow, or straight up fast) there are different sounds. And also depending on what kind of ground you are walking on (carpet, pavement, etc. etc.) the sounds are different. This game would be nothing with out the sound, and it?s a really great feature to the game.
Suggestions: Yes, Defiantly get a multi-player system, and work on some different type of levels (setting) such as parachuting form an airplane.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 15, 2004.

Overall: This is one of the better Xbox games in my opinion. It has game play that will hold you in for hours and graphics to keep you drooling the entire time. One of the most enjoyable parts of the game for me has been working through each level slowly, trying to be as stealthy as I can. I try to make it though without shooting anyone and without getting shot, I feel when you honestly try to play the game in this way it makes it much more of a challenge. This game overall gets a 5.0 in my book because it is amazing on several different areas (graphics, game play, even the sound is rich).
Gameplay: The game play in this game is incredible. When you have to sneak though a room, in the shadows without being heard or seen it can present quite the challenge (even more so with the difficulty set up higher). Then as you are sneaking though the dark depths of the levels you have to watch out for all the cameras that can also give your position away. The use of keypads in this game is genius. With some you have to flip on your thermal vision and you are then able to read the heat signatures on the buttons where others have touched before. With others still you must grab your unsuspecting enemy by the throat and force the codes out of him. Retinal scanners are also enjoyable, nothing quite like forcing someone?s eye to the machine to make them open doors for you :). One of my favorite aspects of the game has to be the split jump. Sam Fisher has the ability to jump up and do the splits between walls. So there you are, looming high above your rival, you can either a)shoot him (fun)or b) drop down on his head and knock him out (very satisfying). Either way, you?re going to have some fun :).
Graphics: The visuals on this game are unmatched by most Xbox games. The physics and lighting in this game are some of the best that I have encountered. For example, you are in a dark heating duct above a highly illuminated room and you look forward to where the vent allows air to flow into the room, it is in situation like this where you can actually see beams of light emerging from the slits in the vent (very satisfying). Another very enjoyable visual is when you walk through something with a likeness to sheets that have been draped from the ceiling they flow out from your body like they would in the real world (also very enjoyable). Basically you have to see to believe with the visuals as they are truly amazing.
Sound: The sound in this game is unmatched by any Xbox game that I have played. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful surround sound system and get to hear all the small details that were put into the sound of this game. It is a true tribute to UbiSoft's toils over this game to listen to the differences of walking on wood, metal, carpet, broken glass, ect... Not to mention that the game realizes which of the material is louder. This makes it so you have to be much stealthier while walking on something like broken glass whereas you could move quicker and still not be heard on material like carpet.
Suggestions: Good luck on the next splinter cell. UbiSoft you have been doing a great job with your games as of late and I am very impressed. Just remember, Xbox Live improves the quality of every game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 14, 2004.

Overall: This game has it all! There are many missions to go through, and its a lot of fun solving the "puzzles". You wont beat this game too fast! Although because of all the weapons, tools, abilities, actions etc... it does get a bit confusing.
Gameplay: There are a vast variety of missions to go through. Most of these require combat tactics, and head on thinking. Also the many variety of weapons are nice too. Although because of all the features, it may get confusing throughout some parts of the game.
Graphics: Visually this game was great! All the characters had the finest of detail, and so did the settings, and bases. I also liked how the lighting played a key in the game.
Sound: The sound was not all that great. Although the weapons seemed to make different sounds, and the sound that your character makes also played a key in the game (as well as missions).
Suggestions: Make this available for live, with modes like capture the flag, and capture the enemies base.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 30, 2003.

Overall: Before even thinking of this game ask yourself a question: "Do I like stealth action games?" If the answer is Yes, ask yourself "Am I able to take a mission in my hands and make my way in and out of the enemy line?" if the answer is affirmative again then you will love this title.
You are this ex Navy SEAL, ex-CIA and sutff like that which has been called for a mission to stop a wave of technological and political terrorism caused by some Nikoladze guy who demands political power at any costs.
If you expect this to be just like MGS then you will get killed many times, this game doesn´t tell you what to do exactly you are given the tools and the abilities to do your job, the way you do it is your decision.
A wise thing to do is to hide if you are outnumbered, run in order to make it a one-on-one or practice your sniping skills to take them out as flies and always use all the opportunities you are given.
And if the answer to first question was No, get out of this game profile you are just wasting your time.
Gameplay: The game starts off smooth the controls are simple and the gameplay is cool, although you have to have experience with this kind of games cause checkpoints are a bit too far one from another so you could get stuck in some parts. It would have been cool to have Live on it like some guys are the terrorists and one or two guys are Splinter Cells trying to enter their bunker, but oh well.

Graphics: It´s not the real life but in matters of Xbox games it is definetly the best.
The shadows and the light really blend into the environment and make it feel real except for some glitches.
Sound: The opening music and the video is just what I expected from a great title like this. The music is a great help when you can´t see the enemy and it makes things more dramatic, maybe if you could put your own music this game would own but then you might set up the wrong tracks and spoil the whole feature, so I dont whine.
Suggestions: Multiplayer, More videos of Sam and maybe a feature to edit Sam´s look would be fine.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 30, 2003.

Overall: Overall, a great game. I doubt I've even gotten half way through the game and it is already a good game. My only complaint is that there isn't enough ammunition throughout the levels.
Gameplay: The gameplay is simple: Don't get caught. Hide in the shadows, interrogate suspects, sneak up on people, overall fabulous idea. The fabulous idea was carried out to near perfection.
Graphics: The visuals for this game were amazing. Notice how this game was ported FROM xbox, not TO xbox. Lots of difference in the graphics when that happens.
Sound: Yeah not much sound. I guess "espionage" music in the background, if there really is such a thing as espionage music.
Suggestions: Make the game co-op, and put more ammunition in the levels.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: Better have some patience for this one! Visually, it is superior to anything I have seen to date and the story is pretty good to. Just be able to put in the time if you are going to get this because it can be really frustrating to have to go through many iterations of one level.
Gameplay: As far as the character movement goes and so on it is great! The inability to save when I like is L-O-U-S-Y! Go back to my first comment on not being able to save when the player wants. Frustration builds quickly for minor mistakes and gets old.
Graphics: The best ever to date in my opinion. There is not much more that can be done to improve this. Ubisoft has really done a great job with the engine they used to develop this game with. Just unbelievable. My wife watched it for a while and said it was like watching a movie.
Sound: Really good as well. Surround sound is a real plus as are character sounds and environmental sounds also. Not much else to do here to improve. The music that is in the background is excellent and fits the game perfectly.
Suggestions: More ammunition - I know it's stealth but give me the option please. A little less penal on some mission aspects would be acceptable also. I get the feeling I am following a series of modern "if-then" statements to complete a level. It needs to be more free form in that regard. ALLOW US TO SAVE WHEN WE WANT TO! This is a must and is hurting your overall scores.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 27, 2003.

Overall: It starts off good but has no replay-ability. I found myself playing a level then waiting a mounth to play the next. Also it missed multiplayer, the absence of these things ruinned the game.
Gameplay: This is really good but it only is fun for 2 hours than you realize the only thing your doing is walking pressing the trigger hiding the body than walking some more.
Graphics: It's quite good but the only thing is the realistic lighting is sometime there not always there. Besides thaqt its quite good.
Sound: This is excellent. You can hear even the slightest crackle of fire and the sound of tiny footsteps. (When you walk slower)
Suggestions: Make the sequel nothing like this and then you'll have a good game.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 26, 2003.

Overall: Splinter Cell is not a game for everybody. Most "casual" gamers don't enjoy playing stealth games and go for all out action. The stealth genre has not got a great deal of members and the two most popular competitors are Splinter Cell And Metal Gear. Splinter Cell is by far the better of the two without having to wait through enormous hour long cutscenes to keep up with a story line that constantly reminds you that you are playing a video game. Splinter cell is a realsitic game where you take the role of Sam Fisher a veteran spy that has a wide variety of stealth moves and gadgets shadow is your only ally on the field and this makes the game both tense and exiting.
Gameplay: Slinter Cell is based around stealth and anybody not interested in the genre should back away now as action and shooting is very rare. Shadows are the only way to get past the enemy and if you are sighted it is often just a case of waiting for your death. Instead of going into a first person view whilst aiming Splinter Cell uses a clever technique of looking over Sam's shoulder, another thing different is your aiming abilities, Sam doesn't shoot directly in the centre of the aiming icon making it very tense as missing may be the last thing you do. Sam uses gadgets, stealth and tactics to get past the enemy and this game is a must for hardcore gamers that are good at every game this is one that won't be too easy! The one bad point is that when you die you have to go back a long way due to the in frequent checkpoints this a very frustrating thing that can often result in you taking a long break so that you don't have to do th same thing yet again. Aside from this Splinter Cell is a great game!
Graphics: Shadow and lighting is perfect, faces look real and the great graphics make this feel like an even more realistic game. One of the greatest games for graphics out today if not the greatest!
Sound: There is nothing wrong with the sound at all. Tense music plays constantly and when it changes your heart skips a beat as you know somebody has spotted you. Footsteps grow louder as the distance between you and the enemy grows shorter and this makes you almost as fearful as you would be in reality. 1st class!
Suggestions: Make the sequel have quick saves and multiplayer.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 24, 2003.

Overall: This game was nothing special at all, gameplay was very bland and annoying. Graphics were crisp, sound was alright. I would have to say though if your looking for a stealth game, buy metal gear instead, much better.
Gameplay: This game has no replay value at all, story is very linear, no action unless u go looking for it. If you just happen to get lucky and find some action, good luck hitting anything but air. Also I find it hard to believe that you can hide from someone when they are 2 feet away from you regardless of the lighting, even when you have 3 glowing lights on your head, plus a light on your back. You can in this game though.
Graphics: This game has very nice graphics, some of the best i've seen to date. A little blurry in some points, with the light on your back.
Sound: This game has nothing really to offer with sound. The voice acting is sub-par, and the only real sound are the ordinary such as walking, shooting etc.
Suggestions: Yes make a good game next time, like ghost recon. And please don't delete my review this time, i have a right to express my view of the game even if it does conflict with 99% of the people who have an xbox.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: December 24, 2003.

Overall: You all know about this game. It's a stealth style, metal gear solid kinda game, except without the flaws, hehe.
Gameplay: Man this game is frustrating to a degree. The learning curve takes a while, not to actually learn the controls or anythign but to learn how important it is to do everything precise and accurately, or it will hurt u later in the mission. One pooly hidden body at the begginging may screw u over at the end, and u won't understand why an alarm goes off all of a sudden near the end. Though the bottom line is, this game is very fun.
Graphics: Graphics weren't what I expected. It's odd in some angles some things look kinda off, like the objects in the room and whatever. NO complaints really though, the characters, and backgrounds are awesome. The light and shadow effects are sweet too.
Sound: Sound effects were good. The music was very suiting as well. Set the mood nicely. NO complaints with the sound effects, or much else in this game.
Suggestions: Yea for the most part, the map kinda is useless. Luckily it's not really necessary, but if u r gonna have it, make it good. Secondly is, if an alarm goes off because a body was found, cut to a video clip where they find the body, so u know what the problem was and don't have to start the level over again.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 24, 2003.

Overall: Is this the most over-rated game ever to be released. Don't get me wrong, it is a good game but not great.
Gameplay: The controls are ok, just don't be in a hurry to do anything as you have to use a menu-driven system to control many of Sam's actions. It is not a natural control system which is the bigest flaw of the game.
Graphics: The game looks good to the casual viewer, but not as smooth as it could be. The 3D is not awesome but it is better than many and the textures are very good. Some of Sam's animations are excellent but when he changes from one action to another it is not always smooth.
Sound: It is a stealthy game by nature, so it stands to reason that the sound is minimal, but it does the job required. This is difficault to rate as there is not a great deal of content to work with, but what is there is fine.
Suggestions: An original concept which works quite well, but a better control system could have mmade this game as great as the hype that surrounds it.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Hard Boiled Cop
Date reviewed: December 24, 2003.

Overall: The plot is great. The gameplay is great. The sound wasn't that good. The visuals were excellent and the plot is one of the most realistic story ever told. Much better than Metal Gear Solid 2. The AI seems a bit bland. They're not so smart.
Gameplay: The gameplay is smooth and feels great to play. The controls are simple. Much simplier than Hitman 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2 combined.
Graphics: The visuals are magnificent. The use of light and shadow effects come into really good use either to look at or to use to overcome a situation. The character animations looks great. The use of different scenery makes it brilliant game to look at and move around in. It avoids repetition.
Sound: It does have some rubbish sounds or sounds doesn't even sound realistic. A big let down, thats all I can say. Some sound effects however are brilliant. The running on gravel sound was excellent and one of the most realistic sound in any game.
Suggestions: Better sounds please.
Better AI please.
More levels please.
Congratualtions on this fantastic, nigh perfect looking game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 22, 2003.

Overall: great, super, fun, addictive, very sleek and cool. has its flaws, and some are pretty disappointing. fortunately, the stealth genre is an idea whose time is approaching, and splinter cell has the heart and spirit to be it's flagship title. replay value is a problem, ubisoft cannot come out with downloadable content soon enough. an echelon above metal gear solid 2, and 95% of all other games.
Gameplay: the style and ambiance mesh with the physical controls flawlessly. a little linear, but not at all boring first time through. not an easy game, so can get frustrating for softcore gamers. enemy ai could be enhanced, but that'll be the case for a long time in this genre.
Graphics: the realistic, dark political intrigue style mixed with merciless stealth action is too sweet. beautiful graphics, has some rough edges.
Sound: honestly, sound could be better. bad guys need to have more credible soundclips... they can only say variations of "where'd he go" in so many ways before it becomes unrealistic. also footsteps, breathing, etc, need to be more realistic. the more subtle sounds should play a bigger role. and the voice-acting has to be more believable.
Suggestions: just enhance this version in every conceivable way for the sequel, or some other game will... splinter cell is a great game, but it's more of a prototype of things to come in my opinion.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: This game is a technical masterpiece, but from a subjective point of view, is not that fun. I dont feel any desire to buy this game. A lot of that has to do with the theme. "secret operative" games like MGS just aren't thrilling. There's not much character devlopment.
Gameplay: The game itself is well thought out, but is a little bit slow paced. The controls are fine but switching items is not fast. I really hate the palm pilot menus. There is not enough contrast to read them. It is grey letters on a grey background.
Graphics: One word: lighting. The lighting and shadows are soo cool this could be played on a black and white tv and still get 5/5 for graphics. This is best part of the game.
Sound: nice sound

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: Splinter Cell is surely a MUST. The game is really exciting from the begining to the end. The only reason for me not giving it a 5 is that the replayability is not very high.
Gameplay: The controls are good, it's quite simple to get use to them, and it was never a real issue to mix them up at the beginning. You can quite easily select items from your equipment. Regarding the action in the game, sometimes you may find it hard to believe that Sammy remains unseen while standing on what appears to been a very well enlighted spot :-) but...maybe the bad guy had been drinking too much that time. It would have been intresting (and more realistic) if the ennemies have been using lights when exploring the shadowed places (I mean what kind of idiot goes straight into the darkened corners of a room when the lights are mysteriously shattering around. Otherwise the difficulty is well balanced and increased along the game.
Graphics: This is far the best part of the game. From the first screens, you will see that everything is depending on light and shadows. Sam fisher moves around very fluently and has complete set of moves that are very realistically captured. Overall the characters and missions are well designed and textured. Nice work!
Sound: The sounds are also very good. The baddies voices could have been more 'personal'. The background music feets the action well.
Suggestions: I want more replayability...AI could be improved

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Xbox Game of the year, no doubt! You're Sam Fisher, an ex-navy SEAL. While you're out fishing with your daughter some government agence pulls up next to you in a nuclear sub...yes a nuclear submarine, I didn't studder...You're given the down low on the situation, apparently a couple of other agents for the CIA or something like that(they mention alot of government agencies I've never heard of before) that were captured and killed while doing some spy work on a base in the country of Georgia. You've got to find out what happened to them and then fun ensues as you have to go after the higher ups.
Alot of the story makes sense and alot of it doesn't, atleast its a relieving change from MGS2 since you won't find anyone with a magic bullet shield or a vampire in this one. But since when has a story been important in an action game right? Just know its there and its good if you care even though some of it doesn't make sense...

Gameplay: I love all the different ways to beat this game. Killing your enemies is interesting if you decide to be stealthy because you can use the shadows to aid you in sneaking up behind them then grabbing them and hitting them on the head and knocking them out, they might as well be dead though since they never get up. Ofcourse, you could always just shoot them. The shooting is like any realistic shooter, moving affects your aiming and your stance affects it too, mimmicking real life. Unfortunately, so the game would keep a T-rating, there is no blood! So when you blow that guys brains out he doesn't have blood come out which isn't very realistic because if it was klam, hybrid, and bone would all have disappeared without a drop of blood because I would have killed them execution style and buried them in the woods just because I feel like it. J/K fellas. Back to the game. Considering the realism of most of the game no blood really does take away from the affect of it being real but you get past it and don't even think of it. A cool feature is that when you kill someone you have to hide their bodies in the shadows or somewhere out of sight otherwise an alarm will be raised.

Graphics: Graphically stunning. I am in awe of this game. The best graphics I have ever seen in a video game, bar none. Ubi Soft deserves about 1000000 thumbs up for all the work they put into the graphics on this game. I remember first seeing my shadow, and I was seriously thinking, "is that real?" One word sums up the graphics on splinter cell: WoW!
Sound: Splinter Cell is mostly about sound. If you're too loud then you're going to be heard. Your foot steps are affected by the ground you're walking on. For instance, metal stairs have that loud clangy noise, wooden floors have a hollow sound. Carpet and cement make very little noise. Be silent or be killed.
Suggestions: I hear the next one will have online play and multiplayer. Ubi Soft you are GOD!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: One of the best Xbox games to day providing an interesting storyline with some of the best steath gameplay I've ever had the priveledge to come across.
Gameplay: The controls are great, following a similar scheme to most Xbox action games. The gaming experience this game provides is second to none. The feeling one gets from slowly creeping out of the shadows and choosing a moment to strike is enough to make even the most critical gamer need a new change of underwear
Graphics: You know, attempting to describe the visuals in this game without using noises that, if spelled out, contain very few vowels, is next to impossible. So let me just break it down for you. They're very very good.
Sound: Again, excellent. The sound effects from the AI and Sam alike walking on different surfaces are very true to life. All the environment sounds are true to life, as far as I can tell. Plus, Name of the Game is a kick !&%$@#* song
Suggestions: More of the same :)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: One of the best games I've ever played. Period. I'd be interested to see how good it looks on a beefed up computer, because it looks beautiful on the Xbox hardware. This game certainly helped Microsoft sell some consoles.
Gameplay: The stealth action is this is great. It's challenging without being impossible, a real treat for gamers who hate easy games. Taking out guards and enemies without firing a shot is great, though there could have been a little more gunplay. Also, it would be preferable to be able to save whenever you want, but that can be dealt with.
Graphics: The visuals in this game are absolutely amazing. This is one of the most beautiful games you'll seen on any platform, including the PC. The different vision modes work well and the shadows are very cool looking.
Sound: The use of sound is done very well. When you throw that can to distract the enemy, it sounds like a can bouncing along the street. The weapons all are very accurate as well.
Suggestions: I would say Live support, but I'm not sure how you could pull it off. Guess we'll see in SC2.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: After playing this game for just a few hours, I'm officially sick of it. Every time you make the tiniest mistake you have to go back to the last checkpoint and do everything all over again. And no you don't have a choice about how you play this game, if you go around shooting everybosy you run out of bullets in no time and then you're screwed. Would it really hurt to leave some bullets lying around or let me pick up the gun of the hapless guard I've just knocked out? But I could handle all that if it would just let me save whenever I wanted, or at least let me save more than once at a checkpoint. In one case I hadn't hidden all the guards I knocked out properly and go to the next checkpoint, I spent the next 2 hours running back through the buliding to hide everybody over and over again before I could even try to pass the next objective, make some tiny mistake, reload, run back through the building to hide everybody, make some tiny mistake, until I was pretty much ready to punch the TV.
Gameplay: Other than the saving issue, they did pretty much everything else right in this game. The only complaints about the gameplay would be that there should be more supplies available. It seems weird that you're infiltrating a police station and can't find a single clip of bullets.
Graphics: The graphics in this game are amazing. It should get an award for lighting effects alone, but seeing a curtain flutter as you brush it with your shoulder is pretty !&%$@#* cool too.
Sound: I didn't really notice the sound much so it wasn't really mind blowing, but it bad either. Pretty much what I'd expect from this type of game.
Suggestions: Use the xbox hard drive and let me save whenever I want

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Splinter Cell is a near perfect game with perfect visuals that definately merits a 5 out of 5 score.

Gameplay: The control scheme works beautifully. After a few levels it becomes very natural and you can do things without thinking about it. I found almost more fun to play the 2nd time as there are many different ways to accomplish the goals. I have two minor beefs with Splinter Cell. First off, there is no way to skip some in game dialogue or cut scenes, which occassionally gets really old if you have to play the part over and over. Secondly, I wish there were unlimited save spots instead of only three. But, those are very minor gripes to an otherwise perfect game. One last thing, I read an earlier review that complained about not having enough ammo or not being able to pick up other guards guns. I have to disagree with this. Half of the fun is trying NOT to kill the guards. Unlimited ammo would suck the fun out of this game. And as a trained CIA agent, Fisher would never trust somebody else's gun. It makes more sense for him to stick with his own equipment that he knows and trusts.
Graphics: Perhaps the best visuals ever seen on a console (DOAXVB and Halo are also right up there). As countless others have said here...the lighting effects have to be seen to be believed. The textures are amazing. The diverse settings are tremendous. There are just not enough words to descrive the visuals. I would give it a 6 out of 5 if I could.
Sound: The Dolby 5.1 is as good as it gets. You can hear where guards are by listening to the speakers. The sounds are clear crisp distinct and the use of the 5.1 is excellent. On a slight downside, the music isn't much to speak of. I love the opening theme, but the in game music (when a guard is alerted) gets a little old after the 500th time. But, overall the good far outwiegh any negatives.
Suggestions: Be able to skip cut scenes. More than three save games. Put it out for PS2, so all the PS2 fanboys can see how much there system sucks compared to the 'box.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Overall, its a great game. Near perfect. Sound, graphics, gameplay, story, etc...all very well done. However, there are some little bits of negativity that bring the game down slightly...but it's still good enough to give it a 5.
Gameplay: The gameplay is probably the worst part of the game...not that its bad, its just that the trial and error style can become frustrating and somewhat annoying when you do not know what to do. But after you do go through the levels, you can play them over again, which is a good thing since the game is probably more fun the second and third and fourth times around. The replay value is very good, with alot of different ways to interact with characters, etc. You can sheak past them, go on a shooting spree, play games with them, or forcefully throw a glass bottle at their head.
Graphics: Graphics are great...but not perfect. Character animations are all good except for walking up steps, which they seem to glide over instead of walk. Some textures seem a bit blurry, but it is only noticable form close up most of the time. The lighting effects are phenominal, especially when reflecting off metal surfaces in low light. Despite the great visual presentation, the character animation for walking up steps annoys me, as do the semi-blurry textures...and that does not make them perfect.
Sound: The sound is the best part of the game. Everything comes together to create a realistic experience.
Suggestions: Save-anywhere feature would be welcome...more interaction with corpses, have ko'ed people wake up on their own over time...more accurate pistol (sometimes it can be off for no reason at all)...and fix the walking up the steps.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Second best game ever for the XBOX (Halo duh). The only possible gripe is that it was too short. Buy this game (on XBOX), you will not regret it!
Gameplay: This game will have you walking from shadow to shadow in real life! Truthfully, while I was playing this game, I would walk around during the day imagining a photometer in my HUD! Being able to shoot on the run would have been an improvement though.
Graphics: Perfect. I honestly don't know how it could be much better. The attention to detail is incredible.
Sound: This game makes good use of my 5.1 system and the sound actually ties in as a game play element. For instance, if your sneaking somewhere, you had better pay attention to how much noise you are making!
Suggestions: Hurry up with the add on missions. For the sequel, I want to be able to move when I fire.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Outstanding game, I love stealth games and this is the absolute best one yet. The graphics and sound are fantastic, if you haven't tried it yet it's definatley worth your time.
Gameplay: The moves on this game are extremely stealthy, I'd like to have seen more stealth moves and somewhat better camera angling.Ohter than thet the gameplay is excellent.
Graphics: Graphics ar feantastic, Camera angling is a little tough, would have liked to have more ability to see around corners.
Sound: Sound excellent, there is not much more you can say about that.Sounds awsome on a surround system if you have one makes you feel like your really in the game.
Suggestions: better camera angling, and definatly looking forward to a sequel.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 14, 2003.

Overall: I'm one of those people you hear about in reviews about this type of game - "You either love it or hate it." I'm the hate it guy. It's something about the creeping around and the strictness of the game that really turned me off. I can see why some people love it, but it's really a matter of taste. All in all, it's a decent game even for those who hate the genre, but for those who love it, it can really be a treat. With great graphics, great sounds and relatively sucky gameplay (judged subjectively) - I'll give it an overll 3.5.
Gameplay: Creep, creep, creep. Stalk, stalk, stalk. Kill, kill, kill. Well - erase the latter and you've got Splinter Cell. This game requires either tremendous skill or incredible patience. Unfortunately I lack both of these, (at least at this type of games). Basically, the game is very diverse, but the actual following out of the missions is repetitive. All you have to do is creep around, if you love your games action-packed like Halo, stay AWAY from this game. On the other hand, if your a man of patience and you'd give anything to pass a mission without killing anything, shooting or making any noise - buy this game now. The controls are tight, and really give you a good feel of the game, if you have good control over your left thumb, your good - since it controls the speed you walk in. Oh, and be prepared to be crouching for the uh... ENTIRE GAME.
Graphics: Amazing lighthing, I can't even picture this on the PS2. I guess they'd have to dumb it down incredibly so it'd fit, either that or the PS2 has a steady FPS rate of 2. The models are flawless, and the lighthing is very realistic. What else could you expect from a Tom Clancy/Ubisoft game? There are times in which you'll catch Sam Fisher floating above the stairs, but take that away and you have amazing graphics. To me, one of the best highlights of the game.
Sound: They did something right here, the voice acting is superb - even though the guards can get repetitive. If your lucky enough to have Dolby Digital 5.1, your lucky. You can hear footsteps all around you, and you can hear the type of floor your walking on. Basically, you could blindfold yourself and run on the ground and you could tell if it was grass or wood or asphalt. Great sounds.
Suggestions: Make the game a little more diverse, I'm sick of creeping and it's not for everybody. Even though the feel of it is great, and you might want to keep the atmosphere as it is, please add some more action and less suspense.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

No Fear 23
Date reviewed: December 13, 2003.

Overall: ok, after finally finishing this game (i've been putting this off and on for a while bc of xbl) i decided to write a review. anyway, im impressed with the gameply and grahpics. however, at some parts were kinda tough to get through, but thats what i like, a challenged game :). This game is also one of my favorites, but however, i may have to trade this in since its not live, which makes it hard for me to find time to play non-live games.
Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty simple. the controlls sets up nicely as well as the camera angles. i love the moves sam fisher pulls off. when he dangles over an edge or climbs, every move is so realistic. So, the story line, its pretty interesting, ur basically a spy trying to steal secrets and find out what they bad guys are planning on. overall, i had fun with the gameplay bc it made me want to come back and finish it.
Graphics: what can i say? the visual effects in the game is probably one of the best, if not, the best looking game on xbox to date. the animation of the people in this game really brings out the graphics. it just draws you into the game environment.
Sound: the sound description is pretty awesome. u can hear the glass bottles breaking as u throw them or footsteps as u run or land hard onto the ground. ubi did a good job on the sound in this game
Suggestions: nothing i can think of, but some multiplayer and live, which is what pandora tomorrow is for. im def gonna get pandora tomorrow when it comes out.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell News

Splinter Cell Xbox Missions
Ubisoft let us know that two new missions for the Xbox version of Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell have been released and are available for download via Xbox Live.

New Splinter Cell in 2004
Ubi Soft Entertainment confirms the next Splinter Cell installment: Pandora Tomorrow!

Splinter Cell 2?...Ghost Recon 2?
In a financial results report from Ubisoft some possible new titles were revealed.

UbiSoft Ranks High!
According to the latest ACNielsen Canadian* market research for the video game industry in the year 2002, Ubi Soft Canada is proud to announce that it has reached the number 6 position for independent video game publishers across Canada

Downloadable Mission For Splinter Cell
Ubi Soft’s Sales Up Due To Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell PC Demo Available
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Splinter Cell For The Holidays
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